Neil's Planning

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Chapter 71:

Avni and Shweta were setting the dinning table and raghav came there and stop at the stairs avni and Neil saw him avni shocked and gulps she clenched her fist and hold her hand with second hand tightly and dig her nails Neil look at her and raghav look at avni lustful eyes Neil saw that and want to rip his body and avni was looking at him with teary eyes and was scared raghav came to them and stand near avni.

Raghav: good morning everyone.

All replied except avneil neil look away raghav saw Neil.

Raghav: hey my boy how are you?

Neil look at him and show fake smile Neil had a better for him then beating he was determined he will beat him but not before making him suffer Neil want to make him confess his crimes Neil got up he went to him and hug him Neil tighten the grip like he is break ribs and said while tightening the grip.

Neil: I am good uncle how are you?

Raghav felt suffocated and his face turns red Neil turns while hugging him and stand between raghav and avni and avni smiles to see that.

Raghav: Nei Neil calm calm down boy.

Neil smirk and leave him raghav took a deep breathe and smile.

Neil: what happened uncle I think now you became old.

Neil smiles and look at all.

Raghav: not at all still I am the most eligible bachelor.

All smiles.

Raghav: but where was you last night?

Raghav look at avni then at neil.

Neil: so sorry uncle actually I got an important phone call and when I came back you all were not here.

Raghav: it's ok by the way won't you introduce your wife to me.

Neil look at avni who hold her hand more tightly raghav smirk to see that Neil look at him and want to break his face but he compose himself.

Neil: yes uncle of course.

Neil side hug avni.

Neil: meet my wife avni Neil khanna.

Neil smiles by looking at avni she smiles Neil think.

Neil: Avni take blessing from uncle.

Avni shocked and Neil assure her by blinking his eyes that he is there avni bend raghav smirk but he smiles so no-one get doubted he caress avni's hairs and avni got scared and stop at her place Neil notice that he bends with avni like he is also taking blessing raghav keep his second hand at Neil's head Neil hold avni's hand and stand as a way his head hit raghav's chin and blood came from raghav's teeth he keep the Hand at his mouth all get up Neil smirk but he compose himself all came to them.

Neil: oh I am so sorry uncle don't know how i i am so sorry uncle.

Shweta: are your teeth safe or some wickets fell down.

Neil smiles by looking at the other side but no one saw that because all were looking at raghav avni also tried to control her smile.

Raghav: Shweta.

Shweta: no I just asked.

Raghav touch his teeth and saw the blood at his finger.

Neil: so sorry uncle.

Raghav: it's ok it's ok neil.

Shweta: now how he will eat?

Neil: yaa mom is right uncle how you will eat.

Avni was trying to hide her smile she knew that Neil intentionally did that.

Bebe: Raghav do one thing go to your room and have some rest then eat something.

Raghav went Neil smirk and look at avni and winks avni widen her eyes and look at all Neil smiles.

Bebe: Ok come and have breakfast.

Neil: yes come avni.

Avni look at him.

Neil in mind: i knew he will try to touch you so I already made a plan and it worked till I am with avni no one can do anything to my avni I will become her strength and wall.

Neil look at avni.

Neil in mind: I have to teach her self defence.

Shweta: Neil what are you thinking come sit.

Neil look at her and nods he look at avni and they smiles then they sit and pleacfully have the breakfast then all were sitting at the hall it was holiday and raghav was in his room and was not able to eat anything.

Shweta: anyone needs coffee.

Neil: of course mom there is nothing to ask.

Avni smiles.

Bebe: tea for me.

Shweta: Ok.

Avni: mummy ji you sit I am going to make it.

Shweta: but.

Avni get up.

Avni: no but no if I am going.

Neil and all smiles Avni went Neil was looking at her.

Shweta: this girl.

Neil and all smiles but the great raghav came there Neil got angry to see him.

Prakash: how are you now?

Raghav: better.

Raghav: I have to do an important work so please ask someone for coffee.

Shweta: Ok avni went to make coffee I am going to ask her.

Neil shocked raghav smirk he saw avni going to the kitchen and it was his plan.

Raghav: Ok then ask her to give it to my room.

Neil angirly look at him but then he look away to hide his anger.

Shweta: Ok.

Raghav went Neil Think shweta went to avni.

Neil: excuse me I will be back.

Bebe and prakash nods Neil went on the other side avni was making coffee and saw shweta.

Avni: why you come here I said I will do it.

Shweta: Ok I just came to say that make one Cup for raghav bhai sahab.

Avni shocked to hear that and hold her hand with her second hand tightly to hide her fear but to save her Neil came there Shweta him.

Shweta: what are you doing here?

Neil: water I came to drink water.

Shweta: oh by the way you came for water or.

She clear her throat.

Neil: mom.

Shweta smiles.

Shweta: Ok ok I am just kidding ok Avni so when coffee will made give one Cup to bhai sahab at his room ok.

Avni nods Shweta went avni keep the hand on the slab for support Neil came to her and cup her face.

Neil: calm down avni I am with you calm down relax.

Avni: ne Neil he he I I how I.

Neil hug her when his one hand was at her face and other at her back.

Neil: sssshhhhh calm down relax.

Avni hug him then Neil breaks the hug and slow the fire of stove.

Neil: relax ok take a took breathe and listen to me.

Avni took a deep breathe.

Neil: now listen to me.

Neil tell her the plan avni widen her eyes Neil smiles.

Avni: Neiilll.

Neil smiles.

Neil: yes wife it is my plan and you have to do it.

Avni: but Neil.

Neil: no but no if you have to do it.

Avni think Neil make the coffee and pour one in the cup and keep that in the tray and give that to avni.

Neil: take it and go.

Avni shook her head Neil give her tray.

Neil: go.

Avni make a face.

Neil: go.

Avni was looking at him.

Neil: go gooooo.

Neil hold her arms and took her with him and stop at the corridor.

Neil whispers: now go all the best.

Avni: no.

Neil: Avni go.

Avni shook her head.

Neil said sternly.

Neil: Avni go.

Avni: Neil.

Neil sign and cup her face.

Neil: why are you scared don't you trust me?

Avni nods her head.

Avni: I trust you but I don't trust him.

Neil: I am here he will not do anything trust me and more then me trust yourself you can do it you are avni Neil khanna and my avni is strong Avni I am trusting you don't let me down.

Avni look at him.

Neil: go and remember I am standing here ok.

Avni nods and smiles she turn and went to the door she look at neil he show thumbs up avni smiles she sigh and knock the dood she push the door and went Neil smirk.

Neil: now you will bear the pain be ready Mr raghav Khurana.

Neil smirk.

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