Blind Discoveries

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Migo woke up with a sense of relief and worry.

He sighed contently, knowing that he would be okay living in this cave.

Migo stood up and walked around the small area he had decided to call home. The cave goes deeper but Migo decided to wait for exploring the cave for a while.

He looked out to the entrance.

That's when he spotted a small creature sitting on the ground against the wall.

Migo slowly walked toward the creature. He looked closer and saw the creature had some thing covering their eyes.

Migo then saw that the creature was a Smallfoot.

How can this be? He thought. The stones said the Smallfoot didn't exist.

He felt a tug on his wrist. Migo looked down at the bracelets on his wrist.

He just ignored them thinking they were just reacting to his emotions.

He stepped a bit closer and took a deep breath. Then he spoke to the Smallfoot.

"Are you okay?"

Percy jumped at the sound of someone's voice.

Migo feeling a sudden pang of fear.

"O-oh. I'm so S-sorry. I hadn't r-realized there was someone e-else here." Percy stuttered out.

"No, it's okay. I haven't been here for that long." Migo said.

"I-I should probably g-get going." Percy said starting to get up.

"No, it's alright. You should probably stay here. You look hurt." The voice said.

What? Percy thought. Percy was shocked that someone he didn't even know was concerned about his well being.

"What are those for anyway? If I may ask?" Migo asked.

Percy snapped out of his own thoughts.


"That thing over your eyes."

Percy realized he must be talking about the bandages.

"Oh, I-I don't know why they put these on me. But I thought I might as well keep them on in case something really was wrong with m-my eyes." Percy explained.

"Who's they?" Migo asked.

Percy chuckled nervously. "Mind if we talk more deeper into the cave? It's a lot colder over here."

Migo agreed, letting Percy deeper into the cave.

Percy stood up using the wall for balance.

Migo offered the Smallfoot a hand, though because of how small he was he could only hold onto one of his fingers.

Percy was shocked when he must have grabbed onto this person's arm, he must be seriously muscular.

They walked futher into the cave. Percy felt a little uneasy about trusting this person he didn't know that well.

"Oh, hold on a sec." Migo said.

Percy stopped walking and gently let go of the person's arm. He slowly sat down onto the ground to keep from falling over.

Migo gathered some supplies to make a fire.

"Um..." Percy heard Migo running around. "What are you doing?"

"You mentioned that it was cold so, I'm making a fire." Migo said happily.

"Oh" Percy said.

Percy felt as though he could trust this person, even though he doesn't know his name.

After a moment, Percy felt warmth from a little ways to the left of him.

"There, that should do it." Migo said.

He looked over at the Smallfoot. They were sitting a little ways from the fire.

"Do you want a little closer to the fire?"

"Um, I would but...." The small creature moved his head to look toward the fire. "I don't know how close I am to it, I'd rather not get burned. Besides, I'm close enough to stay warm."

Percy chuckled nervously.

"Oh." Migo said. Migo then remembered he hadn't introduced himself.

"I'm Migo, by the way."

Percy shot his head toward the person's voice. Did he just tell me his name?

"Migo?" Percy tested it. He felt his heart tighten once it left his mouth.

"Yep, what's your name?" Migo asked.

"I-I'm..." Percy gulped. "I'm Percy."

Migo was stunned.


Percy stopped. He could swear he heard a small purr in Migo's voice. No, that can't be. I must have hit my head harder then I thought.

"That's a really cool name!" Migo exclaimed.

Percy chuckled at Migo's enthusiasm.

"Your name is cool too." Percy said.

They fell quiet for a while. Until Migo broke their silence.

"So, what happened to your eyes?"

He sounded uncertain.

"Oh, well..." Percy paused to think. He decided to tell Migo what had happened.

He shared his story to the yeti.

Migo sat and listened, understanding every feeling Percy described. Oddly he even felt each emotion.

Migo began to suspect what he thought would be impossible.

Once Percy had finished, Percy found that he had been crying from under his bandages. He quickly whipped his cheeks with his sleeve.

Migo decided to test his theory.

"Hey, um... Percy?"

"Yeah?" Percy said his voice was shaky.

"Could-could you take off the bandages?" Migo asked.

Percy stopped and turned his head toward Migo. Why would he want me to do that? He thought.

Migo quickly explained.

"Well I was just wondering what color you eyes were, since you have the same issue as me."

Percy was caught on what Migo had said.

"Same issue?"

"Yeah, I can only see blue." Migo admitted.

Percy was sceptical. Maybe he's just making fun of me.

"Really?" Percy said trying to keep his tone from showing how sceptical he really was.

"I know what your thinking, and I don't blame you." Migo said leaning against the cave wall in front of Percy. "I was kicked out of my village for not curing my eyes."

"Wait, they kicked you out because you couldn't see other colors?" Percy said shocked.

Migo nodded, though Percy could not see it.

Percy guessed that the lack of response from Migo was a yes.

"That's horrible." Percy muttered.

Migo then looked at Percy. Really looked at him. He may not be able to tell the different colors that Percy wore, but Migo could tell he was absolutely beautiful. His hair, though looking blue, was ruffled as though the Smallfoot had just woken up.

If Migo's theory is correct, then the village may let him back in. But only if he can prove it.

Percy sat and thought about what Migo had told him. Kicked out of his own home for not seeing other colors. That's just cruel.

He heard Migo shuffling around over the noise if the fire crackling.

"Do-do you still want to see my eyes?" Percy asked quietly.

Migo was taken aback by the Smallfoot's question. "U-um."

"I've been told my eyes were blue but I've never really had proof. But even if they were they aren't anything special-"

"That's not true!" Migo interrupted.

Percy stopped, shocked at Migo's outburst.

"Everyone's eyes are special."

Percy smiled. A genuine smile.

"I-I would still like to see them. I-if that's okay." Migo stuttered.

Percy stood and reached toward the bandages.

Migo felt a rush of emotions: fear, eagerness, and even joy.

Percy undid the ties and allowed the bandages to fall from his eyes.

Migo held his breath keeping his eyes fixed to where Percy's eyes were.

The bandages fell gently around Percy's neck.

He slowly opened his eyes. His vision was still blurry

The fire that was a few feet next to him was a glowing purple.

Percy looked to where he had heard Migo's voice previously. Only he did not see a person there.

Percy was met with a pair of light blue legs that looked to be made of fur.

Percy felt his heart quicken as he trailed his eyes up the large creature until he was met with a pair of blue and purple eyes.

As soon as he saw them, his eyes suddenly burned. Percy's hands flew to his eyes as he let out a loud groan of pain. His eyes felt as though they were on fire.

Percy heard Migo groan from the other side of the cave.

"M-Migo? Are you oka-" Percy looked over at where he heard Migo's groan to be met with a large yeti.

A large yeti that wasn't blue or purple, except for his hands, feet, and horns, one of his horns was broken. The yeti's eyes were a calming blue and purple gradient.

After Migo recovered from the stinging in his eyes, he looked over at Percy to see that he could see the other colors. Percy wore a black pair of pants, brown boots and a red coat, with the white bandages loosely around his neck. Percy's hair was still a bed head, except it was now a fiery copper red.

"I knew it." Migo said smiling. His statement was met with one from the smallfoot but not a statement of excitement.

"Y-yeti..." Percy breathed, panic filling his lungs, heart, and mind.

The cave began to spin as Percy fell to the ground.

Migo quickly moved to catch the falling Smallfoot.

The last thing Percy saw before blacking out was Migo's blue and purple eyes.

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