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"Dream." Error said. Dream and Blue were both there.

His mouth dropped.

"What are you doing here?!" Error snapped at Blue who just waved silently. Dream stood there, awkwardly.

"I don't want, nor do I need to be part of this.." Dream got up and took one of Blue's hand and one of Error's.

"Kill each other." He stated. They both looked at him with confused expressions. "If you guys hate each other sooo much, kill each other. I don't care." Dream implored. Blue coughed.

"I don't hate Error. He loves me." Blue smirked. Error scoffed. "Excuse me. I do not love you. I hate you." He corrected. Dream started at them apathetically. "You guys are ridiculous. What went so wrong here." Dream questioned.

"He mentally abused me! He doesn't even think he did anything WRONG!" Error fumed. Dream looked at Blue shocked.

"He did what." Dream now looked pissed. He glared at Blue. "Listen..It was only a little criticism! I apologized already but he didn't accept it—!" Blue faltered. "You know why? Because you're a bad person! You hurt me and you can't even say that you did! I HATE YOU!" Error argued.

"ENOUGH." Dream yelled. It was silent. "You guys need divorce canceling, Jesus Christ." Dream stammered. He took a seat back in his office chair. Error still was a ball of anger. He was teary-eyed as well.

"Error...look." Blue tried to reason with him, but Error stomped out of the room. He slammed the door.

"Get out." Dream hissed. Blue ran after Error, not something Dream expected. Should he follow?
Blue ran after him. Error was teleporting as fast as he could, trying to lose him. But Blue was catching up. "Stop following me!" Error cried. But Blue didn't listen. "Stop running! Your going to get out of breath again!" Blue roared.

Error grabbed a stick and threw it toward Blue, it went right past him, but it stunned him for a bit. Blue kept running, but then he tripped on something and fell to the ground.

Error stopped. "Ugh..." Blue was lying down on a concrete path surrounded by trees. Error was also in the path, but he was standing up. His inner niceness couldn't help but peak through. Error wanted to stop and help him up, but he didn't want to help him at the same time.

Blue wasn't talking anymore at this point.

It's was silent. All they could hear was the wind blowing around them, and the trees glistening.

"Blue...?" Error finally said. Blue still didn't reply. It was like he had like had froze. Error was starting to get worried.

He hadn't injured him...right? "Are you okay?" Error said. Blue finally regained his sight. "Uh...yeah..sorry.." He said finally. "What happened?" Error asked. His voice was now finally calm.

"I had a slight migraine for a few seconds...heh, it happens sometimes. The best way to help it is to just relax and stay still." Blue answered. He then noticed how close Error was. "How often does that happen?" Error questioned.

"Quite often. It's when I freak out or get stunned for a bit. Heh..." Blue wanted to kiss that beautiful face of Error's but he resisted. Error sighed. "That worries me..." Error couldn't help but feel bad. Even when Blue wasn't the nicest, Error couldn't help but still want to forgive him...

Blue couldn't help the urge to pull him closer. Why was he feeling this way? Error was still looking at him with a worried expression. But he too, was questioning his need for affection.

They both leaned in closer. It was a moment of silence. Blue put his hand on Error's hood and pulled it down. Error tried to put it back up, but Blue stopped his hand from going any further. "Leave it." Blue insisted. Error nodded. "Okay." He replied.

Blue leaned in even closer, Error couldn't get himself to back away. Blue held on tightly to Error's hoodie. "Wha—" Error started.

Blue silenced him and leaned in for the kiss.

It was a success and their 'lips' finally touched. Error was shocked, yet amused that he was finally getting what he desired.

It was short, but very passionate. They both got glimpses of each others expressions and feelings in the moment. Error was confused, yet he was slightly enjoying the moment. And Blue was still clutching Error's hoodie.

There hands intertwined as they leaned in closer. Blue reluctantly pulled away. Error looked at him, as if he was asking for more. "That was sweet~" Blue cooed. Error glared. "Shut up and continue." Error sputtered. Blue spun Error around playfully.

Error giggled. He hated that he enjoyed this. But then again....it did seem like Blue changed...


Dream was still questioning his life decisions. A knock was heard at his door and then Ink headed into the room. "Nightmare and his sorry-ass is hungry. Where could I get food?" He asked.

Dream sighed. "Bring some food from the kitchen, or buy some. It's your choice." He answered.

Ink went to go and leave, but then paused. "Don't stress yourself out too much boss.....okay?" Ink asserted. Dream was about to respond but then he heard the door close. He sat there quietly.

He prepared his papers and stacked them in a neat and tidy order. He placed them on the shelf. Dream sighed.

"I should go and check on the prisoners." Dream faltered. He headed towards the chamber.
There were two guards already guarding them. "Lord Dream." They bowed. "I'll take over for now, head back to your stations." Dream commanded. "Of course." One guard said and they headed off somewhere.

Dream glared at Nightmare, who was just chilling there. "Hey frickface!" Cross yelled. Dream rolled his eyes. "What." He answered. "Let us out of here!" Cross demanded. Nightmare just laughed awkwardly.

"Where's Error?" Nightmare asked. Then Dream remembered, Error had ran away and Blue had followed him....now he had no idea where they went.

"He left. Blue was there and that pissed him off." Dream explained. Nightmare facepalmed. "Of course he was there." Nightmare commented. Dream grabbed the key to the cell door.

Nightmare gasped. "What." Dream questioned. Nightmare stayed silent. Dream unlocked the door.

"I'm moving you to the execution center. I'll say the rest of the details when we'll get there." Dream explained.  Nightmare gulped. Was he finally going to do it? "You can't just kill me?! You'll die too!" Nightmare tried to fight back, but he couldn't escape Dream strong grip.

"Let's go." Dream hissed. Nightmare was dragged there, and Cross was taken there as well by some guards. "Let me go!!" Cross screamed. The guards didn't listen.
Once they made it there they were tied up by the guards. "Nightmare. Your first. Come with me." Dream advised. Nightmare coughed. "Bitch what." Nightmare tried to keep the humor going, but Dream didn't care. 

They entered a different room. It looked like an interrogation room. Cross could see them from the security cameras. He was worried.

"Bro please....you know you can't do this.." Nightmare said.

Nightmare then got flashbacks of that terrible nightmare he had gotten a few days ago. Dream would kill him, and that would be the end of it. Was that going to happen now? It's as in the same room in his nightmare.

Dream grabbed his sword and stared at it. "I'm sorry brother. That is had to be this way." Dream started. Nightmare tried to release himself from the ropes but he couldn't escape them. Dream slashed his sword in Nightmare's direction.

"Stop!" Nightmare yelled.
The camera cut off. Cross was horrified. "What the fuck?!" Cross cried. His bestfriend....maybe was killed. He couldn't look at the blank security cam much longer. Ink stood there, with two slices of pizza. "Oh crap..." He said.

Cross was sobbing. He was also angry. "Why would you side with that bastard!" Cross roared. Ink stopped. He placed the tray of food down. He couldn't answer.

"I'm sorry, Cross."

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