where is Avni

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Chapter 106:

In the night, there was a pin drop silence in Khanna mansion because of the news of the court case, and in Avneil room, they were standing by hugging each other, Neil caresses Avni's hairs who was sad that Neil and Khanna family will suffer because of her and the other reason was the case, but she was happy also that everyone in the family loves her that they can do anything for her.

Neil breaks the hug and kisses her forehead, Avni closes her eyes then they look at each other.

Neil: do you want to say something, is something bothering you?

Avni shook her head.

Neil: then what happened why you are crying?

Avni gaps.

Avni: if we cry that doesn't mean we are sad, tears can be of happiness.

Neil looks at her with a frown.

Avni: leave it, let's sleep.

Neil in mind: why I am feeling she is hiding something... Should I ask her?

Neil looks at Avni.

Neil in mind: no, she doesn't want to talk about that, I should give her time already she is stressed because of the case, if I ask her again and again then It will make her irritated.

Neil: Avni, you know you can share anything with me, right?

Avni smiles and nods.

Neil: ok.

Avni: don't worry, I am fine, just feeling overwhelmed.

Neil frown.

Avni: and couldn't handle my emotions.

Neil was looking at her, his heart was saying that she had heard their conversation, but he didn't want to talk about that, he didn't want to talk about Raghav so, he left that topic.

Neil: ok, but if you want to share anything then doesn't hesitate, ok!

Avni: yes sir.

Avneil smiles.

The next morning, the birds were chirping and the soft breeze of the morning was playing with the tress.

In Khanna mansion, someone was going from the corridor by picking two cups on the tray, that person entered the room and saw Avni is sleeping peacefully; a smile appeared on the face of the person to see his beauty queen sleeping, a natural beauty; Avni was looking adorable and the person who entered he can't help but adore her, that person is Neil he smiles and comes to her; Neil keeps the tray on the bed's side table and sits on the bed he caresses Avni's hairs.

Neil; Avni, Avni wake up.

No response.

Neil: wake up, love.

Avni stirs but again sleeps, Neil smiles.

Neil: Avni, wake up it's too late I have to go to the office.

No use.

Neil think and looks at Avni, Neil leans to Avni and kiss her cheek and Avni smiles in sleep, Neil smiles with a frown.

Neil leans to her ears.

Neil: wake up or else I will kiss your lips.

Neil kisses her ear and looks at her she was still sleeping.

Neil gets a little bit worried as she never did that, he was already worried that the news of the court case will affect her health and now she is not waking up.

Neil checks her forehead and signs because she doesn't have a fever. Neil again tries to awake her by caressing her hairs

Neil: Avni, love, wake up. Avni...

Neil got worried and was about to call his family, but he saw Avni stir in sleep and open her eyes with a cute smile, Neil gets away he sighs deeply and Avni stretched her body then she noticed Neil and blush which makes Neil confuse.

Neil: are you ok?

Avni looks at him and frown.

Avni: yes, what happened to me?

Neil: I am waking you for 10 minutes, but you were not waking up.

Avni thinks.

Avni: that was real?

Neil frown.

Neil: what?

Avni: you kissed m...

Avni stopped and think.

Avni in mind: was I dreaming or that was real?

Neil: what? What did you say?

Avni looks at him.

Avni: n, nothing.

Neil: no you said something about a kiss.

Neil looks at her and Avni looks away and saw the cups.

Avni: cups?

Neil looks there and smiles.

Neil: yes, I made coffee for us.

Avni: what?

Neil: yes, see the time it's 7: 45.

Avni saw the time at the clock and shocked she gets up with a jerk.

Neil: relax, Avni.

Avni: it's too late how can I sleep this late, why you didn't wake up me, did you go jogging?

Neil: Avni, relax and yes, I went for jogging and about awaking you so you didn't sleep properly last night that's why I didn't wake up you even still you was not in a mood to wake up.

Avni: that I was dreaming that's why I was not waking up.

Neil: what you were dreaming?

Avni: that you are k.

Avni stopped and look at him, Neil smiles.

Neil: that I...

Avni set her hairs to avoid eye contact.

Avni: nothing.

Neil smiles and leans to her.

Neil: that I kissed you.

Avni looks at him astonishingly that how he gets to know.

Neil: Well, that was not a dream.

Avni is looking at him, Neil replied by blinking his eyes, Avni feels shy and looks away, Neil smiles.

Neil: by the way till when I do the honour of kissing you; when that day comes, when my cheeks get this reward.

Avni feels more awkward and her cheeks were telling the story of her shyness, Neil smiles and kiss her cheek.

Neil: I love these blushy cheeks.

Avni didn't dare to turn her face to him.

Neil: in the effort of waking you up, the coffee gets cold.

Avni looks at the cups and picks the one.

Neil: Avni, don't drink it, it got cold.

Avni: so what, you made it with love, I will drink it.

Neil smiles and Avni sips the coffee, Neil also picks the cup and drinks.

Avni: this coffee made my day, it's awesome.

Neil: pleasure is all mine.

Avni smiles, Neil gets relief that she is fine.

Days pass and Neil tried every possible effort that Avni thinks less about Raghav, but the news channels played their role efficiently to remind her about that, for that reason Neil removed all the televisions of the house, but what he does to the media how comes to their home and calls them and the day of the court hearing comes.

In the morning, Neil was finding Avni in the home, but he didn't find her anywhere he came to the room she was not there, he looks for her in the kitchen, lawn, terrace, but she was nowhere, Neil gets tensed and goes to see in Shweta's room he knocks the door and Shweta was giving the wallet to Prakash.

Prakash: come, Neil, what happened you are looking tensed.

Neil: dad, Avni is nowhere.

Shweta and Prakash shocked.

Shweta: what?

Neil: yes, did she tell you anything about where she is going?

Shweta: no and where will she go in this morning, today is the court hearing.

Neil was hell worried.

Neil: This is why, I was worried and not leaving her alone, but that lawyer called and I had to go to talk to him.

Prakash: relax Neil, where will she go, she must be at home.

Neil: I checked everywhere but she is not at home.

Prakash: did you check in Bebe's room maybe she was there.

Neil: no, I didn't check there.

Prakash: let's go and check maybe she was there.

Neil nods and takes steps back he fastly goes from there and Prakash and Shweta follow him soon Neil comes to Bebe's room and saw she is setting her shawl on her shoulder, but Avni was not there. Neil gets more worried and looks here and there.

Bebe: what happened?

Neil goes from there to find Avni.

Prakash: Neil!

But he went.

Prakash looks at Bebe.

Bebe: what happened? tell me.

Prakash was looking at her.

Neil checks in the balcony and calls her.

Neil: Avni, Avni, Avni.

Neil comes out from the home and shouts Avni's name continuously.

Neil: Avni, Avni, Avni where are you?

Neil looks here and there he runs his hands in his hairs and catches his neck he cries, he was afraid where she went in the morning, did she go because of the court case, he knows she never runs like this then where she went, his brain stop working, he only want his Avni, but where is she?

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