19- the final battle

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I do not claim to own any of the rights orthe characters from the Bleach series as this story is completely my own idea. Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews to tell me what you think. Thanks and enjoy the story! Some of the attacks that I will be using are of my own creation and/or from either the Bleach series and/or the Naruto series. 


Key Notes: "regular human speech", 'thinking to one self ', (author's notes), *mental/telepathic communication*, Bold CAPLOCKS- attacks


Nineteen – the final battle

The group all arrived safely back in the Soul Society as their first order of business was to see Captain Retsu Uhohana in squad four barracks as she was threatening whose spirit and power was taken.  They knew that they had to figure a way to reconnect what was taken away from Captains Zaraki, Hitsugaya, and Yamamoto.  As the group entered squad four barracks they had found that both Captain Retsu Unohana along Hanataro Yamada and Orihime Inoue.  Orihime's eyes went wide when she saw Ulquiorra enter the squad barricks along with Grimmjow and Nell.  The three Ichigo entered a bit after wards as he shocked to see Orihime there.

“How can it be possible..........?  I saw you die!” asked Orihime directly at Ulquiorra.

“I will explain later.  Do you think your powers can restore them?” asked Ulquiorra.

“I could try.” replied Orihime.

“Please do whatever you can to help them Orihime.  I have to stop Oblisk no matter the cost.” replied Ichigo.

“But Ichigo that would mean that you will die.” replied Rukia.

“Come on Rukia, you know that we won't die that easily.” Shiro stated.

“But you can't surely do this alone.” replied Renji.

“Who says that we will be alone.  The three of us will go.  He is only after us.” stated Kuro.  No matter what anyone had said, they couldn't change the three Ichigo's mind.

“Still as hard headed as ever Ichigo.  You are determined to do this all on your own.” stated Kisuke Urahara.

“Damn right.  Nobody else shall suffer or throw their lives away for us.” replied the three Ichigo's in unison.

“I figured you three were going to say that.  Use this, it should bring you back there.  Ichigo you best make it back.  I don't think I can tell or give your father the news of what had happened to you.” stated Kisuke as he tossed a strange device over towards Ichigo.  Ichigo had caught the device in his free hand.

“Thanks Kisuke!” replied Ichigo as he examined the device as it seemed simple enough to operate.  Ichigo then pressed the button on the device as it teleported him, Shiro, and Kuro from the Soul Society.

Oblisk awaited as he knew the three Ichigo's would return as their sense of duty wouldn't allow them to rest until either A Oblisk was dead or B until they were killed.

“Welcome back Kurosaki, I knew that you three would be back.” stated Oblisk.

“We will not rest until we have destroyed you.” replied Ichigo as this caused Oblisk to laugh.

“I would like to see you try!” stated Oblisk.  The three Ichigo's moved attacking Oblisk simultaneously.  Both Ichigo and Shiro released the GETSUGA TESNHO (MOON FANG HEAVEN PIERCER) while Kuro proceed to gather up his energy together.

“MUGETSU (MOONLESS SKY)!” he snapped enclosing Oblisk in a black attack that was far larger and more destructive than his other attack.  The attacks hit Oblisk dead on but it didn't seem to phase him in the slightest.

*Damn it.  What does it take to fucking put him down?* asked Shiro.

*Don't know.......keep hitting him with everything we have.  We have to win this battle and put an end to him once and for all.* replied Ichigo.  “KUROI  GETSUGA (BLACK MOON FANG)!” snapped Ichigo.  Oblisk swung around trying to catch Ichigo in his hands as he shindo out of the way.

“Why are you trying to deny the enviable Kurosaki?” asked Oblisk.

“Blame it on my stubbornness.  Everyone says I am hard headed when it come to these kind of things.” replied Ichigo.

“Just admit it Ichigo..............we swore to ourselves that we would use our powers to protect those we care for.  And no matter what we refuse to give up.” stated Shiro.

“It seems a shame though to be throwing your life away.  But your power and spirit shall prove a worthy appetizer.” stated Oblisk.  “HANDO INNEN (HAND OF FATE)!” roared Oblisk as his fist collided with the air to create a shock wave blast that threw the three Ichigo's back.

“SAIKOU ENERUGI KIREME (SUPREME ENERGY CUT)!” shouted out Kuro as he used his power to cut Oblisk's attack.  So far they were not having any luck in defeating or stopping Oblisk.  Ichigo could feel a change in Shiro's spiritual pressure as it felt like his powers were combining with Zangetsu.

“I refuse to be a part of your meal plan.  SHIKOU GETSUGA TENSHO (SUPREME MOON FANG HEAVEN PIERCER)!” snarled Shiro as his form slightly changed with the hollow mask forming on his face.  The same bandage wrap covered part of his body that was still exposed down to his ripped up bankai outfit as he only had one arm left to his jacket.  The great release in energy and power hit Oblisk hard as it left him with a large wound.

'That's it.  That's how we can defeat him!' Ichigo thought to himself.  *Shiro..........Kuro, combine your spiritual pressure and power with your zanpakto.  We are still one in the same which means that we still retain all of the power that we have managed to unlock up until now.  It will take everything that we have to defeat Oblisk!* stated Ichigo.  Shiro kept hitting Ichigo Oblisk again with his SHIKOU GETSUGA TENSHO (SUPREME MOON FANG HEAVEN PIERCER) in order to give both Ichigo and Kuro time to do what he had done.  Kuro managed to achieve the new form quickly as he added his own attack with Shiro to keep Oblisk off balance.

“BAKUDAI MUGETSU (VAST MOONLESS SKY)!” he shouted out as he managed to cut off one of Oblisk's arms with his attack.  Ichigo could feel Tensa Zangetsu pulsing lightly in his hands as he could feel Tensa's power adding to his own.

*Don't  let this go to your head Ichigo.  I just want this bastard killed once and for all.* stated Tensa.  The transformation ripped through Ichigo as all three looked exactly the same except for the color or their masks and wrap were different color as Shiro's outfit was still white as he wore a white with black markings hollow mask and light gray bandage.  Kuro's hollow mask was black with white markings as the sleeve to his jacket looked much like his pants as it was made of energy.  Ichigo's outfit and hollow mask looked how it normal would when they manifested on him except his bandage was white in color.  Ichigo could feel his energy building up that he had to release it.

“BAKUZEN KUROI GETSUGA (OBSCURE BLACK MOON FANG)!” snapped Ichigo as he unleashed a far more powerful attack than before as his attack hit dead on doing some heavy damage to Oblisk.

“Impossible.........you three shouldn't be able to over power me.  Your souls belong to me! YOURUKAGE TEIKUYO (NIGHTSHADE TAKE OVER)!” roared Oblisk as he tried to use his powers to take the three Ichigo's soul and power.  The three Ichigo's narrowly avoided the attack as they prepared with their own power.

“No more Oblisk. This is the final end.  With this last move we shall finally end it. KYOUSEI SAIGO NO GETSUGA TENSHO (GREAT FINAL MOON FANG HEAVEN PIERCER)!” the three Ichigo's stated in unison as they unleashed their most powerful attack.  The attack hit Oblisk hard doing some major and heavy damage to him.

“No..............I was so close!” screamed out Oblisk.  The three Shikigami kept hitting Oblisk over and over again with the KYOUSEI SAIGO NO GETSUGA TENSHO (GREAT FINAL MOON FANG HEAVEN PIERCER)!  The three watched as they completely destroyed Oblisk leaving nothing left of the beast that threatened them.  After Oblisk was completely destroyed, Ichigo hit the button on Kiskuke's device which brought them back to the Soul Society where they had collapsed in complete exhaustion.

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