Possessive Neil

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Chapter 118:

In the time of the night, a car stopped outside the restaurant and Avneil get down from it they look at each other and smiles. Avneil went into the restaurant where Neil pulls a chair for Avni she smiles and sits then Neil sits. A waiter came to them and gives the menu Neil takes that.

Neil: thank you.

Neil passes that to Avni and Avni looks at Neil.

Avni smiles awkwardly.

Avni: why are you giving it to me?

Neil: because you wanted to come here.

Avni: ab yaa but...

Avni looks at the waiter.

Neil: please Neil you order it.

Neil: I decided before coming here that I will eat what you order for me.

Neil placed the menu in front of Avni.

Avni: ab Neil. Please.

Neil: you said we will go to the restaurant so, I fulfilled your wish we are here in the restaurant now order.

Neil signs on the menu with his eyes.

Neil: One thing is clear that if I eat then I will eat the food of your choice that's it else let's go home.

Avni looks at him. Neil signs at the menu with his eyes and said, hmm.

Avni knew how stubborn her husband is if he comes on him he always did what she wants but sometimes his mind rotations with the angle of 360. So, Avni picks the menu and looks at it she frowns to see the names as she comes to the restaurants rarely so, she was confused to see the names of things. Neil was sitting by keeping his hand on his mouth and looked at her facial expressions and understands that she is confused.

Neil: ab, my friend you go when we decide the menu we will call you.

Waiter: ok sir.

The waiter goes and Avni banged the menu on the table.

Avni: is this a menu or name of some species.

Neil smiles.

Avni: stop smiling you know I don't have knowledge of these things still you asked me to order.

Neil: yes I know that.

Avni looked frustrated but talked calmly.

Avni: then why you asked me?

Neil: there are two reasons behind it. First, I want to eat the food which you order for me and second, if you will not try then how will get the knowledge about it.

Avni smiles weakly.

Avni: sometimes, I feel that I will never understand you.

Neil: then you are wrong because you understand me very well; the way you handled me and my fear today, that shows that you understand me very well.

Avni: ok now stop praising me and help me.

Neil smiles and said ok.

Neil tells her about the Indian dishes as he knows that Avni doesn't like other foods. Neil was explaining and Avni was staring at him, Neil notices that and snaps his fingers in front of his eyes and Avni came back to reality. Avni feels shy and looks down. Neil smiles.

Neil: you can stare at me as much as you want but later, right now I am very hungry so, please order something.

Avni was blushing. Neil calls the waiter.

Neil: hey friend.

Avni smiles she knows why he is calling the waiter, friend because he never discriminates between people and thinks all people are equal.

Waiter comes. Neil signs Avni to say.

Avni gives the order and Neil smiles to see her he can see confidence in her talking way.

The waiter turns and stop. Avneil looks at him.

Waiter: Sir, If you don't mind then can I say something.

Neil smiles and said, yaa say.

Waiter: you both look very cute together I wish you both lives happily together forever.

Avni smiles and looks at the table.

Neil: thank you so much, brother.

The waiter smiles and goes. Avni looks at Neil they smile then they have dinner and talked.

Then Avneil were on the way and going back to Khanna mansion.

Neil: you know what Avni, we did right that we came earlier from the party else we miss this awesome dinner.

Avni: maybe but I don't think so.

Neil frowns.

Avni: things look beautiful when we were happy and with the one whom we love, the place doesn't matter.

Neil smiles.

Avni: if our loved one is with us then autumn also gives the feeling of spring and without that person, the beautiful rainbow also looks ordinary and colourless.

Neil: that's right. I am impressed wifey.

Avni: I am impressed Neil and I learned these all things from you. I experienced them with you.

Neil smiles.

Neil in mind: In these 18 months of our marriage I saw your many sheds and I love your every shade but I am loving the most this expressive Avni. I love you, wifey.

Neil smiles.

Neil: I am glad to hear that.

Avni smiles and suddenly the car jolts, Avneil were confused and the car stopped. Neil tried to start it but no use.

Avni: what happened?

Neil: don't know, let me check.

Neil gets down from the car and opens the bonnet and checking it with the flashlight of the cell phone. Avni waits for him then she gets down from the car and comes to Neil. Neil looks at her and again checks the car.

Avni: what happened?

Neil: don't know, you go and sit in the car, I check it this area is so isolated it's not safe here.

Avni nods yes and turns but she stops and looks at Neil who was in difficulty as he checks the car or holds the cell phone.

Avni: give me the cell phone.

Neil: it's ok I will manage, you go and sit.

Avni: you said this area is isolated and it's not safe here so for going from here we need a car and for that, it has to start, and for that, we have to work together so we can go from here as soon as possible. Right, Mr Khanna.

Neil smiles.

Neil: right Mrs Khanna.

Neil gives her the cell phone and he checks the car. Two men come there by talking and stops to see them they look at Avni then each other and again looks at Avni with dirt full eyes. Avni turns her face and saw them and turns her face but she feels their gaze and again looks at them and saw them are looking at her lustfully she feels disgusting.

Neil: Avni, keep the light here.

Avni looks at him and do as he said and sets her dress because of that she was not able to make the light in the right place, Neil looks at her and saw her feeling awkward. Neil frown and turns he saw the men then at the Avni.

Neil: Avni, you go and sit in the car. I will manage.

Avni nods and gives him the light.

Avni: but don't fight with them, ok.

Neil nods.

Man: he is Neil Khanna, right?

Neil looks at them and Avni stops her instinct was saying that something is going to happen. She looks at Neil.

Man 2: yes and it seems like she is his wife. Did you read about their case in the newspapers?

Man: yes, also heard much in the News.

Man looks at Avni.

Man: no doubt why that Raghav was mad after her she is worth tasting.

Neil was looking at them with bloodshot eyes. Avni holds his arm, Neil looks at her and she shook her head.

They laugh.

Man2: that's true she is hot and spicy. I like spicy food.

Neil clenched his fist and Avni tightens the grip on his hand to control him.

Avni: Neil, resume your work so, we can go from here soon.

Neil nods he was about to turn but he stops.

Man: I wish, I was at Raghav place, for this piece I am ready to go to jail.

They laughed and Avni squeezed her eyes and that was the limit for Neil he frees his hand and goes to them.

Avni: Neil.

Neil grabs the collar of one.

Neil: what you said, hmm what you said? How dare you look at her with your dirty eyes?

Man 2 tried to hit but Neil holds his fist and kicks him, Avni gets worried. Neil punches the man whom he was holding and kicks him.

Avni: leave them, Neil.

Avni was worried for Neil because of his accident.

Avni: Neil.

But Neil did not listen and beats them. Avni looks on the road and picks Neil's phone and calls Kk and tells him everything.

Kk: I am coming, bhabhi.

Avni: please don't say anything to the family they will get worried.

Kk: ok.

Avni cuts the call.

Neil was beating them as they were drunk so they don't have much strength to fight. Neil kicks the man, he falls.

Neil said while punching the man: how dare, you how dare you to say bad about her, how dare you, how dare you?

Avni: leave him, Neil.

Avni looks at Neil's leg and was worried about his injury. Avni goes to him and tries to pull him.

Avni: Neil, please leave him, calm down, leave him.

Neil was punching the man and Avni pulls him back with much difficultly.

Avni shouts: stop it, Neil.

Neil looked at her and was panting, Avni was also panting. Men were laying on the road and wincing.

Kk comes there and police also reached.

Kk: are you ok, Neil?

Neil nods and wipes his sweat with his arm.

Neil: you here?

Kk: bhabhi called me.

Neil looks at Avni who was looking at him angrily. Neil knows why she is looking at him like this.

Neil looks at kk and said OK.

Police did their work and catch those men who were drunk.

Kk: you go, I will handle everything. Take my car.

Neil: then how you go?

Kk: I will call the driver, you go.

Neil nods and they go.

On the way, Neil and Avni both were not in good mood, one was angry at those men and the second at her man.

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