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Chapter 57:

Avni finish her kitchen work Shweta didn't let her to do much work because she know Neil needs her and she also take care of him so Shweta didn't put the burden on her avni keeps the dishes on the tray and went to her room she saw Neil is lost in his thoughts avni understand his condition she understand he is feeling bore by sitting at one place but she can't do anything she wanted to take him outside but she can't because doctor prohibited Neil from bending his knee so how he sit on the wheel chair and walking is far away avni smiles and came in the room because she knew her smile is his strength Neil saw her and smiles avni keep the tray in front of him and sits.

Avni: lunch time.

Neil smiles avni feed him and have the lunch.

Then she came back after keeping the vessel in the kitchen and sit on the bed.

Avni: feeling bore.

Neil smiles.

Neil: who don't feel bore by sitting at one place.

Avni: everything will be fine soon.

Neil: yaa.

He was silent.

Avni: Neil you went for studies to London right?

Neil nods but was confused.

Neil: then tell me about London.

Neil smiles he understand she is trying to cheer up him and it's a trick which elders play with kids to divert their mind she never did that in her life because she was a reserved girl and spent most of the time in her room she didn't have much friends so she don't know how to cheer up people but Neil was happy atleast she is trying.

Neil: avni bring my laptop there are many pics of there.

Avni smiles.

Avni: ok.

Avni brought his laptop and keep that on her lap Neil told her to open the folder he told her the stories related to pics and told her about his friends they were smiling avni saw his pics with girls and get jealous Neil while talking look at her and frown because she was jealous Neil look at the pictures and saw his group picture and he was standing close to a girl in a friendly way Neil smiles and stretch his neck and look at avni she looks away and don't know that Neil is looking at her Neil smiles.

Neil: avni next.

Avni nods and change the picture Neil widen his eyes to see his and a girl pic in which his hand was on her waist it's like he is hugging her he look at avni who's nose and cheeks were red because of anger Neil think.

Neil: she is jazz I mean jasika we call her jazz she is a sweet heart.

Avni in mind: sweet heart my foot shameless how can she stand like this with a guy.

Neil: you know avni she had a crush on me she even proposed me.

Avni look at neil and he shocked then he smiles.

Neil: yaa and you know she was the crush of our half class but her heart came on me.

Avni looks away Neil smiles and moves slightly to her ear as much as he can he whispers which make avni's heartbeat uneven.

Neil: but I refused her because I never felt that connection with her which I felt with you.

Avni cheeks were still red but now they were red because of blush Neil smiles and went back.

Neil: avni.

She turns to him.

Neil: avni I only love you you are my first love No one was before you and now no one can take your place not in my heart nor in my life.

Avni smiles and think.

Avni in mind: why I felt that pain to see him with that girl I i was feeling  jealous but why I never feel like before then why I feel this pain today.

Neil: avni if you want you can delete these pictures but trust me that was a friendly hug not more than that.

Avni look at him and feels bad for doubting his love but she didn't doubt his love it was just her thinking and she is still unaware of her feelings.

Neil: ok give it to me I do that.

Neil hold the laptop with his right hand but avni stop him by holding the laptop.

Avni: no.

Neil look at her.

Avni: no need of it I trust you and she is your friend how can you delete your friend's picture.

Neil: but you are not liking it.

Avni remain silent because she always thought how Neil understands her every time.

Neil: I know you are not liking it and nothing is more important than you.

Avni: I am sorry Neil I overreacted actually I never saw you like this with girls so that was a shock for me nothing else.

Neil: that means you was jealous with her.

Avni widen her eyes because Neil  caught her.

Avni: ab aa aa n no why why would I?

Neil: don't lie avni you was jealous that was clearly shown at your face.

Avni was looking at him.

Neil: but I really like it I am loving your this jealous side.

Avni blush and looks down Neil smiles.

Avni: ab now take rest you are sitting since long time.

Neil: is it sitting?

Neil was laying by resting his back to board of the bed.

Avni: Neil.

Neil: ok fine.

Neil lays and avni help him she hold his waist at his back and shoulder it's like a side hug and Neil hold her arm he lays and avni was on him they look at each other their eyelock avni breaks it and sits Neil smiles.

Some Days passes like this Neil was frustrated by sitting at one place and the whole family was aware about it they tried to spend much time with him so he don't feel bore prakash daily changed his clothes because they all knew how avni is and so prakash daily do that and it makes Neil feel frustrated that he can't even change his clothes he depends on others for small things and more over he feels like he is now burden on his family anyone can think the same in this condition his right hand was much better now he can eat by itself even his left arm is much better now the sling belt was not on his arm but it don't have much force one day avni gave him juice Neil was drinking it but he falls on his shirt and he grin his teeth.

Neil: tch.

Avni was standing in front of him.

Avni: it's ok Neil.

Neil didn't said anything prakash was not at home so avni has to change his shirt avni went the cupboard and came with a shirt she forward her hand to unbotton the shirt but Neil stop her and avni look at him.

Neil: leave it Avni it will dry itself.

Avni: Neil what are you saying it's wet change it.

Neil: what's the use of it where I will go that I change my shirt since one month I am here on this bed.

Avni: Neil everything will be fine.

Neil: when avni when will everything be fine hmm tell me I am just tired of listening it.

Avni feels bad for him she can understand how he must be feeling.

Neil: avni I i am just tired of this all I I feel irritated I feel smell from myself i I am good for nothing avni I am burden on my family it was better they would kill me than this I

Avni sits quickly and hug him.

Avni: ssshhh.

Avni caress his hairs he cries and hug her back.

Neil: avni I am good for nothing.

Avni breaks the hug and cup his face.

Avni: who said this did any one from our family make you feel that did I ever said that no right.

Neil shook his face.

Avni: then why are you thinking like this Neil you are strong than us all and you are thinking like this.

Neil: avni I am not anymore strong see me avni I can't even stand on my feet.

Avni: I agree but one day not only you will stand at your feet but also run and it's my believe.

Neil: avni we can't live our life on assumptions the reality of today is I am burden on you all avni I can't see you struggling because of me I know how difficult it is to take care of a disable person.

Avni shocked these all are not Neil's word this is the situation which make him think like this sometimes situation changed us and we felt like every thing is finished Neil was feeling the same.

Avni shook her head.

Neil: yes avni it is true I depend on you all for little things dad he is handling everything in this age I should be his strength and here I i depend on him he takes care of me and also managing the business alone I i can't even help him and you avni.

Avni was looking at him.

Neil: avni I can't even protect you when I marry you I promised to myself and neela maa that I will always be with you I will always protect you but see today I am depending on you no avni you you don't deserve this you didn deserve to live with a disable person avni

Neil look at her and she can sense with his talks what he is trying to say.

Neil: avni leave me.

Avni shocked it was difficult for Neil also it's not easy to say your love to leave you that too at that time when you need him or her the most but Neil has to do this because he thought he is depending on avni and ruining her life his eyes were teary.

Neil: you you can leave me if you want.

Neil can't live without her and he knew that though he said her to leave him but the next second he left the decision on her because deep in his heart he knew he is saying wrong but his mind was saying he is destroying her life avni was shockingly looking at him and she was angry also how can he say that they were looking at each other.

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