Lovely moments

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Chapter 130:

It was the time of the morning, everything was looking beautiful and fresh, birds were flying, plants were dancing and people start their day, but two people are far away from that all, happy in their world, far from the troubles, problems of this world, wandering in their world unknown from the things which are happening in the world.

In the Khanna mansion, a room had shown where the lights were off but the light of the sun was beaming from the curtains and a couple was sleeping in the arms of each other they were Avneil. Avni was sleeping in Neil's arms by hugging him and Neil was also hugging her, their faces were close to each other. Neil wakes up and frowns as he just woke up. Neil rubbed his eyes he saw Avni and a smile appears on his face. He saw she is wearing his shirt. Neil loves to see her in his shirt. It gives him a different kind of satisfaction. It gives him the feeling that she belongs to him. Neil kissed her forehead and caresses her cheek to wake up her.

Neil: Avni, love, wake up.

Avni stirs but she snuggles to him and sleeps. Neil smiles at her cute antics.

Neil caresses her hair.

Neil: Avni, wake up.

Avni replied with closed eyes.

Avni: Neil, please let me sleep and you also sleep.

Neil: ok, you sleep but let me go.

Avni: no, then my will get disturbed.

Neil chuckles.

Neil: then wake up. I have many things to do. I have to go jogging, packing is also left then I have to go.

Avni: that's why I don't want to wake up. When you wake up late then your flight will miss and you will not go.

Neil smiles.

Neil: my cute wifey, then I will go from the second flight.

Avni: shut up and let me sleep.

Neil: Avni!

No reply.

Neil: ok fine but let me go jogging.

Avni: no need to go. If you did not go one day, then you will not gain weight.

Neil: what if gain weight then?

Avni: then also I will love you. In fact, I will love that paunchy, fatty Neil more.

Neil was only smiling and chuckling at her replies.

Neil: then when you will get pregnant, then people will get confused that how is pregnant. You or me.

Avni smiles at it and opens her eyes they chuckle at that.

Avni: you know how to make up me?

Neil: of course.

Avni: means you will not let me sleep?

Neil: madam, you are already awake. Come on, now get and get ready we are going for the jog.

Avni: you go till then I will pack your bag.

Neil: we will do it after coming back, right now you are coming with me as I want to spend more time with you.

Avni gets emotional to hear that.

Avni: and I want to stop this moment here.

Neil looks at her and feels bad he cups her face.

Neil: please don't do this. If you do this then how will I go?

Avni looks down.

Neil: ok do one thing, you also come with me.

Avni looks at him.

Avni: I wish, I would come with you but I can't.

Neil: why?

Avni: you are going there for work and will be busy resolving that matter then what will I do there? Wait for you? That I do here also.

Neil smiles.

Neil: point. Don't worry, I will try to come back as soon as possible, ok.

Avni nods.

Avni: I know I am sounding selfish and making you weak but I can't live a day without you. When you go office, I miss you but I know that you will come in the evening but here, don't know how many days it will take.

Neil: who said, you are sounding selfish. You are not stopping me from going, you are just sad because you can't live without me just like I can't live with you. It's love, not selfishness.

Avni smiles.

Neil: Avni, I am also feeling the same but it is just that I am not showing it to you because I don't want to weaken you. My Avni is strong and it's just a matter of few days. These days will pass like (Neil snaps his fingers.) This.

Avni smiles.

Neil: now come on, be a good girl and get ready fast.

Avni: ok.

Neil: that's like my good girl.

They smile.

Later, Avneil goes jogging after running and walking They went to the side, where rarely people come and they go there. Neil was sitting by resting his back to the tree, Avni was laying by keeping her head on his lap and Neil was playing with her hair. Avni was wearing a frock as she did not find her tracksuit. They were silent as sometimes silence gives peace.

Neil: Avni!

Avni looks at him.

Neil spread his arms and signs come. Avni smiles she gets up and lays near his chest, her back was resting on his chest and Neil incircles his arms around her and tighten the grip. Neil kisses her cheek. Avni smiles with closed eyes.

Neil: I love you.

Avni: really?

Neil frowns and look at her and saw that she is controlling her smile. She looks up and laughs.

Neil: you are making fun of me.

Avni shook her head.

Avni: no. How can I?

Avni chuckles. Neil nods.

Neil: wait.

Neil tickles her and smiles.

Avni: Ne, Neil, Neil (laughs) ple, please (laughs) please( laughs) n (laughs) no.

Neil stops and they were panting. They looks at each other. Avni again lays and kisses his cheek.

Avni: I love you too.

They smile.

Later, Avneil were packing the bag. Avni gets his things: cellphone, wallet, hanky and gives them to Neil he was looking at her.

Neil: smile, wifey.

Avni looks at him and smiles.

Neil: good.

They smile and hears the knock on the door they saw Shweta.

Shweta: ab tillu, Prakash ji is calling you. It's time to go.

Neil looks at Avni who looks down. Neil looks at Shweta.

Neil: ok, I am coming. Just two minutes.

Shweta nods and go.

Neil looks at Avni she smiles to see him.

Avni: let's go.

Avni turns to go but Neil holds her arm. Avni's eyes filled with tears she did not want to show that to Neil but she can't help. Avni turns to Neil and her eyes were teary. Neil feels bad he cups her face and Avni holds his wrists and was looking down. Neil kissed her forehead, eyes, cheeks, neck then he looks at her and leans to her lips he kisses her lips. They look at each other.

Neil: we will be together soon.

Avni smiles with teary eyes and nods.

Avni: take care of yourself and eat properly on time and don't you dare to skip your meal else I will get angry with you.

Neil smiles.

Neil: promise and you also promise me that you will take care of yourself and will not eat pistachio.

Avni smiles.

Avni: promise.

Neil nods and hugs her. Again Avni's eyes filled with tears and they close their eyes. Avni wipes her tears and they break the hug and smiles to see each other to make each other feel good.

After some time, all were standing outside the mansion, Neil meets his family and looks at Avni they smile to see each other. The family looks away, Neil smiles to see that and hugs Avni then he cups her face with one hand.

Neil: take care, hmm.

Avni nods with a smile.

Neil gets in the car in the backseat and looks at her. Avni waves her hand. Neil also shows his hand to say bye and he goes. Avni's eyes filled with tears he just goes and she starts missing him.

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