Neil tries to talk with avni.

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Chapter 05:

Neil smiles to see avni she was coming with the Riya and riya was talking to her avni was looking down and she  keep the hair strand behind her ear and Neil was looking at her she looks up straight and shocked to see Neil she stops at her place Neil frown to see her avneil were looking at each other then avni looks away riya stops when she realized avni is not with her she looks here and there then look back and saw avni was standing there and was looking down.

Riya: this girl avniii.

Avni look at her.

Riya: avni come.

Neil hear this and nodes yes but avni didn't move and look at neil.

Riya: avni come.

Avni was standing like a statue riya went to her.

Riya: avni what happened let's go.

Avni: no Shweta aunt's son is with guatum I am not coming you go and I am going back to sit in the car.

Avni turns to go riya holds her hand.

Neil in mind: what happened why she stopped did she stop to see me yes it seems like she stopped to see me Neil what you did you know she is an introvert and a shy girl and you call her here see how scared she is looking and it's just because of you stupid I am sorry avni i promise next time I will not do this.

On the other side riya stops avni.

Riya: you are not going anywhere come with me.

Avni: no I will not go there.

Riya: he is a human being avni.

Avni: whatever I will not go there and that's final.

Riya saw Some boys were standing near her car and smiles.

Riya: ok then go.

Avni look at her.

Avni: thank you.

Avni turns to go she was going and here Neil's heart was aching to see her going and disappointment was clearly shown on his face avni stops to see the boys near the car Neil frown.

Neil: why she stop?

Avni came back to riya and riya smiles to see her.

Riya: what happened.

Avni: woo boys are standing there.

Riya smiles.

Riya: now come with me.

Avni nodes yes Neil smiles when he see her coming with riya but she was looking down.

Riya: hi Neil.

Neil: hi Riya how are you?

Riya: good how are you.

Neil: good hi avni.

Avni: hi.

Neil: how are you?

Avni: fi fine.

Neil: ok that's good why you both are standing please sit.

Riya: yaaa.

All sits guatum was not there he went inside when he saw avni and riya.

Riya: where is gautum?

Neil: aa he had some work so he went inside.

Riya: oh ok.

Riya look at avni and Neil.

Riya: I am going to meet him avni I'll back in 5 minutes ok.

She gets up avni holds her hand neil look at her.

Riya: avni just five minutes Neil is with you.

Avni gives her a angry look because riya know she feels uncomfortable with Neil still she is doing this.

Avni: I am also come with you.

Riya leans to her ear.

Riya: baby understand couple privacy.

Avni gives her a deadly look riya smiles and went avneil saw her going then Neil turns to avni and notice she is playing with her fingers in nervousness.

Neil: avni please be comfortable don't afraid of me i am Neil your family  know me so relax I will not do anything wrong trust me.

Avni didn't say anything.

Neil: aa do you want something coffee tea or anything else.

Avni nodes no Neil nodes yes.

Neil: ok.

After sometime.

Neil: aa how is aunty?

Avni: fine.

Neil again node his head.

Neil: good.

Neil in mind: now what will I say Neil you want to meet her now talk to her.

Neil was thinking than waiter comes with two plates of poha and two coffee.

Waiter: guatum sir send this for you.

Neil: ok thank you.

Waiter went avni saw the poha she widen her eyes then her eyes twinkles and a cute smile appears her face Neil smiles to see her expression.

Avni: poha.

Neil surprised to see her shouting because she always talked in a low voice and the first time he saw her like this and it was beyond his expectations avni start eating it and Neil smiles to see her he cups his face with one hand by putting his elbow on the table and admiring her she was so busy in eating that she didn't notice that then Neil realized he is staring her and sits properly.

Neil in mind: what was you doing Neil you was staring her what if she saw you then what she think about you stop staring her she is already uncomfortable with you and here you are staring her unbelievable but why I was staring her am I in love with her was guatum right I love here but how can It be love we just met last night I have to find about my feelings its love or just infatuation.

Neil picks the coffee cup and sip his coffee while looking at her Avni look at Neil and notice her surrounding and stop eating.

Neil: hey why you stop eating please eat it you like poha right.

Avni nodes yes guatum and riya was looking at them from the window.

Neil: then have it please be comfortable.

Avni: no I am done.

Neil: but.

Neil's phone rings.

Neil: aa excuse me.

Neil went to talk riya and guatum was seeing them.

Riya: guatum avni is alone I am going to her.

Gautum: ok.

On the other side some boys come and look at avni avni notice this and look for riya she was scared she saw Neil was talking on the phone at the side she thinks and went to him she knew him that's why she went there Neil saw her and notice the fear on her face.

Neil: do as I said I will talk to you later.

Neil cuts the call and look at avni.

Neil: what happened?

Avni look at boys then looks down Neil turns his face where Avni look he again look at avni then angrily look at the boys because they were looking at her Neil came in front of her and gives them a deadly look before he react gautum comes there and stop him and say in his ear.

Guatum: stop Neil avni is already scared this will make her more scared.

Neil look at him guatum nodes yes then Neil look at avni who was looking down and riya was standing by giving her a side hug Neil close his eyes and fist his hand to control his anger.

Avni: I want to go home.

Neil open his eyes and look at her and feels bad and guilty to see her crying because he call them if he didn't do that then it won't happen.

Riya: ok we are going now stop crying.

Neil: come I will drop you both.

Avni look at him.

Neil: we can't trust these boys what if they follow you so let me drop you.

Gautum: Neil is right go with him.

Riya look at avni and Neil too look at avni.

Riya: do you want to go with him.

Avni nodes yes Neil smiles.

Neil: come.

Neil again angirly look at the boys then they went from there riya was with them because they knew avni can't went with Neil alone.

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