Therinsford in Flames

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The trek home was longer for Derek than it was coming into the Spine. Then again, he was alone when he first entered. Never did he expect to be walking in the forest of the Spine with a dragon-like woman and the fiercest predator of the Spine. And yet, here he is, walking with a dragon-human hybrid and a Griger. Life did a literal 360 on him.

And yet, he felt that this was meant to happen. That everything that has happened was meant to happen. As though he was suppose to find Neira. As though he was suppose to bond with her. He couldn't prove it, but he felt as though that something was watching his fate, controlling it. But he couldn't prove it. Not that he would have wanted too.

Anyways, he just kept on moving through the forest with Neira and Leo by his side. He kept on moving as Neira spoke to him. "Derek, can you tell me about your family? Your village?" He looked at her. "Okay. Well, where do I start?" He looked up in thought as he continued walking. Then he spoke.

"Well, I have a mother named Dorothy and a father named Samuel. My mother is 39 as my father is 40. I have a 4 year old sister named Amelia. She is a feisty handful. However, she is very adorable. My father owns the Tavern that he works at. I help him out whenever he needs me to. My mother however works with a friend by the name Clara at the barn, tending to the animals and plants that grow there. My little sister helps her when she wants too. As for the village, I live in a village called Therinsford. It's usually peaceful. People going to and fro places, doing all kinds of business. It's a little like Carvahall, but bigger." He looked down as he remembered something that made his mood sour.

Neira could feel how Derek's mood changed so suddenly. She looked at him. "What's wrong?" He looked at her as they came to a stop. "I'm sorry. It's just that I remembered something that soured my good mood." She looked at him. "What is it?" He looked down before speaking. "Until recently, the peaceful village has had an unwelcomed visit by soldiers from the Empire." She closed her eyes at those words. She may have been asleep, but even she knew of the Empire and the events that plague the world in her slumber. She wasn't surprised to hear that soldiers have plagued a village, but she was curious as to why. She opened her eyes and then spoke.

"Why are there soldiers at your village?" He just shrugged. "I'm not fully sure. I just know that they came through the village a few weeks ago and and headed towards Carvahall. Then they just set up a camp between the two villages. Ever since then, they just came in the villages and did as they please. It's very upsetting." She nodded. "It is. Hope they leave soon." At that, he nodded and began walking again. "I don't know. I hope they do. I do know that they're searching for something or someone. Whoever it is, they must have done something truly bad if they have not only a small Garrison of Soldiers here, but also two of King Galbatorix's most well known assassins." This pique her interest.

"Who are the twin assassins you speak of?" At that, Derek gave out a shudder. "They're not a who. They're a what." He shuddered again as he spoke. "They're the Ra'zac." At that, Neira's eyes widen. She has sense the malice of the Ra'zac in her sleep. It truly made her shudder.  "The Ra'zac?" He nodded. "Yes. What men fear. The eaters of human flesh and the drinkers of blood. Truly terrifying fiends."

She just nodded at that and didn't say anything more on the subject. Instead, she said something else. "Well, I'm sorry that your village has had to deal with the soldiers and the Ra'zac, but I'm looking forward to meet your parents and your sister. I can imagine her smiling now." She stopped as she heard Derek let out a laugh that caught the attention of Leo, who was walking near them.

"Amelia would love you. I can imagine that the first thing she would say to you is "you're pretty". You would definitely love her." She smiled at that. She then looked at Leo and had an interesting thought. "What would Amelia think of Leo?" Derek looked at the Griger and let out a chuckle. "Amelia would be brave enough to call him "kitty"." At that, Neira let out a loud giggling laugh. "That would be funny to hear. Sorry Leo." Leo just shook his large head and continued walking. At that, Neira and Derek along with Leo continued on their journey home.

~Few hours later~

It was getting close to dark when Derek spotted a familiar site. A tree that he always marked when we entered the Spine. He couldn't help but smile. "We're almost there, Neira." She looked at him confused. "How can we be close? I see nothing but trees ahead."

He just chuckled. He then motioned towards the tree to his left. The one that was marred with what look like cuts. "You see this tree? This tree is full with cuts. This tree is approximately 8 meters from the forest boundary around Therinsford. I mark this tree every time I enter the Spine. We're almost home." He smiled as she smiled at him. He took her clawed hand. "Let's go."

They began walking again. They kept walking until they got close to the tree line. Derek was smiling the whole time. He couldn't wait to get home. 'Sure I would have to explain to mom and dad what Neira is and show them my hand, but I'm sure they would understand. Amelia would love her.' He kept smiling as he continued walking.

His smile didn't last long. As his smile turned into a look of horror. Horror as he heard a sound he wish he could never hear. A sound that would scare him for some time to come. A sound that would declare that something horrible is happening.

The sound of someone screaming. As he hear the sound of someone screaming, he stopped in his tracks. Neira and Leo stopped dead in their tracks as well. Neira looked at him. "What is that sound?" He looked at her. "It's the sound of someone screaming. What's worse is that sound is in front of us." He then took off running. Neira and Leo followed suit. As they ran, they heard another scream. Someone else was screaming.

'Please tell me that everyone is alright.' Derek thought as they ran. He smelt it before he saw it. "Smoke. Which means..." He stopped and Neira finished for him. "Fire." They kept running until they reached the boundary line. As they crossed the boundary line, their eyes widen at what they saw.

Therinsford was on fire. Buildings were covered in flames. Men and women were running for their lives as some tired to put the flames out, but was in vain from the start. Derek could hear the screams of people dying. Neira gasp in horror. "What caused the flames?" Her questions were answered when they saw men in familiar armor with swords and shield out as well as bows and arrows. Derek growled.

"Soldiers. The Empire has attacked the village." They watched as a man ran from his house to escape the flames. They then watched as a soldier lifted his bow and pulled back the arrow. The soldier then released the arrow. The arrow met it's mark as the arrow pierced the man's skull, killing him instantly. They then just continued on their way.

Neira growled in despair. "Such monsters." Derek nodded as he took out his knife. "Let's get to my parents house." She nodded as they made their way to his house as fast they could. Fortunately for him, his house was one of the few houses that wasn't on fire. He sighed in relief that his house wasn't on fire.

His relief was short lived as he heard his sister and mother start screaming. Then he saw his mother and and father as well as his little sister get dragged out of the house by 4 of the soldiers. His eyes widen in horror as he realizes what they were gonna do.

They were gonna murder his parents in cold blood and make his sister watch. "No. They will not take my family from me." He then rushed at them, with Neira right beside him, with her claws extended. Leo jumped ahead of them and let out a roar. The soldiers looked in the direction of the sound, only for their eyes to reveal horror. It was too late for the two who were looking towards Derek's parents for them to draw their swords. Leo jumped and pounced on the soldier close to him, ripping his throat out with his teeth, blood pouring everywhere. A second later, Leo jumped up and pounced on the other man, tearing the man's throat with his claws. The other two soldiers that held his parents let them go and ran towards the Griger, trying to kill it.

Neira made her move as the men were distracted by the Griger. She used her tail and wrapped it around the nearest soldier and pulled him towards her. His eyes widen as he saw what pulled him. Before he could say anything, Neira raised her hand with a quick swipe, cut the man throat. Blood poured out of the would as the man died, choking on his own blood. The other man saw this and his eyes widen as well.

A fatal mistake. As he was distracted, Derek snuck up behind him and raised his knife. He then grabbed the man and placed the knife to his throat. He then whispered in the man's ear. "You tried to kill the wrong family. Now suffer in hell." He then pulled the blade across the man's throat swiftly. The man fell as blood pour out of his neck, dead. He flicked the blood of his knife and placed it in it's holster. He then ran and until his parents.

They look at him with wide eyes. He asked with a concern voice. "Are you alright mother, father?" Samuel looked at him. "Derek? You're here?" He nodded as he pulled him up. "I'm here father." He then untied his mother and helped her onto her feet. "Derek my son. You came back? You're not hurt son?" He shook his head. "I'm fine mother. I came back just in time. What happened?" His father spoke. "We don't know. They just all of sudden attacked without mercy. So many people slaughtered." Derek growled. "Monsters." He help his sister up as he finished untying her. "Are you alright Amy?" She slowly shook her head. "Y-yes b-big b-brother."

At that moment, Neira and Leo walked over. This caused Dorothy and Amelia to let out a gasp. Samuel held them in his arms as they shook in fear. Derek shook his head tried to calm them. "It's alright. Neira and the Griger are with me. They won't hurt you." His mother looked at him. "With you?"

He nodded. "Yes. They're with me. I have a lot to explain to you, but now is not the time. We need to get to safety." He then looked at the Griger. "Leo, can you carry my mother and my sister as Neira and my father and I use the three horses we have?" They didn't expect the Griger to answer him. So, their eyes widen as the Griger nodded his head. "Thank you Leo." He then looked at his mother. "You first mother." She nodded as she slowly approached the Griger. The Griger later on the ground, which made it easier for her to her on him. Derek help his mother get on Leo's back. When he made sure that she was on him right, he went back and picked up Amelia. He then handed her to Dorothy, who placed her in between  her legs." As they made sure they were safe and secured on Leo's back, Leo stood.

Derek then ran around the house to the horse stables behind it. He pulled the horses out and pulled them to the front. He then showed Neira how to board the horse. She caught on quickly. After a few seconds they were ready. Derek got off the horse and ran into the house. There he quickly ran in each room, getting as much good and clothes and everything they would need and placed them in bags. Less than 5 minutes later, he ran out of the house and put them in the saddlebags. He then got in the saddle.

It's a good thing that he did, because a second later, five soldiers came from around a house and saw them. One growled. "There! More villagers to slaughter." At that, Derek motioned the horse forward. "Let's get out of here." He made the horse go faster as the Neira as his father followed close behind. Leo was following along as fast as they were moving, even with two people on his back. Arrows flew by his head. "We need to move faster."

They were getting close to the edge of the village as the village burns. Just as they getting close, they heard a loud clicking sound. Derek turn his head to the left. On one of the buildings near the edge of the village stood what they dreaded to see.

A Ra'zac. And it was looking at Neira. But before it could do anything, they rushed out of the village. Derek looked back as they continued moving. He saw his home and sanctuary go up in flames. "They will pay. The soldiers and the Ra'zac will pay one day. So will Galbatorix." He nodded as he turned around and moved the leash, ushering the horse to go faster as they fled from the burning village.

Hey guys. I'm so sorry that I took so long and that this chapter is so longer. Writer's block sucks. Anyways, I hope you guys like it. Don't forget to comment and vote. :) -weeksjmj29

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