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Chapter 102:

Neil was shockingly looking at Avni's back he saw blood spot at her shoulder blade, he looks at Avni who was in pain

Neil: bbbblood, Aaaavni, hhooow this happened?

Avni didn't reply She squeezed her eyes.

Neil: come with me.

Neil hold her both shoulders and takes her to bed he makes sure that his arm doesn't touch her back, he made her sit on the bed then he went to get the first aid box from the cupboard and come to Avni, he sits behind her.

Neil: how you got hurt?

Neil's hand reached to her zip but he stopped and looked at Avni whose eyes were closed, not because of pain, the reason is that Neil is catching her dress zip, Neil leave that.

Neil: I am just coming in two minutes, just going to call mom.

Neil get up and turns to go but Avni hold his hand, he turns and looks at Avni then at the hands.

Avni: you can do this.

Neil looks at her he knew she will not mind but still, he doesn't want to take any chance.

Neil: you sure?

Avni nods.

Neil: ok.

Neil sits behind her, he holds her zip and Avni close her eyes she clenches the bedsheet. Neil pulls the zip down to her back he catches her dress in one hand, Neil winces to see her wound. Neil picks the cotton and cleans the blood with antiseptic, Avni wince and Neil stops he looks at her and feels a pinch in his heart, the wound is deep.

Neil is cleaning the blood also scold Avni.

Neil: I asked you something, how this happened, are you a kid that you get hurt how can you be so careless, Avni.

Avni: Neil, stop scolding already I am in pain and you are scolding me.

Neil: so, your acts are of scolding.

Neil offended Avni.

Avni: leave it, I will do it myself.

Neil: ok, sorry let me do it.

Neil cleans the blood, Avni squeezes her eyes and wince, Neil blows her wound again Avni squeezes her eyes but this time because of Neil, not pain.

Neil do the first aid, he touched his lips there and softly kiss her back; Avni clenched the bed sheet and her eyes were closed she feels shy.

Neil saw her from behind and smiles to see her, he closes the zip.

Neil: it's done.

Avni opens her eyes she blush.

Neil: Now tell me how this happened?

Avni turns to him she slowly turns to him and thinks.


Avni was going to the stairs but she saw a bundle of newspapers on the table she went there and grab the newspapers she turns to go but she stops.

Avni: Neil asked me to not go there if he gets to know then he will get angry.

Avni looks at the newspapers and think.

Avni: but who will tell him, I will just go and come back, that's it.

Avni went to the storeroom there was darkness, Avni keeps the papers with other papers she heard the sound and feels the moment, Avni flinched and moved back, her back hits the wall unfortunately, a nail was fixed in the wall there so she got hurt, Avni wince and hold her neck.

Flashback ends.

Avni was in deep thoughts, Neil frown to see her.

Neil: Avni?

Avni looks at him.

Neil: what are you thinking? Tell me who you got hurt.

Neil never scolds her and if he gets angry that must be for her, for her safety.

Avni: first promise me you will not scold me.

Neil: that means it is the thing to scold.

Avni look at him cutely she wants to melt him, Neil smiles to see her which means she gets succeeded in melting his heart.

Neil pulls her cheek: my cute wifey.

Neil smiles.

Neil: ok I will not scold you, now tell me.

Avni: promise?

Neil: yes promise, now say.

Avni: actually, I went to the storeroom.

Neil shocked he was about to say but Avni reminded him: you said you will not scold me.

Neil: ok, but I prohibit you from giving there then why you go?

Avni: I went to keep newspapers there.

Neil gives her an angry look.

Nei: you can ask someone else.

Avni: I thought, I will just go and come back.

Nei: I told you there is an electrical problem, the electrician will come tomorrow to fix it still you went there.

Avni: I am sorry.

Neil closes his eyes and sighs.

Neil: ok leave it, what was supposed to happen has happened. Next time please be careful if you want to go storeroom or somewhere else please tell me, ok!

Avni nods.

Neil: good girl.

Avni smiles.

Neil: Avni, we have to go to the hospital for an injection.

Avni looks at him.

Avni: is it necessary?

Neil: yaa, the nail must be rusted so, it's necessary.

Avni makes a pout, Neil smiles.

Neil: don't worry, you will not feel any pain. I will be with you so no need to afraid.

Avni: I am not afraid but, I don't want to go. Please, Neil.

Neil sighs and think.

Neil: ok, after that, we will go to eat ice-cream.

Avni's face light up.

Avni: really?

Neil smiles and said yes.

Avni: ok let's go.

Neil: my good girl and stop acting. I know you are not afraid of injection you just want to make me normal.

Avni looked at him she was surprised how he always knows what is in her mind.

Neil smiles.

Neil: don't think too much, I know everything about you, I know my Avni is strong.

Avni smiles.

Neil: come let's go.

Neil get up and he helps Avni to get up then they went to the hospital where the doctor injects Avni, Neil looks away and Avni smiles to see that.

Avneil goes to the ice-cream parlour and enjoys the ice-cream there they talk and smile. Neil thinks something and smiles.

Neil: Avni, see there what's there?

Avni turn her face and Neil applies ice-cream on her cheek she shocked but Neil smiles, Avni look at Neil who winks and Avni blush. Neil smiles to see her then Neil tries to get from Avni's cup but she takes her cup away.

Avni: eat your ice-cream.

Neil was smiling.

Neil: just one bit.

Avni: no.

Neil again tries to take it from her but Avni was not letting him take that, Neil was smiling.

Neil: just one bit.

Avni: no.

They were fighting, Neil was trying to get but Avni was Avni she didn't let him win, Neil was just teasing her then he sits back on his sit and sighs; Avni look at him she gives him a bit with a sweet smile on her face, Neil smiles and eat that he also feeds Avni. They enjoy their time and Avni forget about her pain.

Avneil were on the way.

Neil: today we enjoyed a lot what say?

Avni: yes, it was great fun, I forgot about my pain but now it is again paining.

Neil: let's go back then.

Avni smiles.

Avni: no, I want to sleep, I am very tired.

Neil smiles and said ok.

Soon, they came back, Avni went to change and Neil waits for her he knows she will feel the pain he was praying that she is fine, Neil thinks and look at the door but she still not come back. Neil was worried about her.

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