Tied Up In Loose Ends

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"G-get out of the Himalayas?" Alex echoed. "W-what do you mean? Y-you two are leaving?"

Percy looked over at the boy and nodded.

"Yep, pretty much." He said. "With everything that's happened, we can't stay here."

"Percy's right." Migo said, standing up from his spot on the ground. "We have to leave. But... Where are we gonna go?"

Percy looked up at Migo.

He smiled and spread his arms as he spoke.

"Like I said before: We travel the world!" Percy exclaimed. "I can show you all the wonders of Earth! The forests of the Amazon, Angel Falls in Venezuela, the beaches of Brazil, the cliffs of Ireland, the bamboo forests of Japan and so much more!"

Percy started to walk around and talk with his hands as though pointing to an invisible map.

Migo chuckled as he watched the redhead.

"We won't ever have to worry about being caught by my family or your village. We won't stay in one place. And if you ever wanted to go back to any place, we could!" Percy smiled, looking back up at Migo. "We'll jump around. Go from one place to another, never having a set pattern. we could go where ever we want, whenever we want. What do you say?"

Percy grinned as he took a knee, extending his hand toward Migo as though proposing.

Migo felt his cheeks heat up as he saw the happy and pleading glint in Percy's blue eyes.

"Will you travel the world with me for the rest of our lives?" Percy asked.

Migo clasped his hands over his mouth, feeling happy tears in his eyes.

"Yes!" He exclaimed. "Yes I will!"

Percy stood up and went over to his yeti.

Migo picked him up and held him to his chest.

Percy nuzzled into Migo's soft fur.

Alex blinked at the scene as he found himself speechless.

Did... did I just walk into some kind of strange romantic soap opera? He asked himself.

Migo placed Percy onto his shoulder.

Percy smiled and he shifted closer to the yeti's head. He leaned over and planted a kiss on the yeti's cheek.

Migo blushed and chuckled.

Alex cleared his throat.

"S-so... h-how exactly are you planning to get out of the Himalayas?" He asked. "There are guards everywhere... a-and you can't exactly get a yeti onto a plane."

Percy looked down at the boy.

"We'll figure something out, but for now we should get out of this area." The redhead hummed. "I'm sure my father is already on his way with reinforcements to try and get me back to the hospital."

Migo nodded and reached down to grab Alex.

"Good idea" He said. "Alex and I might be being chased by that other angry smallfoot."

Alex gulped and gripped onto Migo's fur as the yeti placed him on his other shoulder.

Percy glanced over to the boy and chuckled at the terrified expression on the boy's face.

"Don't worry." He said, trying to deter the boy from being so scared. "you won't fall off. You get used to being on his shoulder after a few moments."

Alex blinked.

"H-how long have y-you been with this yeti?" He asked.

Percy thought for a moment.

"Honesty, it's felt like I've never been without Migo." He hummed. "But, in truth, we've only been together for about a day."

Migo began to travel through the forest, getting away from the clearing.

"A day?!" Alex exclaimed.

Percy nodded.

Alex looked away from the redhead as he thought over what Percy had said.

"H-how did you f-find out?" Alex asked, looking back over at Percy. "What made you trust Migo so much?"

Percy didn't even have to think about his answer.

"He saved my life." He smiled. "In more ways than one."

Alex blinked.


"Well..." Percy hesitated. "It's sort of a long story."

Alex was about to ask what he meant when Migo stopped and suddenly hid behind a nearby tree.

Percy, feeling Migo's sudden fear, looked up to the yeti's face.

"Migo?" He asked. "What's wrong? What is it?"

Migo gulped as he lifted his hand protectively over Percy, almost trying to hide the smallfoot.

"Stonekeeper." He whispered, anger flaring in his voice.

Percy gasped and looked toward where Migo was staring.

Alex blinked in confusion.

"W-what's a 'stone reaper'?" He asked, feeling nervous about the pair's sudden fear and anger.

"Stonekeeper." Percy corrected. "He's the leader of the yetis and he wants me dead."

"He's not touching you ever again." Migo growled. "He'll have to kill me first."

Percy noticed the bark of the tree they hid behind beginning to split from the amount of force Migo was gripping onto it with.

He felt murderous anger oozing off of his yeti. It truly felt as though Migo were prepared to murder if it meant Percy would be safe.

Percy suddenly felt more concerned about calming Migo's anger than the Stonekeeper's plot to kill him.

He reached up and gently stroked Migo's fur, hoping to calm his yeti.

"Take it easy, Love." Percy hummed softly. "There's no use in rushing forward without a plan. We know what he's here for, but we don't want to rush in and potentially get taken by surprise."

Migo took a deep breath, allowing Percy's gentle strokes to calm his fury.

After he'd calmed down a bit, Migo glanced over at Percy.

"So, what do you suggest we do?" He asked.

"Uh, guys?" Alex gulped, tapping on the side of Migo's head to get his attention. "We've got a problem!"

Migo looked at Alex and caught a few lights in the distance.

He gasped and completely turned around.

"The scientists!" Alex explained fearfully.

Percy glanced between the approaching lights and the Stonekeeper.

"We can't fight them both." He said. "We have to hide."

"Where?!" Alex exclaimed, turning toward the redhead.

Percy looked around again and spotted a denser part of the forest.

"Over there!" He called, pointing toward the trees. "Quick!"

Migo looked toward where Percy was pointing.

He nodded and rushed toward the hiding spot, diving into it just as the scientists came out into the path.

"Where is it!?" The professor growled. "Where is that yeti!?"

"Sir! Over there!" One of the other scientists shouted, pointing toward the Stonekeeper. "There's another one!"

The professor growled under his breath as he loaded a tranquilizer gun.

"There's more of them." He grumbled. "We have to contain them before they cause more damage."

The man then aimed the tranquilizer at the Stonekeeper as the yeti turned toward their direction.

The Stonekeeper's eyes widened as he caught sight of the group.

"Oh no." He gasped, quickly attempting to run away.

"Not on my watch." The professor growled, firing the shot.

Percy, Migo and Alex gasped in shock as the Stonekeeper was shot. It took only a moment for the effects to take hold.

The Stonekeper stumbled and soon fell to the ground.

"S-sir, how did you do that?" The scientist next to the professor asked. "It took a lot more to take down that other yeti."

The professor scoffed as he shifted the tranquilizer down and began approaching the yeti.

"They're a new kind of dart. Nearly ten times as powerful as those moose tranuilizers we were using before." He hummed. "I'm not going to risk not taking these monsters down the first time."

Alex gulped.

That must have been what he was working on while the yeti slept. He thought.

"Now let's get this thing back to the lab." The professor ordered. "We'll continue the search for the others once this one is secured. Properly secured."

"Yes Sir!" The scientists saluted as they prepared to take the yeti back to the lab.

A few of them ran to the yeti, while others went back toward the lab.

Migo gulped and shifted to back away from the scene.

"We have to get out of here." He hummed, turning to leave. "If we don't leave soon, that'll be us."

"Wait." Percy said, resting his hand against Migo's head.

Migo hummed and looked at Percy. He couldn't feel slight regret and unease coming from the boy.

Percy bit his lip and sighed. "We can't leave him like that."

"What!?" Alex and Migo hissed.

"Percy, he's trying to kill you!" Migo protested.

"And if the scientists get you, you'll be sent back to the hospital!" Alex added.

Percy looked up at his soulmate.

"If we leave him with them, the Stonekeeper will die." He hummed. "And if we let him die, We'll be no better than he is."

Migo blinked. He could feel Percy's determination and slight fear.

"Percy..." He started. "A-are you sure?"

Percy took a deep breath, feeling Migo's concern and unease.

"Yes." He said, feeling. "We have to save him."

"Alright." Migo sighed. "If you're sure."

"Are you two crazy!?" Alex hissed. "You'll both be killed!"

"Not if we think this through." Percy said. "And come up with a solid plan."

The brunette threw his hands up into the air in defeat as the two soulmates seemed to start thinking of a plan.

An idea popped into Migo's head.

"What if we lead the scientists away and break the Stonekeeper out while the lab is empty?" He asked.

"That would make sense." Percy hummed. "But how do we get the scientists away from the lab?"

"We give them a target." Migo hummed.

Percy took a moment to register what Migo was suggesting.

His eyes widened as he looked up at the yeti.

"Migo, no!" He said. "I'm not going to let you get chased by those scientists!"

"It's our only shot." Migo protested. "I'll lead them away while you and Alex free the Stonekeeper. As long as you both get out before he wakes up, it'll be okay."

Percy could feel a pang of fear from Migo.

He shook his head.

"I'm not separating from you again!" Percy said. "We... we'll think of something else."

"There's no time." Migo said. "If we're going to leave tonight, we have to do this now."

Percy bit his lip as he glanced toward where the scientists had taken the Stonekeeper.

"There has to be another way..." he gulped.

"Percy." Migo hummed.

The redhead looked up at his soulmate.

"We'll be okay." The yeti smiled. "I promise."

Percy hesitated for a moment before sighing.

"Okay." He said. "Let's do this and then we'll get out of here. For good."

Migo smiled and nodded, lifting his hand up to let Percy down.

Percy stepped onto Migo's hand, the yeti lowering him to the ground before doing the same for Alex.

Migo then stood up.

"I'll get their attention and lead them as far away as I can." He said, turning to rush off.

"Migo, wait." Percy said quickly.

Migo looked down at Percy.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Be careful." Percy hummed.

"You too. I love you Percy." Migo nodded.

"I love you too, Migo." Percy said.

Migo then turned and ran to distract the scientists.

Alex gulped.

"Are you two sure about this?" He asked. "Y-you said so yourself, that yeti wants you dead."

Percy clenched his fists and turned to follow where Migo went.

"He may want me dead. But that doesn't mean I should leave him to die in return." He growled. "Besides..."

Percy looked back toward Alex.

The boy tensed at the purple glow in the redhead's eyes.

"I want give him one final message before Migo and I leave." Percy hummed. "The Stonekeeper is going to learn just how strong our bond can really be."

I apologize for this having been so long a wait for this update. I'm hoping to finish this story in the next chapter or two. I'd lost motivation for a long while but I've gotten a good spark back and I'm planning to use it to finally finish this story up.

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