Love in the Air

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Chapter 93:

Avneil were standing on the Hill and avni was looking at Neil, he was smiling and leans to her.

Neil: wifey, you can see me later as much as you want now enjoy this scenery.

Avni looks down Neil smiles and stand  straight then they saw the scenery and smiles Neil wanted to hold avni's hand but he stopped and they were looking at the view and their hand's touched, Avni look at him and find him looking at the view she smiles and they let their hands to brush each other's hand.

Avni: Neil can we sit here for sometime?

Neil: of course, come sit.

They set and enjoy the peace there Avni look at Neil and keep her head at his shoulder Neil look at her and smiles he kiss her hairs and intervene their fingers, and kiss her hand, Avni smiles and blush then they look at each other and their eyelock, they lost in each other's eyes, Neil hold Avni's arm and made her lay there,  they were looking into each other's eyes, the hairs flies and come at avni's face, Neil lovingly keep them away and saw her closed eyes, Neil caress her cheeks.

Neil: avni.

Avni open her eyes, Neil smiles and kiss her forehead and cheeks, Avni blush hardly then Neil lays besides her and intervene their fingers they look at eachother and smiles.

After spending sometime.

Neil: can we go now, we have to reach before night.

Avni: ok.

Neil feels she want to spend sometime there.

Neil: don't worry we will come again here.

Avni smiles they sit and get up after that they turns but Avni's leg slipped and she was about to fall she screams but Neil hold her hand on right time and pull her to him and hold her waist and arm their eyelock, Avni's breathe was uneven.

Neil: are you ok?

Avni looks down as she was lost in the moment she nods yes.

Avni: yes, I am fine.

Neil: be careful Avni.

Avni: sorry my foot slipped.

Neil: hold my hand and come.

Neil hold avni's hand and they went from there soon they reached to their hotel and enter in the room. Avni smiles to see the room, Neil also look around then Neil he saw the room service boy who kept the bag there, Neil gave him tip and boy thanked him then he went and Neil close the door, Avni turns and they smile to see each other. Avni went to see the view from the glass wall and smiles Neil went to her and stand behind her.

Neil: beautiful, right.

Avni: very.

Neil smiles he think for a while and thought to take a step a head in their relation. He knew, it is difficult for Avni to do that as she spend her whole life in a room away from people and she is trying to give her 100% to their relation she is trying to break her shell and live like a normal girl but still it will take time because now she is learning to express her feelings so, Neil was looking at her and slowly hug her from behind Avni startled and her breathe stopped for sometime Neil look at her and feels she is shivering he thought she is still not habitual of his touch Neil saw her closed eyes he thought to withdraw his hand when avni feels he is losing the grip she hold his hands Neil was stunned with her that move he smiles and hug her more tightly Avni squeeze her eyes and Neil caress his cheek with her cheek, get close with her they were so lost in the moment and Avni was feeling a strange emotion which she never experienced before she was feeling peace, safety, comfort and love in his arms she never thought she will live a moment like this in her life. Neil caress her cheek with his lips and capture her more tightly and Avni was shrinking her shoulders they were lost in their moment and before they go so far Neil's phone rings Avni came back to reality but Neil was still lost in the moment she close her eyes as he was caressing her cheek and moving his lips towards her neck she tried to move away and came out of his grip but without hurting his emotions.

Avni: Ne Neil.

Neil: hmm.

Avni: Neil your phone.

Neil stop and came back to reality he look at her and again his phone rings he feels little bit awkward as he didn't think he will go so far in the moment he just want to stand close to her, always a fear stayed in his heart that what if she misunderstand him but now it is difficult for him to stay away from her as she started to reciprocate his actions but still he feels that fear Neil looks here and there and take out his phone he saw Shweta's call and went away to go.

Neil: yes mom.

Avni was also feeling little awkward also shy but not disgusted.

Neil: yes mom we reached.

Shweta: why you didn't inform us?

Neil: mom we just reached now I was about to call you.

Shweta: what? It's late I thought you had reached earlier.

Neil: actually mom we stopped on the way and went to visit the hill.

Shweta : oh.

Neil: yes.

Shweta: ok enjoy your holiday you didn't call so I was little bit worried.

Neil: sorry mom and don't worry we are fine.

Shweta smiles.

Shweta: ok bye take care.

Neil: you too mom bye.

Neil cuts the call he look at avni who was looking out through the window Neil think she turns when he feels Neil cut the call they look at each other and looks away.

Neil: ab avni I I am going to freshen up.

Avni nods by looking away Neil look at her and went to freshen up after taking his clothes from the bag, he close the door of the  bathroom and hanged the clothes.

Neil: Neil what was you doing. Thank God mom called else you.

Neil stopped.

Neil: Neil she still need time, she is not stopping you that doesn't mean you cross your limits, control your emotions and take steps slowly, don't rush like before you know what happened that time, let her take steps towards you, let her come close to you.

Neil sighs.

Neil: I should control myself don't know what she was thinking.

Neil Think.

On  the other side Avni was thinking by standing near the glass wall.

Avni's point of view:

What is this feeling why I lost when he came close to me today what I did, I never thought I will do this in my life and stand like this with my husband even I always thought I will not marry in my life I always tried to spend as much as time in my room and tried to avoid people even stayed away from my brother but don't know what magic Neil did on me I forget everything with him his mere touch and I breaks I am used to his closeness not used to it I love his closeness. Does I love him or feel attracted towards him because of his honesty I don't know anything about love but whatever it is, I feels good and comfortable in his arms.

Avni blush and the point of view ends.

Neil came out after changing he was wiping his hairs with towel he look at avni who was looking at him she smiles which give him a relief that she is not feeling disgusting he smiles and sighs happily.

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