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Two Weeks Later

Marinette giggled as Adrien helped her out of the car. Her eyes were closed shut and he apparently found a place. They haven't told Gabriel yet. Adrien helped her to the front. He stood behind her and rubbed his knuckles on her arm. He kissed her cheek. "Okay. Open." Marinette blinked her eyes open and gasped at the house.

She looked back at Adrien. "Adrien, it's amazing," she smiled. "Can we look inside?" He nodded and opened the door.

Marinette held her hands over her mouth as they walked through the house. It was amazing. What the needed. They walked into the backyard and Marinette smiled. She ran around it and smiled. Adrien laughed. "That good?" He chuckled and walked over to her. She fell on the grass and he looked down at her, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"It's perfect!" She looked up at him. "We have to get this place!" He helped her up.

"We still have to show my Father and I haven't even told you about the neighborhood." He laughed.

"Well you wouldn't have shown me this place unless it was a bad neighborhood," Marinette giggled. "But tell me."

"There a school district nearby, when they're ready and a lot of families down the street from all ages. Teens for babysitters, kids for advice, toddlers for friends. Obviously they'll all be older by the time we have kids but I think this place will be good for us. It's safe," he smiled and she nodded. They got back in the car and went to the mansion. They got Gabriel and showed him the house. "Do you like it Father?" Adrien asked as they stood on the porch outside.

"It will do fine," he turned to them. "But remember you can start later."

"W-We are we just want to be sure now and not when she's pregnant." Adrien blushed.

He nodded. "I'll buy it and you can move in anytime. I will sign the deed under the Agreste name so any Agreste can move in." Adrien nodded and smiled down at Marinette.

One Month Later

Marinette parked the car and got out. She walked to the house and smiled. This was hers. She bit her lip and looked up at the balcony to one of the rooms. She giggled to herself, imaging one of her kids climbing up to it when it's past curfew. She closed her eyes and happily smiled. "Excuse me," she opened her eyes and turned to her side. She saw a woman in her thirties. "Are you moving in here?"

"Uh, yes. With my husband but we aren't doing it yet. We're waiting until we're ready to start a family but we wanted to have this place so we got it." She smiled at her.

"Husband? You can't be more then sixteen." She smiled.

"I'm twenty two actually." Marinette giggled.

"Well that's still too young. You have your whole life ahead of you!" Marinette giggled.

"We know we want to spend our whole lives together."

"Well that's amazing," she smiled. "I'm Lani and live a next door. Across from you is Helena and on the other side is Trish. You chose a great neighborhood." Marinette looked around.

"But a lot of for sale signs." Marinette chuckled.

"Well the neighborhood was just developed. Not a whole lot of people have moved in yet. Got any friends ready, ask the to move in." Marinette giggled and nodded.

"I have a few in mind already." Alya and Nino and Mylene and Ivan for starters.

"Well, when you two do move in, a house warming party will be waiting for you." Lani smiled and Mairnette giggled.

"Nothing less." Marinette smiled.

"What's your name dear? I never got it." Lani asked.

"Marinette." She answered with a big smile.

"Well, Marinette, I'll see you when you move in." Lani walked to her house and Marinette looked at hers. She was ready to be a mother but wanted to wait a little longer.

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