Neil's Condition part 01

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Chapter 50:

It was time of mid night and in avneil room they were sleeping avni was on the bed and Neil on the couch suddenly avni start murmuring.

Avni: Neil Neil Neil.

Avni was seeing the dreaming in which Neil was going away from her and she was running behind him and calling him then she hold his hand he turns.

Avni: please Neil don't go away from me please don't leave me I am sorry.

Neil: I am sorry avni may be that's all we had along.

Avni shook her hand.

Neil: I have to go our paths are different now we have to separate.

Avni was shaking her head.

Avni: no.

Slowly Neil takes his hand back avni look at the hands then at neil their hands separated Neil takes steps back avni call out his name

Avni: Neil Neil Neil.

Neil disappeared in smoke.

Avni: neeeiiilll.

After wakes up with a jerk and shout his name.

Avni: neeeiiilll.

Neil wakes up and saw avni is panting and was sweating.

Neil: avni.

He gets up and went to her he cups her face.

Neil: avni what happened?

Avni look at him she was afraid.

Avni: Neil.

She hugs him neil shocked she was crying he look at her Neil raise his hands to hug her but reality hits him he hold her arm with one hand and keep his other hand on her hairs.

Neil: hey what happened?

Avni breaks the hug and she touches his face and body.

Avni: aa aaaare are you ok hmm yo youuu are are fine right.

Neil was confused.

Neil: relax avni I am fine.

Avni look at him her eyes were teary she cups his face he look at her hands then at her.

Avni: you are fine?

Neil was looking at her he cup her face.

Neil: yes I am fine I think you saw a nightmare everything is fine.

Avni cries she again hug him neil keep his hands on her shoulders to support her but his wounds are fresh so he didn't hug her back but he can't saw her crying that's why he console her.

Avni: I I saw you are going away from me.

Neil look at her.

Neil in mind: I am not going away from you. you are making me away from you.

Neil: relax I am not going anywhere it was just a dream.

Avni close her eyes and Neil console her after sometime she open her eyes and realized she is hugging him she breaks the hug and looks down Neil look at her he gave her water she look at him and takes the glass she was embarrassed she accused him and said hurtful things now why she is afraid of losing him neil was looking at her he takes the glass from her.

Neil: sleep now.

Avni lays Neil covers her with the duvet and look at her she look at him their eyelock then Neil looks away and went to the couch he sits.

Neil: avni don't be scared I am here with you just sleep.

Neil lays and close his eyes and avni turns her face to him and was looking at him and think she said alot of things to him still he cares for her but who tell her that it's unconditional love from his side she was worried also why she saw that dream it's saying what we think or do in the day we saw that thing in our dreams as our subconscious mind was thinking about that thing so why Avni saw that dream it's because she thought about Neil the whole day she was worried for him or something is going to happen she was looking at Neil and sleeps.

Next day Neil got ready and avni came in the room and saw Neil is searching something.

Avni: do you want something?

Neil look at her.

Neil: I am searching a file but you don't worry I will manage.

Avni was looking at him she went to the cupboard and take out the file and came to him.

Avni: are you finding this file?

Neil saw the file and takes that he checks.

Neil: yes thank you but you don't need to worry I can manage.

Avni: you yourself gave me this file for keeping it safe.

Neil: thanks.

Then avni went to get his wallet cell phone watch from the dressing table.

Neil: avni it's ok please don't do this.

Avni saw him from the mirror then she picks the cell phone and came to him and gives him the things avni wanted to apologize but someone knocks the door avneil saw bheema.

Bheema: ma'am Shweta ma'am is calling you

Avni: ok i am coming.

Bheema went avni look at neil he looks away she was hurt she went after sometime Neil came downstairs.

Neil: good morning.

All: good morning.

Neil: mom i am going.

Avni look at him.

Shweta: what I am going first have breakfast.

Neil: no mom I am in hurry I will have something in office.

Shweta: Neil it takes just five minutes today avni made your favourite sandwich.

Neil was surprised he look at avni who was looking at him she looks down.

Bebe: yes she especially asked me the recipe I am very happy that someone appreciate my skills otherwise some people never show any interest in learning from me.

She look at shweta.

Shweta: Bebe you are taunting me.

Bebe: no when i taunt you I took your name no I was just saying.

Shweta: I very well understand bebe.

They started Neil was looking at avni.

Neil in mind: why you are doing this it's because I asked you to act infront of the family or you wanted to do it.

Avni in mind: I am doing this for you as I wanted to do it my heart asked me to do it for you.

They were looking at each other.

Shweta: Bebe.

She look at neil.

Shweta: you are still standing there come and have breakfast.

Bebe: come Neil.

Neil nods he came.

Bebe: avni serve him.

Neil: no bebe I will have it.

Avni serve him he eats.

Shweta: how is it?

Neil: good.

Shweta: only good?

Neil: it's delicious thank you avni.

Avni smiles shweta palm her head.

Shweta: tillu who said thank you to his wife if you like it then take her hands and kiss them.

Avni feels awkward and shy.

Neil: mom?

Shweta: what mom she is your wife.

They know avni is shy so they always trys to get them close to eachother and they saw alot of changes in avni in all these month but they were unaware of yesterday's incident.

Bebe: Shweta.

Shweta keep the finger on her lips.

Bebe: avni sit.

Avni nods they had the breakfast then Neil went for the office and avni was sitting in her room and she was worried and feeling restless.

At evening Neil was coming back home he saw a car and jeep are chasing him he frown then he speed up the car and was near his home then the car over takes him and stopped at the centre of the road
Neil stop the car and was looking at the car he looks back and saw the jeep he saw some men who were holding hockey they didn't want to kill him their main motive was to scare khanna family Neil get down from the car.

Avni: what is this all what you want?

Goon: your life.

Neil get angry and they all surround him one attacked him neil holds the hockey and he hit his wrist and hockey falls down Neil give him a puch on his face then second attack him ne give punch his face then Neil did the same with the third and kicked the other one on stomach Neil fought with them on the other side Avni was feeling restless she keeps the hand on her heart she get up from the bed.

Avni: why I am feeling restless why I am feeling that something bad is going to happen since last night I am feeling like this.

She recall her dream.

Avni: Neil.

She was sweating.

Avni: Neil I hope you are fine why you didn't came back till now.

Avni was worried on the other side Neil was fighting with all he was holding one goon but the other one attacked him from behind he hits Neil's head Neil shocked he catches his head then they all beat him with the hockeys on his arms legs stomach they beat him brutally avni was feeling restless She went to the balcony to get some fresh air and to see Neil she was shocked to see some goon were beating Neil they were at good distance from the home but avni can saw them from the balcony avni shouts.

Avni: neeeiiilll.

Avni was in shock then She runs from there she came downstairs and all were sitting and shocked to see her Shweta came to her and holds her.

Shweta: avni what happened?

Avni was panting she was trying to say but she was hell worried.

Avni: nnn nnn eee nee Neiilll.

All shocked avni points outside.

Shweta: what happened to Neil?

Avni: ssssoo ssooomee men men are are bea beating beating him.

All shocked they runs and saw all shout Neil's name goons saw them and runs Neil falls down all shocked and stopped then all came to him Shweta takes Neil's head on her lap all were crying and calling his name prakash call the ambulance avni was standing there like a statue and was looking at Neil he was conscious but was not in a state to say anything his eyes were closing but he was trying to open them he saw avni and smiles to see her he thought atleast he saw her face before closing his eyes he thought may be it's his last day he was smiling and close his eyes all shocked.

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