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Kaila's POV

We had finally made it to camp. The entire youth group, minus Hunter and Amber.

I was really curious as to why Hunter had to pick her up. He said that Amber was having car issues and ran off. I trust him.

The van had pulled up in the gravel parking lot. Asia and Amyra stuck close next to me as we exited the van.

As soon as I stepped out of the car I smiled. "I can't believe we're here!" I took a deep breath through my nose, taking in the smells around me. There was something so calming about the smell of this place.

"This is so much different then I thought it would." Asia smiled, taking a look at her surroundings.

"Yeah, me too." Amyra remarks. She crosses her arms and pulls out her phone from her pocket. "Ugh, no signal."

"Um, Amyra, we can't have our—"

"Electronic devices! Everyone had in your devices at this moment! Phones, iPods, iPads, tablets." Our male counselor, Reuben, announces.

"What? I wasn't told there weren't any phones!" Amyra practically screams. "This is going to be the worst week ever!"

Reuben hands us each a bag and a sharpie to put our phones in. I stuck my phone in the bag and wrote my name on it.

Asia did the same, Amyra wasn't so compliant to the idea.

"Amyra, if you don't hand in your phone, you will have it taken and you won't get it back after camp. You'll have to mail a box to them and send them a letter as to why you had it. And I'm not kidding either." I explained, harshly, hoping she'll get the point.

She mumbles under her breath and puts her phone in the bag. Asia takes it from her sister and writes her name on it, Asia then writes her own name on her bag.

I took both of the bags, and gave them to Rueben.

"Alright, do I have everyone's device?" He announced. I nodded, then remembered Hunter and Amber.

"Wait, no. Hunter and Amber aren't here yet. They should be here really soon."

"Alright, I'll stay behind and watch for them. Everyone else head to check in and meet back here after! We will grab our things from the car and then go to the cabins."

I watched Kelsey write the number three on my hand.

"There you are, Kaila!" She replies, smiling.

I smile back at her. "Thank you Kelsey!"

I walk out of the registration building, with my paper in hand. I look up for a split second and see a very familiar face. One I rarely ever saw, and wanted to keep it that way.

"What's he doing here?" Alex says, noticing him as well.

"Well, he paid to be here. It's not like they can reject people. Let's just pray that nothing gets ruined this year."

Alex nods, agreeing. We walk towards the road, and I saw Hunter's car pulling up. I squealed, and as soon as the crossing guard let me go on the other side, I ran towards them as fast as I could.

"Amber!" I smiled, giving her a huge hug.

"Hi Kai!" She said, hugging me back. She laughed. "Why does it feel like we haven't seen each other in like a year?"

I laughed too. "I don't know. I literally saw you on Sunday."

Hunter scoffed behind me. "And where's my hug?"

"You can have a side hug." I smirked, giving him a side hug.

Hunter fake whined. "I wanna real hug!"

"Don't pout, otherwise I'm gonna call you Kamden." I then remembered that she was here too.

"Hey, isn't Kamden here?" Amber asked.

"She is! I'm so glad Kambel let her come." I smiled, looking around. "I hope she's alright."

"I'm sure she is." Amber reassured, patting my shoulder. I noticed something on her arm.

"What's on your arm?" I asked.

"Amber, don't you think that we should go get checked in?" Hunter asked, suddenly.

Amber, ignoring my question, agrees and they walk to the road.

Reuben then walks over to where I was. "Ready to get your things?"

I nodded.

"Jane is waiting in the cabin for everyone. You know the room number, don't you?"

"Yep." I looked down at my paper. "But, I'm going to wait for Asia and Amyra."

He smiled. "Okay. Well, I'm going to my cabin to wait for the boys." He grabbed his bag and walked off, with it rolling behind him.

I nodded. I saw Amyra and Asia walking across the road. I waved at them, and they saw me. They got to the other side, and came next to me.

"Let's grab our stuff, I'll show you where the cabin is. You're going to love it." I said, taking my bag from the van, and giving the girls theirs. We walked towards our cabin.

It was good to be back.

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