Marriage date fixed

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Chapter 18:

One week passed Neil was busy in his office work he wanted to meet Avni but he didn't get any reason to go there.

One day Shweta went to bebe's room and knock the door.

Bebe: Shweta come.

Shweta nodes yes and came inside.

Bebe: do you want something?

Shweta: bebe actually I was thinking to invite mehta family for the lunch so that we can decide the date of  marriage.

Bebe: it's a good idea ok invite them.

Shweta: so can I invite them on this Sunday?

Bebe: yes It will be good Neil and prakash will also be at home.

Shweta: yes bebe that's why I am saying.

Bebe: ok invite them on Sunday

Shweta: bebe don't tell Neil about it I want to give him a surprise.

Bebe smiles.

Bebe: ok.

Shweta smiles then she went to her room and she call neela maa.

Nm: hello.

Shweta: hello neela how are you?

Nm: I am good how are you?

Shweta: good actually I called to invite you all for the lunch at Sunday and the whole day you all spent with us and also want to decide the marriage date so are you ok with it.

Nm: yaa yaa as you wish we will come on Sunday.

Shweta: also bring avni with you she didn't come here since long time.

Neela maa smiles.

Nm: ok.

Shweta: ok then bye.

Nm: bye.

She cuts the call and went to avni's room who is busy in reading the book and Jerry and rocky were sitting besides her.

Nm: avni.

Avni look at her and smiles.

Avni: mamma come sit.

Neela maa smiles and sit.

Nm: avni Shweta called and she invite us for the lunch on Sunday.

Avni looks down then she look at her.

Avni: ok mamma we will go.

Neela maa smiles.

Nm: that's like my girl I expect this from you.

Avni smiles neela maa went avni thinks.

Then it was Sunday Neil was at home he was in the garden and was wearing the vest and trouser first he did the exercise then gardening he cuts the dead leaves then he was giving the water to the plant it's his Sunday routine he poured the water on his head and runs the hand on his hairs then he went inside he was going to the stairs then he hears the car horn he stops Neil frown to see Shweta.

Shweta: bebe they came come fast Prakash ji.

Neil: mom.

But she went she didn't listen him and neil turns to see and shocked to see mehta family on the door bebe and prakash passed by him neil saw them he was still standing at his place he was lost to see avni she was looking down.

Shweta meets neela prakash to ashish avni took blessing from them bebe and Shweta hugs her.

Neil in mind: avni one day surely you will kill me how can someone looks so beautiful.

Neil was lost.

Shweta: come please come inside.

Neela maa nodes yes they came inside avni look up and saw Neil was standing though he was standing far away by seeing his condition avni looks down because he was wearing the vest Neil frown then he look at himself and widen his eyes he look at her and runs from her neela maa saw him and smiles to see his expressions but she didn't say anything.

Shweta: please sit.

Nm: yaa.

All sits on the other side Neil came to his room and look himself  in the mirror Neil rubs his neck.

Neil: mom.

Neil shook his head.

Neil: mom what you did here I am trying to make a good image in avni's eyes and.

Neil look at himself in the mirror.

Neil: what you showed me infront of her why you didn't tell me avni is coming here what she is thinking about me.

Neil thinks.

Neil: Neil now stop thinking and get ready fast avni is sitting at the hall ashish uncle or aunty must asked about you so get ready fast.

Neil went to the cupboard and look for the clothes.

Neil: what should I wear?

Neil put the shirts on him and try 6 7 shirts then he picks a white shirt and blue jeans.

Neil: should I wear the coat no no what will they think i should be dressed casual so shirt and jeans is right choice Yes.

Neil went to the washroom on the other side avni was sitting quietly and all were talking.

Ashish: where is Neil?

Avni look at him and recall she saw him in the vest see looks down.

Prakash: Shweta Neil

Shweta: he must be in his room wait let me call him.

Prakash: ok.

She went and saw Neil is not in the room.

Shweta: tillu tillu.

Neil from the washroom.

Neil: mom I am here in the bathroom I am taking the bath.

Shweta: ok come fast mehta's are sitting in the hall and they are asking about you so come fast.

Neil: ok mom.

She went Neil wears the shirt and dries his hairs with the towel and came while doing that then he throw the towel on the couch and went to dressing table and comb his hairs he look himself in the mirror he picks the mobile from the table and put it in his pocket and went from there he came to the hall.

Neil: hi sorry i am late.

All smiles avni didn't look at him he took blessing from them and also hug ashish.

Ashish: how are you?

Neik: good how are you?

Ashish: good as always.

Neil smiles.

Neil: please sit.

Ashish: yaa.

Neil look at avni.

Neil: hi avni.

Avni look at him then to the elders Neil smiles.

Avni: h hi.

Neil sits with ashish.

Neil: where is aman he didn't come.

Ashish: he went with his friends for a trip.

Neil: oh.

Bebe: so Neil also came so can we do the work for we all are here?

Nm: yes of course bebe.

Bebe: so let's discuss about the marriage date.

Neil surprised avni shocked avni thought they just came for the lunch.

Neil: what?

Shweta: yes we are going to decide the marriage date.

Neil look at avni she was lost then he look at bebe.

Neil: don't you think it's too soon.

Shweta: why you don't want to marry now?

Neil: no it's not like that I am just asking first ask avni is she ready for the marriage.

Avni feels good to hear that but she was nervous too.

Shweta: of course we will ask her that's why I asked neela to bring her so avni are you ready for the marriage or you need time?

Avni looks down Neil was looking at her.

Avni: as you all say.

All smiles.

Shweta: avni no one is forcing you if you don't want to marry now then we can wait no need to hurry.

Avni: no I have no problem.

Neil smiles.

Shweta: happy now tillu now you tell me are you ready or you need time?

Neil smiles.

Neil: I am ready.

Neil smiles sheepishly.

Bebe: so let's discuss about the date.

They discussed Neil look at avni but she didn't.

Bebe: so next months 12 date are you all ok with it.

All nodes.

Shweta: yes.

Bebe: Neil?

Neil: as you wish bebe.

All smiles a tear falls from avni's eyes but she wipes it quickly no one notice that except Neil he thinks.

Bebe: ok so it's decided Shweta bring sweets your son's marriage date fixed.

Shweta smiles.

Shweta: yes bebe.

She went and comes with the sweets all feeds Neil and avni Neil smiles but he was thinking why avni cried.

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