Planning surprise last part

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Episode 61:

Neil was shockingly looking at avni.

Avni: what happened I am asking about your favourite destination.

Neil: why?

Avni remain silent she didn't have any answer Neil was looking at her.

Avni: ab aan nothing just asking.

Neil: oh.

Neil in mind: I thought you are planning our holidays Neil how can you expect it.

Avni saw him lost.

Avni: Neil.

Neil: yes.

Avni: what happened?

Neil: nothing ab avni there are many places where I want to go I thought after our wedding we will go somewhere every year but.

Avni: but what you are fine now and soon you will be absolutely fine just like before.

Neil smiles.

Avni in mind: I should talk to mummy ji about it but she didn't allow him to go office then how will she be agree for a trip and I think she is right this is not the right time to go anywhere if we go then we will go to visit places there and he will walk more no no avni bad idea think something else.

Neil saw her lost and asked her what happened she shook her head Neil feels weird then avni was walking in the lawn and was thinking she was tapping the cell phone on her hand.

Avni: what I do what will I give him as a gift God. avni you are so dumb you don't know anything.

Avni think.

Avni: he said he planned to celebrate our anniversary in a different way but what was his plan avni now how you get to know about it.

Avni was confused she never planned a surprise in her life so she don't know what to do.

Avni: avni give him a watch as a gift no watch no he will say Avni I am at home since months what I do of it. no he will like it whatever you give him he will like it but not watch it will make him sad so what I give him.

After thinking for some minutes.

Avni: perfume no shirt nooo uffff.

Avni was confused and frustrated she think then she smiles.

Avni: yes it's a good idea it will make him happy yes finally I got the idea.

Avni hear Shweta is calling her avni went from there then Avni went to her room not guest room their own room she open the door and look at the room she smiles to see her room.

Avni: I am missing those days but don't worry avni soon you will come back to this room just wait for some more days.

Avni look at the room she remember Shweta asked her something she hit her head.

Avni: avni do the work for you are here.

Avni went to the cupboard she take out her jewellery boxes she saw something and frown avni keep the boxes on the table and went back to the cupboard and take out a shopping bag and saw something in it avni think and smiles.

On the other side Neil was waiting for her.

Neil: where is avni she spend most of the time with me daily but today don't know where is she and she is also behaving odd today what's the matter?

Neil saw avni and smiles.

Neil: finally you get the time for your husband.

Avni frown.

Neil: what. daily at this time you spend time with me help me in my work but today you are just disappear.

Avni smiles and came to bed to sit.

Avni: I was with mummy ji actually she was giving jewellery for polish and I asked her when she gave her jewellery for polish then tell me because I wanted to give her my jewellery.

Neil: but your most of the jewellery is new you didn't use them much.

Avni: yes but the hook of my one necklace broke when I wore it last time so I asked her to take it to jeweller he will fix it.

Neil: oh ok.

Avni smiles.

Avni: your work is finished?

Neil: yes.

Avni: ok coffee?

Neil: no just sit here.

Avni smiles.

Neil: ab avni I am so sorry i planned many things for our wedding anniversary but thi.

Avni interrupts.

Avni: Neeiiil please don't feel guilty I know you planned many things and I appreciate it I am happy that you think about it and it's enough for me I am not like those girls who want materialistic things and want their husband or lover to get the stars for them I am a simple girl and I just want you your love that's it.

Neil was surprised.

Neil: really?

Avni: ye.

Avni realised what she said she feels shy and don't dare to look at neil he smiles.

Neil: don't you think nowadays you are becoming more expressive.

Avni: ab aa I I am just coming.

Avni quickly went from there Neil smiles then he think.

Neil: avni when we got marry that time I decided I will earn your trust and we will celebrate our anniversary like a normal couple I planned that I will make this day memorable we will go to our farmhouse and spend time with each other and we will start our new life and will become one soul.

Neil smiles.

Neil: but my condition and still you need time and I can no I will wait for you till my last breathe you and only your happiness matters to me.

Neil smiles on the other side avni stopped at the corridor and she close her eyes and take a deep breathe.

Avni: avni what happened to you what was you saying Neil is right you are becoming more expressive you are behaving like a teen age girl what he would be thinking about you but what I said wrong whatever I said is right it came from my heart I don't want materialistic things what's the wrong it Avni you are becoming mad day by day and why you always blush in front of him don't know what happened to you. You you surely lost your mind somewhere now stop thinking about it and go back to room and stop blushing don't you dare to make me embarrass with your red cheeks got it.

Avni took a deep breathe and went back to the room but as soon as she enter and her eyes fall on Neil and her cheeks betrayed her they turned red Neil smiles to see her he shook his head.

Neil in mind: my unique wife it's been almost one year of our marriage and she is blushing like a newly wed bride but whatever it is I just love her red cheeks even I want her to blush like this even after 25 years of our marriage.

Neil smiles and avni took a book from the shelve and start reading it by sitting on the bed she wants to hide her embarrassment she is developing feelings towards Neil and is confused what is happening to her Neil smiles to see her he give her time to become normal.

One night Neil was waiting for avni to come in the room He was roaming in the room He saw the time it's 11:55pm

Neil: avni where are you only 5 minutes are left.

Then avni came and something was in her hand she close the door Neil saw her and sighs.

Neil: avni where were you I was waiting for you since a long time.

Avni smiles she saw the time it's 12am.

Avni: happy anniversary Neil.

Neil surprised he look at the clock and realized the time Neil smiles.

Neil: happy anniversary.

Avni smiles.

Avni: Neil this is for you.

Neil: what is this avni?

Avni: see it yourself.

Neil smiles and take the gift he opens that and surprised to see that he was just looking at the Gift.

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