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Kaila's POV

I woke up the next morning with an ache in my back. These beds did not do me well. I sat up and a few of the girls were awake. All I knew was the alarm hadn't gone off yet; I definitely would have heard it if it had.

I laid back down for a second, so only hear the sound of Jane's alarm going off. I groaned, sitting up again. It was the last full day at camp, and I wasn't prepared to go home just yet. I tried to remember that we still had a little over 24 hours until we had to go back to the normal world.

This only meant that it was Hunter's last full day as a camper. It meant it was our last year going to camp together. I didn't want to think about this just yet.

I got off my bed and grabbed my clothes. I saw that the door to the bathroom was closed, so I decided to just change my bed instead. When I had gotten fully changed into a t-shirt and athletic shorts, I pulled a sweatshirt over my head. Of course, it was my favorite Spencer Lake sweatshirt Hunter had gotten me all those years ago. I smiled at the thought of my first year here.

The door to the bathroom finally opened and Amyra came out of it. She had a new glow to her, and I wondered why. I wasn't going to ask now, but her new look astonished me like I was staring at a whole new person. I loved it, maybe she learned how to love Jesus this week.

The rest of the girls started waking up as Jane went over to their beds to wake them up.

"Hey," Amber said coming over to me. "Wanna go meet the boys for breakfast?"

I smiled. "Sure."

We were about to head out when Jane stopped us. "Amber, Kaila." We stopped in our tracks. "Why don't you stay with us for devo's and breakfast? You can see your lovers later."

The other girls in the room giggled as we made our way back into the room. Jane thanked us, and everyone went back on their way getting ready for our last full day.


At breakfast, Hunter caught my attention. I mean, not that he doesn't anyway, but this time he just did. I then was caught in the thought of all those years ago when we first met, and how long ago that felt.

I smiled at waved at him to come over to us. He was in front of us. He just pointed inside, so I could sit by him when we got inside. I gave him a thumbs-up, and he turned away.

I turned to the rest of the girls and they were all chattering amongst themselves. I saw Amyra leaning her stomach up against the railing, staring out at the lake. She was smiling peacefully with her eyes shut, the sun shining on her pale, freckled, sunburned cheeks.

I scooted past all the people to go and stand next to her; I copied what she was doing, and felt the breeze on my skin.

"Peaceful, isn't it?" She said. We both moved slightly when we felt the line shift.

"It is. Sad it's our last day, though." I replied turning around to face the building instead.

"Yeah. It's been the best week of my life. I really just want today to be the best day ever."

"And it will be! Because that's how we'll make it. We'll make it the best day ever." I really meant it. I wanted this to be the best day ever. It's Hunter's last year as a camper. Got to make the most of it.

"Hey, Kaila?" Amyra asked as we moved with the line. I hummed in a questioning tone turning my attention towards her. "When you accepted Christ for the first time, how did you feel afterward?"

I squealed a bit on the inside. She was different! She accepted Jesus!

"Well, to be honest, I accepted Jesus into my heart when I was very young. I grew up going to church. I did lose my way in middle school because of my sister, but I came back to Christianity when I came here after my freshman year." I responded. We were finally inside the dining hall. Our hot breakfast of pancakes and sausage filled the room.

She smiled. "Well," She said quietly. "I accepted Jesus last night." I smiled so wide and started squealing while doing a little happy dance. I opened my arms and embraced her in a tight hug. She seemed to fight it a little but then gave in and hugged me back. "Kaila, I can tell you right now, I've never felt so happy as I have at this very moment."


We got our food and beverage and went to go sit down with the boys. Amyra's friend Aden came to sit next to us too.

I couldn't stop smiling at the fact that Amyra had accepted Jesus. The only thing that got me out of my happy moment was seeing Shaun. There was something about him that I couldn't shake, it was like, he carried a cloud above him. A dark, stormy cloud with lightning. It was traumatizing to even look at him.

I wanted to remove him from my mind. Hunter noticed my disdain and grabbed my hand.

"Can I talk to you after breakfast? Before morning service?"

I smiled softly. "Sure."

We finished our food and talked about fun things. I couldn't help but think about Hunter's request. Why did he want to talk?

After breakfast, he softly pulled me towards the lake. He sat me down on a rock and looked me in the eyes.

"Lah, I just want to let you know, and something that's been on my heart recently, you need to forgive him."

My heart stopped for a moment. Forgive him? "What do you mean?"

He sighed. "What he did to you, to us, I promise it won't ever break us apart. If anything, it made me want to love you more, because of that pain and suffering he caused you. But, you will never become the happy Kaila I knew once before if you don't forgive him."

"But, Hunter, you know what he did. He--"

He grabbed my hand, noticing tears dripping down my cheeks. I know, my love. But this hurt and pain won't ever go away if you let it linger. It's time to let go, and let God."


After our brief conversation, I wanted to cry even more. I was already going through so much, with my sister's fiance possibly abusing my niece, a guy on my team possibly liking me, the end of camp, Amyra, Hunter's request. It seemed too far down the list to take care of.

At morning service, I went up to the front for worship. I felt so broken, and I felt like all these pains and worries were so overbearing that I couldn't do it anymore.

I knelt to the ground towards the beginning of the service and just gave it up. I told God I couldn't do it anymore and I gave up my worries and cautions.

There was no physical lifting, but I felt a bit lighter by the time worship was over. Who knows what's gonna happen the rest of the day.


Wait, what do you mean the book's almost over?! It's already Friday morning at camp, which means.. I'll probably only be writing about 4 more chapters and a little epilogue for you all.

And I've had a little surprise for you once the story is over that I should hype up a bit.

Anywayssss. thank you all for being so incredibly patient with me these past few.. well years haha. I started this book back in 2017, can you believe that? and now it's 2021. Four years of writing a book is way too long. So hopefully I can finish relatively soon, and start editing Camp & Cause and Affect, and eventually this book haha.

Enjoy! See you next chapter! Big stuff is coming!


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