Wedding anniversary part 02

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Episode 63:

The sun rises and it was indeed a good morning because the weather was pleasant and birds were chirping and flying at the khanna mansion and here in the mansion AvNeil were sleeping peacefully avni wakes up and rub her eyes she saw Neil is sleeping besides her she smiles.

Avni: happy anniversary.

Avni think and get up for freshen up avni went to the cupboard and take out the shopping bag avni think then she close the cupboard after some time Neil stir in sleep and turn his side then he wakes up and open his eyes he saw the time it's 07:35am he smiles because it's his wedding anniversary day he turns his face and saw avni is not there Neil frown then he turn his face and surprised to see the view in front of his eyes he can't believe at his eyes that what he is seeing he close his eyes and again open them and saw the same thing because it was reality not his imagination he was just staring at that side it was avni who was getting ready by wearing a beautiful Saree which Neil bought for her but didn't give her because she don't like to wear Saree.

Avni was combing her hairs then her eyes fall on Neil who was not in a mood to take his eyes off from her avni feels shy Neil smiles and get up avni keeps the hair brush on the dressing table and turns to Neil avni slowly came to Neil.

Neil: avni you are looking beautiful in this Saree.

Avni looks down and smiles.

Avni: thanks.

Neil: avni this Saree?

Avni: you bought for me right?

Neil: yeah but how you.

Neil can't be able to talk he was surprised and more over he was lost in avni.

Avni: how I got it right?

Neil nods.

Avni: that day when I went to our room to get the necklace that day I saw that I understood that you bought it for me but I don't like to wear Saree so you didn't give it to me.

Neil smiles.

Neil: yaa then why you wear it today?

Avni: my heart said to me.

Neil in mind: liar you have wear it for me to make me feel special avni you have no idea how happy I am you are looking so gorgeous in this Saree.

Neil: your heart said?

Avni nods but not looking at him Neil leans to her ear.

Neil: that means your heart get the signals of my heart I really wanted to see you in this Saree.

Avni was feeling butterflies in her stomach neil smirk to see her she was very nervous Neil was happy that she is getting nervous because of his effect now she don't feel disgusting.

Neil: avni I am happy that you think about me and worn this Saree to give me surprise.

Avni was looking at him Neil smiles.

Neil: I know you wear it for me to make me feel good but avni you don't need to do it I know you feel uncomfortable in Saree so for me don't make yourself uncomfortable.

Avni: no Neil I am fine I am ok with it and thank you for this beautiful Saree.

Neil smiles.

Neil: anything for you.

Avni smiles.

Avni: let me get your cane.

Neil: avni.

Avni turn to him.

Neil: I am fine now I can walk please no more cane I don't like to carry it.

Avni: but Neil.

Neil: please.

Avn: ok but on one condition.

Neil: what?

Avni: after getting freshen up you will not come out yourself you will call me.

Neil was just looking at her he wants to pinch himself he is surely seeing a dream daily he came out after freshen up with the help of prakash or sometime he came out then avni give him support and scolding him for not calling her for help.

Avni: Neil I am saying it because of water for your betterment you are fine now and I don't want that because of little carelessness again.

Avni stop.

Avni: I mean to say we have to be careful.

Neil: I understand avni you don't need to explain anything ok I will call you.

Avni nods then avni support him to go to the washroom Neil smiles after that avni arrange all the things for him.

Avni: do you need anything else?

Neil shook his head.

Neil: no thank you.

Avni smiles and then she was waiting for Neil outside after sometime Neil call her.

Nei: avni I am ready.

Avni went and again help him then Neil get ready.

Nei: let's go.

Avni nods they went for the breakfast all were sitting at the dinning area they saw avneil and smiles to see that Neil is walking without cane and avni is giving him support avneil came and all gives them blessing and hug them they wish them happy anniversary prakash hug Neil.

Prakash: happy anniversary.

Neil: thanks dad.

Prakash: happy anniversary my child.

Avni: thank you papa.

All smiles.

Bebe: come sit.

Avneil nods and they sit.

Shweta: avni Neil your dresses will come till noon ok you both have to wear those dresses ok.

Avni smiles.

Neil: ok mom.

Shweta: by the way avni nice Saree when you bought it.

Neil look at avni and smiles avni was feeling shy bebe smiles to see her.

Bebe: yes nice Saree avni I must say your choice is really good.

Avni: ac actually bebe mummy ji ne Neil bought it.

Shweta: really?

Avni nods by looking down.

Shweta: wow tillu I didn't know that your choice is that much good it's beautiful you have a good sense of choice.

Neil look at avni.

Neil: that's right.

Bebe and Shweta clear their throats Neil look at them and feels shy he smiles by looking at her.

Shweta: I was talking about Saree.

Neil: I know mom.

Shweta smiles.

Neil: well mom you should have idea about it because Saree and your daughter in-law both are beautiful and both are my choice.

Avni feels embarrass she just want to run from there Shweta's mouth was open she didn't expect this answer from Neil.

Avni: I I am coming.

Avni went to the kitchen and Neil was smiling to see her all laughs.

Bebe: feels shy.

Neil smiles.

Prakash: oye why are you teasing my daughter.

Neil: what I did i didn't even talk to her mom bebe did I talk to her?

Bebe and Shweta: no.

Bebe: he didn't talk to her.

Neil: see.

Prakash: naughty boy.

Neil smiles and look at the kitchen he shook his head on the other side avni was standing by keeping her hand on the slab and feeling so shy by recalling what Neil said.

At evening khanna mansion was decorated beautifully with lights curtains and flowers and guests were arriving and here in the room Neil was getting ready he set in hairs and saw avni is entering in the room she got ready in Shweta's room because Shweta helped her to get ready Neil turns to her and lost he was just staring her avni looks down and slowly came to him.

Neil was lost.

Neil in mind: avni please show some mercy to your poor husband you are looking breathe taking and you are taking my breath how can some one look so beautiful and cute at the same time.

Avni came to him.

Neil: avni you are looking like a doll.

Avni blush.

Avni: thank you.

Neil set his coat which was the sign that say something about me avni look at neil and see that he is expecting his praise Avni smiles.

Avni: you are also looking handsome.

Neil look at her from the corner of his eyes avni smiles Neil also smiles.

Avni: no seriously you are looking handsome.

Neil: thanks for the compliment my gorgeous wifey.

Avni smiles.

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