A Mother's Betrayal

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It hadn't taken long for Migo to make it to the smallfoot village that Percy had mentioned. He hid behind a few trees while he lowered the smallfoot to the ground.

"Okay." Percy sighed as he got to the ground. "I just need to grab my stuff and then you and I can get out of here."

Migo looked nervously down at his soulmate. "But, Percy... Where are we going to go? We can't  go back to my village, and I don't know how other smallfoot will react to me being around."

Percy looked away and bit his lip, realizing that he hadn't thought that far. 

"We... We'll travel the world!" He exclaimed with a grin. "Just you and me. I-I can show you the wonders of this world."

Migo smiled down at Percy. "Really?"

Percy nodded. "Absolutely. I just have to get my things from the hotel and we can get going."

Migo nodded.

"I'll be back." Percy said as he ran in the direction of the hotel he and Brenda were staying in.

Percy couldn't help but feel overwhelmed at seeing all the different colors around him. He had gotten so distracted that he ran into someone.

They both fell to the ground. "Woah!"

Percy shook his head. "S-sorry about that." He chuckled.

"P-Percy?" the woman questioned.

Her voice sounded familiar. Percy looked up to see a colored female with black curly hair. She wore a blueish jacket and black pants. 

For the first few moments he didn't recognize her, but soon enough he put the pieces together.

"Brenda?!" He exclaimed, shocked to see her.

Brenda quickly shifted and pulled the red-head into a hug.

"Percy! You're alive!" She exclaimed. "I-I thought you had been killed! Where have you been?!"

Percy couldn't help but laugh at how frantic Brenda was being. He hugged her back, happy to see a human-friendly face

"It's a long story, but to make it short: I can see." He grinned.

Brenda pulled back from him and looked into his eyes, her hazel eyes showing a look of confusion.

"What?" She asked with a raise of her eyebrow.

"I can see." Percy repeated slowly.

Brenda looked at their surroundings then back to Percy. "Are you feeling okay?" She whispered.

Percy chuckled once more. "yes, I'm fine."

"Then what do you mean 'you can see'? Of course you can see, you aren't blind. Right?" she asked with worry.

Percy sighed as he face-palmed. "Brenda."

"What?" She asked looking at Percy worry still in her eyes.

"I, can, see." Percy repeated slightly slower than before, emphasizing the word "see".

Brenda took a moment to process what Percy was trying to say. Then it clicked.

She looked into Percy's eyes in disbelief. "You can see?"

Percy grinned as he nodded his head.

Brenda smiled as tears welled in her eyes. "Percy, you can see!?"

"Yes, I can see!" He cheered happily, tears in his eyes as well.

Brenda pulled him back into a tight hug as they started to laugh.

After a moment, Brenda pulled away to look at Percy again. "H-how? D-did they do the surgery?"

Percy shook his head. "I didn't need it."

"Th-then, how?" Brenda questioned.

Percy chuckled a bit. "Help me grab my stuff from the hotel, and I'll show you."

Brenda raised her eyebrow, but agreed. She walked with Percy back to their hotel. 

Once they got to the hotel, Percy looked at it in awe.

"Wow." Percy breathed at the sight of how colorful Nepal actually was.

Brenda chuckled. "Now, you look even more like a tourist. C'mon."

Brenda began to head up to their rooms. Percy was quick to follow her, but kept looking at all the colors.

Percy vaguely recognized the hallway that lead to their hotel room. He quickened his pace slightly to get to the room quicker and get back to Migo.

Suddenly, Brenda stopped him and pulled him into a nearby hallway. 

"B-Brenda, what-" Percy started. Brenda shushed him and glanced back in the direction of their hotel room.

Percy looked at her confused when he heard voices coming down the hallway. 

"He could still be alive!" A gruff male voice growled. "I want my son found!"

Percy gulped.

It was his father. He sounded angrier than he did when Percy first ran away.

"S-sir please. W-we've done everything we can." Another voice pleaded. "H-he's not anywhere we have looked."

"Then look where you haven't!" Percy's father yelled.

Footsteps quickly ran down the hallway as a group of men jogged past where Percy and Brenda were hiding.

"He's guarding the hotel room." Brenda sighed. "There's no way we can get your stuff without him seeing you."

Percy thought for a moment. "Maybe we can't. But, you can." He said and pointed at Brenda.

"What?" Brenda asked in shock.

"I can just wait here while you grab my stuff." Percy explained. "Then I can get out of here."

Brenda blinked. "Wait... you're leaving?"

Percy sighed. "W-well, yeah. Brenda, I can't stay here if my parents are going to keep trying to lock me inside a hospital until I go through a surgery that could blind me."

Brenda looked back in the direction of their room. "But, you don't need the surgery anymore, though you haven't told me how you managed to get your eyesight fixed. But, I'm sure if you told them that-"

"They won't believe me!" Percy hissed in argument. "They were willing to sign me up for a surgery without my consent. Do you really think they are going to believe me about being able to see other colors?"

Brenda sighed and bit her lip as she looked to her partner.

"Please, Brenda." Percy pleaded.

Percy felt a slight tug on his wrist. He held the bracelet filling with worry.

"I know, I've asked a lot from you." Percy said as he ran his finger over the crystals in the rope. "But, I'm asking for one more thing. Please?"

Brenda looked down at the bracelet Percy wore. 

Is that what cured him? She wondered.

She looked up at Percy's eyes. He looked at her with a pleading gaze. He had tried to convince her to do many things before but, he's never asked her to do something like this before.

Brenda sighed, giving in. "Alright."

Percy smiled as Brenda turned to go down the hallway.

"Stay here." Brenda whispered. "I'll be back."

Percy nodded and obeyed.

Brenda looked both ways down the hallway before quickly making her way to their hotel room.

Percy fidgeted with the bracelet as seconds ticked by.

He felt another tug on the bracelet. "Hang on, Migo." Percy whispered as he glanced back to where Brenda had gone. "I'm almost done."

Suddenly, Percy felt a sharp pain in his leg, like he had just stepped in a bear trap. Percy gasped and collapsed to hold onto where the pain shot from.

Fear enclosed his heart as he thought about what could be happening to Migo.

Brenda ran over to him, carrying his bags. 

"Come on!" She said as she grabbed Percy's arm, lifting him up to his feet. "We have to get going, now!"

Percy quickly followed her.

His father yelled after them. "Brenda! Percy! Get back here, NOW!"

Percy's heart raced as he ran.

The two of them quickly made it outside the hotel.

Percy gasped as he felt a sharp stabbing pain shoot through his chest.

He collapsed once more to the ground, suddenly feeling weak.

"Percy!" Brenda called. "W-what are you doing?"

Percy shook slightly. "I-I c-can't breath." He gasped as he clutched his shirt.

Brenda ran back to him. She quickly helped him stand. "C'mon, we have to get you to the airport before-"

"N-no!" Percy interrupted. "S-something's wrong."

"What?" Brenda asked quickly. "What, what's wrong?"

Percy glanced around quickly. He was feeling drowsier than normal.

"M-Migo..." Percy whimpered as he tried to walk on his own, but failed.

Brenda looked at Percy confused. "'Migo'? W-what's a 'Migo'?"

Villagers were suddenly shouting and running around. Some of them were shouting about a large white beast.

Brenda could swear she heard the word "yeti" being yelled among the crowd.

Percy, hearing this too, tried to go where they were saying the yeti was.

"M-Migo! H-he's in tr-trouble!" Percy stuttered.

Brenda looked at him with concern. "He?"

Percy took a deep breath and was able to gather enough strength to push away from Brenda and begin limping toward where the villagers had seen the yeti.

"P-Percy!" Brenda shouted after him.

"PERCY!" A louder yell called after the red-head.

Brenda looked to the voice to see that it was Percy's father.

He looked at Brenda. "What is going on!?"

"I-I..." Brenda looked back in the direction that Percy had ran. "I d-don't know."

Percy quickly made his way through the crowd. His body was erupting in pain as he felt himself being stabbed with what felt like various sharp objects.

"M-MIGO!" He shouted. His voice mixed with the crowd that surrounded him.

Percy looked around in a panic. The bracelet suddenly pulled him forward.

Percy looked down at it. He looked toward where it had tugged him toward.

Percy nodded to himself and started to run in the direction the bracelet told him to.

Soon enough he found his way near the front of the crowd.

Percy's heart broke at the sight before him. 

The villagers had trapped Migo with ropes and were pelting him with rocks.

Percy caught sight of a few tranquilizer darts among the yeti's fur.

His eyes watered. 

"MIGO!" He yelled again, hoping the yeti would hear him.

Migo twitched at hearing his soulmate's voice. "P-Percy?" He muttered.

He shifted slightly. His eyes landed on the red-headed smallfoot.

Migo felt his own eyes water at the sight of him. "PERCY!" He called happily.

This proved to be a mistake as the other villagers thought the yeti was trying to escape and attack them.

One male aimed a tranquilizer gun at the yeti and shot him again.

Percy gasped as he felt the pain of the dart hitting Migo's back.

He groaned and fell to the ground as the dart's effects began to work on them both.

Percy pushed himself forward. 

"S-stop!" He yelled as he spread his arms out once he was in front of Migo.

The villagers stopped throwing rocks and began to yell at Percy to get out of the way.

"Get out of there!"

"That beast is dangerous! Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

"Stop acting stupid and let the authorities handle it!"

Percy stood his ground. He looked around the crowd and caught sight of Brenda and his father.

He took a deep breath. "If you want to hurt him, you'll have to go through me!" He yelled.

Percy suddenly felt a sharp pain in his arm.

The crowd around them gasped and fell silent.

Percy slowly felt around his arm to find a tranquilizer dart. He pulled it out and looked around the crowd in confusion.

The dart's effects were quick to work on him.

Percy caught sight of a gun pointing at him. He fought to keep himself standing and awake when he looked at the shooter to see who it was.

His eyes widened as he saw the face of the shooter.

Percy dropped to his knees as he stared at the shooter in shock.

"M-mom?" He stuttered.

The dart's effect took complete hold on him. Percy fell forward as his vision went black.

The last thing he heard was the shouts and footsteps of the crowd approaching.

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