12- bad news

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I do not claim to own any of the rights orthe characters from the Bleach series as this story is completely my own idea.  Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews to tell me what you think.  Thanks and enjoy the story! I will be using the Yugioh cards Super Robolady, Super Roboyarou, Vampire Lord, and Vampire Lady for the villains in this story as I claim no rights to the cards but I do happen to own these cards.

Key Notes:  “regular human speech”, 'thinking to one self ', (author's notes), *mental/telepathic communication*, Bold - attacks

Chapter Twelve – bad news

It had been one full week as Rukia, Renji, and Byakuya went back to the Soul Society to give a report.  Choijiro Sasakibe who was the first lieutenant under Captain Yamamoto was doing his best to keep the Seireitei in one piece since the head captain was taken.  After giving their report everyone found it hard to believe that Ichigo Kurosaki could never again become whole.

“Does the substitute know this fact?” asked Choijiro.

“Not yet.  I couldn't bear to tell them not after all that he has been through.” replied Byakuya.

“You should have brought them with you and I could have done some experiments.” stated Mayuri Kurotosuchi, captain of squad twelve, head of research and development.  Several of the captains glared at the scientist as some of the lieutenants stood in the spots that were empty by the captains whom where gone.  Mayuri gulped in fear as no one would allow him to speak that way about Ichigo especially not after all that he had done for the Soul Society.

“Soi Fon, has their training been completed for them to travel to the human world?” asked Choijiro changing the subject.

“Yes......upon the request that head Captain Yamamoto, those three will now take the seats that were left open by Sosuke Aizen, Gin Ichimaru, and Kaname Tosen.” replied Soi Fon.

“Captain Byakuya Kuchiki, Lieutenant Renji Abari, and Rukia Kuchiki..........  You are to return back to the human world with the other three captains as you six are the only ones who know what Ichigo Kurosaki is like an you maybe the only ones who can help him.  The substitute Soul Reaper maybe the only one who can save them.” stated Choijiro.  “Rukia, you seem much closer to the substitute than the rest.  Do you think you can break the news to him?”

“I will try Lieutenant Sasakibe.” replied Rukia as she, Renji, and Byakuya left to return back to the human world after they went to get the other members of their party.  Ichigo was not going to like this.

Meanwhile...........Valkyria had arrived at the human world along with the ones that Endymion told her to bring with her.  By her side stood the two humans covered in spiked armor.  The female had Caucasian skin as she was wearing pink armor that covered her entire body as she held onto a blue lance in her left hand as large red sunglasses type goggles covered her eyes as you were only able to see her nose down to her chin.  By her side stood a male dressed in the same manner except he was wearing sky blue armor, had African American skin, held a lance in his right hand, and was wearing lime green sunglasses type goggles.  By Valkyria's other side stood two figures whom looked somewhat hunan but their skin was the wrong color as they had large bat-like wings.  The female had pale blue-gray skin and aqua green hair.  Her eyes were a deep golden color as she wore a gothic style violet purple dress as her wings matched the color of her dress.  By her side stood a male whom had pale lavender skin and aqua green hair.  His eyes were blood red as he wore a gothic style vampire's outfit as his dark violet purple wings looked like they were his cape.

“Now remember..........Lord Endymion wants us to capture one of three Soul Reapers, preferably the one with orange hair.” Valkyria stated showing them a holographic image of the three Ichigo's.  “Do not harm the other two as they are the ones that Lord Endymion is after as well.  Anyone else feel free to kill them.” she commanded.

“We understand.” they replied in unison before they took off.

Elsewhere...........Ichigo, Shiro, and Kuro were all on their way home from Karakura High School.  Everyone seemed to believe that both Shiro and Kuro were Ichigo's long lost twin brothers.  The only ones who knew the truth were Chad, Orihime, and Uryu.  The three Ichigo's discussed what the best course of action would be.

“I don't know what to do anymore.  I know that Rukia and the others went back to the Soul Society to turn in their report.  I just want things to return back to normal.” replied Ichigo.

“You and me both.” replied Shiro.

“Do you think we should head over to Urahara's to see if he had heard anything from the Soul Society?” asked Kuro.

“Maybe...........it's the only lead that we have right now.” stated Ichigo.

The three arrived at Urahara's shop as all three of of them felt very familiar spiritual pressure.  They proceeded to enter Kisuke's shop to see the three Soul Reapers Byakuya Kuchiki, Renji Abari, and Rukia Kuchiki but there were also three Arrancars, two of them that Ichigo knew that he had killed in battle.  Grimmjow Jeagerjaques, Ulquiorra Schiffer, and Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck or “Nell” for short.  The three Arrancars and the three Ichigo's did a double take when they saw each other.

“What the fucking hell?” snapped the three Ichigo's in unison as Ichigo began to reach for his Soul Reaper badge.  Nell who was in her adult form came running up to Ichigo as she grabbed the orange haired teen in a tight bear hug.

“Ichigo............I have missed you!” she stated.

“It's nice to see you too Nell.............  Now can you let go of me..........your chocking me.” gasped Ichigo.  Nell let go of her hold as Ichigo gasped for air.  When he could breathe again, Ichigo glared at both Ulquiorra and Grimmjow.  “What the fuck are those two doing here?  I thought that they had died after I had battled them?  How is it even possible that they are alive?” snapped Ichigo.

“Calm down Berry.............  We aren't looking for any trouble.  And yes your right.........we did indeed die.” snarled Grimmjow.

“But that doesn't answer my question!” snapped Ichigo.

“Take it easy Ichigo.  You are right these two did die but because of the fact that you had shown them something during your battle and the simple fact that they weren't all bad.  Their souls were sent to the Soul Society were they were reborn so to speak.  They still have the powers that they were capable of when they were Arrancars but they now fill the spaces left by Sosuke Aizen, Kaname Tosen, and Gin Ichimaru.” replied Byakuya.

“What Captain Kuchiki says is true Ichigo Kurosaki.  Yes we may look the same as our essences is the same but, we aren't the same beings that you had once fought.” added Ulquiorra.  Ichigo could sense it that the two Arrancars had changed somehow.  Slowly the three Ichigo's began to relax.

“Ichigo, Shiro, and Kuro.............  I am afraid that I have some bad news for you.  Unfortunately because of everything that is happening, there is no way for you three to become whole ever again.  I am sorry Ichigo.” stated Rukia.  The three Ichigo's felt their hearts sink into their chest at this news.  Suddenly without warning Grimmjow stood up quickly grabbing a hold of his zanpakto.

“Where not alone.” he snarled.  All of the Soul Reapers rushed outside as Ichigo used his soul badge to allow himself, Shiro, and Kuro to assume their Soul Reaper forms.  When they left Urahara's shop they had found Valkyria along with four other creatures awaiting for them.

“Finally......................we have found you Ichigo Kurosaki.  Lord Endymion awaits for you as we have come to collect you.  Now Super Robolady, Super Roboyarou, Vampire Lord, and Vampire Lady............attack!” cried out Valkyria.  The five of them moved attacking the Soul Reapers determined not to fail Endymion.  One way or another they would capture Ichigo Kurosaki and bring him back to their lord and master, Endymion.

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