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Kaila's POV•

After orientation, we got into our game groups. I didn't have anyone from my youth group in my team. Which, I mean, I didn't have any problem with that because, hey, new friends!

"Hello, team three! I'm Pastor Karsen, and I'm going to be your game counselor this year!" He introduced, very excitedly. "How about we all go around the circle and get to know each other?" He pointed to the girl on his left.

"Hi, I'm Amanda, but you can call me Mandy."

The circle went around, and everyone said their name. There was Carly, Shandi, Teagan, Everleigh, Xander, Edge, Beckett, Uriah, and Sheppard. 

I looked around the circle at all of the faces, I didn't really recognize any of them, which was okay, because it meant I could make new friends.

After all of that, we went on to games. Which was Bible Trivia and Tire Tug. Tire Tug was definitely one of my favorite games.

We ended up going against a team in which I didn't know anyone. Except for one girl, who looked vaguely familiar, but I didn't remember.

We lost Tire Tug, and tied in Bible Trivia, which I didn't mind.

After that, was free time. I went back to the cabin. I saw Amyra laying on her sleeping bag on the bottom bunk, and Asia on the top, legs over the railing.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I asked, walking over to their bunk.

"Nothin. We finished games early and decided to come back here. It's so hot outside." Asia remarked, fanning herself with her hand.

I hadn't really noticed, but now that I thought about it, it was kinda warm. "Hm. I've got an idea. Why don't we go down to the lake and get our swim bands? And then we can catch up with the others, and go swimming or paddle boating before dinner." I suggested. I wanted to go swimming anyways.

"No, thanks." Amyra said, barely over a whisper. She turned to the side so her body was facing towards the wall.

I sat quietly next to her on the bed. "Come on Amyra. Why don't you want to go swimming?" I asked gently. Everyone needed to participate, it was a Ms. Jane rule.

She just shrugged. There had to be another explanation. Asia sighed from above us.

"She didn't bring a swimsuit." Coming down from the top bunk, she landed on the floor.

"Is that all you're worried about?" I scoffed. "Come on, I brought a few extra swim suits just in case. Plus, we have water games on Thursday, and that's mandatory." Amyra looked at me, and sighed. "Come on," I said in a sing-songy voice. "It'll be fun!"

She sighed again. "Okay, fine."

"Yay!" I cheered getting up from my spot on the bed. "Let's find you a swimsuit! This is gonna be fun!"

wow! long time no updating, if ya know what i mean.. i surely hope you enjoyed this chapter (: ive been rereading xxSAVxx 's fanfic of Camp and her story 7 Days, which i totally recommend if you haven't already read all three! and i totally got some inspiration (: i'm so excited to be in the fusion mindset again, i've been super sad and depressed lately, so i needed something like this to cheer me up!

hope y'all enjoyed!!


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