All I Need Is You~

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Ink's POV.
I just chilled in my bedroom with Ani because why the hell not.

"So....what do you do here...?" Ani asked me.

I shrugged.

"I just do tasks sometimes. My main job WAS to find Nightmare and his stupid gang, but I don't know anymore." I explained.

Ani listened carefully.

A knock at the bedroom door was then heard. I told Ani to shush silently and headed to answer it, I already knew it was Dream.

"Hiiii boss..." I said in my calm voice, which was a cover up whenever I was nervous.

It was every time I talked with Ani and Dream came along. Like what is this guy's timing?!

"I made breakfast." Dream said plainly.

I laughed. That sounded so dead inside.

"Hahaha—! Sorry I just—you sound so over with life. Lighten up will you?! Jesus." I said.

I finally regained my normal attitude. Thank gOd.

"Heh, oh um...sorry. I just uhhh..." Dream was now getting awkward.

I rolled my eyes.

"It's fine." I scanned him for a second. He looked tired once again.

"Did you sleep?" I questioned.

He stood there silently.

"You didn't did you—" I started. He then dragged me to the kitchen. "BISH WHY."

I struggled but he was too strong, god damnit.

I could hear Ani snickering in the background as Dream plopped my weak-ass on the table.

"I made pancakes!" Dream presented the beautiful pancakes and placed them on the table happily.

He was always trying to be happy.

"Aww:3 Thank you." I said appreciatively.

He clapped happily. Sometimes I could see similarities between him and Nightmare.

Dream smiled as he went over to sit next to me at the table.

"I hope your feeling well today, I was hoping we could stroll around the park." Dream explained.

I was shocked.

Why so suddenly..?

"Sure, why not?" I answered.

Damnit. Sometimes I can't help it—

"Great! I'll set everything up and pushback some meetings...." Dream thinks about the idea for a second.

He was really stressed, I could tell.

"It's fine if you push back some meetings." I advised, trying to help him out a bit.

He smiled at me.

"O-Of course." Dream nodded.

The stutter was not meant to happen, but it did make me worry for a bit. The last thing I want is a depressed friend.

"Eat up, I'll get ready while your eat." Dream continued. He cleared his throat as he went and left to his room.

I sighed in relief. The poor guy, those people do nothing but complain to him.

I ate my pancakes very slowly.

There was only three stacked on top because Dream knew I had a small appetite.

"Do I suspect a date...?" Ani smirked at me.

I rolled my eyes.

"No. It's just a small hangout. Plus, he's your boyfriend." I clapped back.

They gasped dramatically.

"He taught me how to t-pose." Ani randomly admitted. "And he's not my boyfriend. It never became official."

I snickered at the t-pose thing, but then Dream showed up in a jacket.

"Are you finished?" Dream asked.

I perked up for a second and got up.

"Uh..yeah." I chuckled awkwardly and he went up to me.

"It's cold outside. You'll need a scarf." Dream continued.

I nodded and fetched my bandanna instead because I was going to wear my classic outfit. The one with the JR logo on it.

"Let's go!" I exclaimed.

Ani decided to follow us as well cause she was bored at JR, and she wanted to explore.


We sat on a bench and talked for a while. About what? Well the topic changed quite often.

It was good social practice however.

"Admit it. You overwork a lot." I teased.

He shook his head.

"No I don't."

"Yes you do." I snapped back once more.

He rolled his eyes and sighed in defeat. I smirked at him.

"Fine. I guess I do...sometimes." Dream admitted.


It was good enough for me.

You have no idea how much I wanted to tell him about Ani. They were right there, next to him, being supportive.

"It's really pretty out here, right?" Dream suddenly spoke, which made me jump a little once again.

"Oh uh...yeah." I replied.

I'm officially broken now. I can't stop being awkward and all I want to do is let out all of my feelings.


He can read my mind tho right...?


"Ink...are you feeling okay? I sense negative thoughts from you...or is that someone else?" Dream was confused.

I smiled very faint and stood up.

"Let's walk, shall we?" I said.

He looked at me pleasantly surprised. I needed to change the topic.

"Oh. Of course." Dream then gets up as well, blocking Ani from my view.

They giggled silently.

"He's so sweeeet:3" Ani cheered.

I rolled my eyes at them.


The radio then spoke.

"Hacker almost escaped—! But we were able to stop him." It said.

Dream's expression changed from happy to serious.

It was silent once again.

This wasn't good....

"We have to go." Dream then opened a portal and we both headed inside.

Once we got there, Finch was just chilling there.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Dream demanded answers.

Finch was silent.

I glared at him as well.

"Look. I didn't mean for that to happen. He just got to my head. Sorry." Finch said.

Dream scoffed in annoyance.

"You're lucky he didn't go free. If he did..." Dream didn't finish his sentence.

"You're dismissed. Go back to your station and don't mess up again." Dream commanded.

Finch nodded and headed back without a sweat.

Dream turned around to face me. His tired eyes began to come in closer.

We were like centimeters apart now.

Ohhhh fudgeeeee—

"See Ink...?" Dream looked at me.

I couldn't help but die.

"W-what is it?" I asked.

He put his hand on my chin and lifted my head up.

"This is what happens when you tick me off."

I couldn't move. This wasn't the state of mind I didn't want from Dream, this was the part of him I disliked the most.

"Don't fight with me. Okay? I don't want to hurt you." Dream implored.

I nodded once again.

"I know boss. I don't want to disappoint you." I answered.


Dream let go of me and sat down on his chair, putting his hand in his forehead, contemplating his life decisions.

I went over to him, behind him actually.

I did the same hug I did before, when I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed gently. He smiled at me and rolled his eyes.

"You're ridiculous..." Dream said.

"I know."

I giggled a little bit.

"Don't be mad, okay?" I said, I was still hugging him.

He put his hand on one of my arms and patted it softly.

"Okay." He replied.

"Thank you, Ink."


Drink. My old DS OTP— *has flashbacks* 😅 Oh godddddd.....idk if it still is, but I still like it tho:3

I didn't know how to make this spicy without making them ooc >:(

(Out of character btw.)

(Lol this didn't satisfy my DS! Drink cravingsssssss—)

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