Neil's State

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Chapter 42:

At night avneil were sleeping then avni feels Neil is shivering she open her eyes and rub her eye she get up and saw him shivering avni shocked she touch his forehead and realised his head is burning with fever he had sprain he ignored that the whole day and because of the absence of prakash all burden came on his shoulders he has to manage everything so because of stress and work load he had fever.

Avni: his head is burning with fever what I do?

Avni think she saw the window open she went and close that because it's raining heavy then she look at neil and came to him but stand at a distance from the bed because she was confused what to do she never faced this situation in her life.

Avni: no one is at home what should I do shall I call mamma.

She saw the time it's 02:33am.

Avni: it's too late and in this heavy rain how they will come.

She catches her head.

Avni: what I do?

Then she recall something.


Avni and the whole khanna family were sitting in the hall and were enjoying the coffee.

Shweta: avni you know one thing is same in you and Neil.

Avni was looking at her and wants to know about that thing Neil frown he keeps the cup on the table.

Shweta: fever.

Avneil were confused they look at each other then at shweta.

Neil: what?

Shweta: yes his fever is also like your fever it does not come down till we keep the wet cloth on his head.

Neil smiles avni look at neil he nods then she look at shweta.

Shweta: when he was 12 years old he had the fever and I kept the wet cloth on his head the whole night then it came down.

Avni was surprised.

Bebe: yaa I remember that night it was not less then a nightmare for us we all were so tensed.

Shweta: yaa actually Neil is our only son so we get scared if he get a small scratch.

Avneil smiles.

Flashback ends.

Avni look at neil she went and came with the water in a vessel she went to the cupboard and take out a towel and came to Neil but she stop and think.

Avni: but how can I do this?

Avni think she think and bit her lip and clutch the towel tightly she look at neil.

Avni: avni don't waste the time he is your husband he needs you just close your eyes and do it.

She went to Neil and sit besides him she forward her hand to open the button but she takes her hands back.

Avni: no I can't do this how can I what he will think about me.

Avni look at him.

Avni: avni stop thinking and do it.

She was fighting with her inner demon which was stopping her she close her eyes and took a deep breathe then she open his shirt button and keep his sleeves up she keep the towel at his head and also wipes his body and arms foot she did that for some time then she check his fever it came down she sighs then she sit besides him and again keep the wet cloth on his head and and rest her back to bed head and sleep by keeping her hand on his head she stir and she was sleepy she slept by keeping her head on the same pillow in uncomfortable position her legs were down she was sleeping on Neil's head side after some time Neil open his eyes but he was weak he look up and saw her he tunrs his face and feels pain and saw her face near him he shocked but he thought it is his imagination how can she be so close to him he look at the roof and sleeps again.

Next morning avni wakes up and realised how she is sleeping she carefully get up and sit she look at neil and touch his forehead and sighs.

Avni: I should make something for him then I will wake him up.

Avni first freshen up and get ready she look at neil and think then she went.

Neil wakes up and frown he feels pain at his neck he holds it and feels the cloth on his head he takes take that and was confused then he look at himself and saw the open button of the shirt he was confused as noone is at home then who did that he get up and think.

Neil: who did this did mom dad came back did avni told them about my pain but this.

He was looking at himself then avni came Neil saw her and close the buttons Avni look at him.

Avni: how you are feeling now.

Neil: better.

Avni went to keep the phone on the table

Neil: where are mom dad?

Avni turns to him and frown.

Avni: what do you mean by where are mom dad you know they went for the marriage ceremony of our relatives.

Neil: they didn't came back.

Avni was confused and looking at him.

Neil: then who openned the button of my shirt.

Avni feels awkward and looks down she plays with her hands in nervousness Neil frown avni said by looking down.

Avni: aa actually you had fe fever last night so so iii I di did that.

Neil widen his eyes.

Neil: you did that?

Neil feels pain in his neck.

Neil: ouch.

Avni: what happened?

Neil: this pain.

Avni: oh.

Neil: you did that?

Avni looks down.

Avni: I I am i am sorry but you was burning with fever and no one was at home I didn't knew what to do I I had no other option so I i openned yo I mean I kept the wet cloth on your head and did that I am sorry I.

Neil: avni avni relax I just asked as I was surprised so calm down infact thank you thank you so much for taking care of me I know how difficult i was for you but you did that for me so thank you thank you so much.

Neil in mind: you have no idea avni how happy I am you took care of me this is a big thing for me.

Neil think.

Neil in mind: that mean Avni was near me that means that was not my dream she was with me in reality Neil how stupid you are you wasted such a golden opportunity how can you sleep by thinking that it's a dream she was so close to me but I lost that chance my back luck.

Neil: stupid.

Avni: what?

Neil look at her.

Neil: no no I am not saying you I called myself stupid that how careless I am yesterday I ignored my pain and this happend i should had take care of myself so you had not troubled last night sorry.

Avni: no it's ok it happened as you have work load of office infact I am sorry because of me you was sleeping on the couch and you suffered alot.

Neil: avnii it's not like that ok let's leave this topic I am going to freshen up.

Avni: ok but you are not going to office today you freshen up then have breakfast after that we will go to the hospital.

Neil: but avni.

Avni: no if no but if you will not listen to me I will call mummy ji and complain her that you are troubling me.

Neil: what?

Avni: yes so choice is yours listen to me or get ready for the lecture.

Neil: I will go with the first option it is better for me.

Avni: good choice.

Neil look at her then smiles Neil sighs that finally she is opening up.

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