chapter 2

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Lucy tried as hard as she could to pay attention to Miss Woods, but all she could think of was how hot the boy sitting across from her was. Get a grip girl, he's just a guy, she mentally scolded herself.

She buried her face in her hands as she breathed in, calming herself down. "Would you please pay attention?" The teacher yelled at Lucy, making her jump in her seat.

She stuttered. "I-I I'm sorry, I um...have a slight headache." Miss Woods glared at her, seemingly unfazed by her excuse as she placed her square eyeglasses on top of her damp hair.

The boy across from Lucy's seat suddenly stood up and said, "I need to leave..." His deep voice made Lucy shudder; it was mellifluous to her ears even though it was rough.

The teacher sighed deeply. "No you're not! Class is going to end, so you can wait."

The boy huffed as he cleared his throat. "But..."

The teacher glared, causing the vein on her forehead to protrude as she flailed her arms in the air. "No buts, now sit down Drake Reid!"

He sat down, obviously agitated. Lucy swore she saw the edge of his wooden desk slightly crack due to the way he had thrust it with full force. So Drake is his name, it really suited him.

She stole a glance at him as she studied his features intently. He had mesmerizing dark, blue eyes that were outlined by long, thick eyelashes. He had a perfectly-formed nose, full, plump, soft lips, and gorgeous, fiery, red hair that will take so much effort not to run your hands through them. Yep, he's most definitely out of this world.

"Staring at others is rude." Lucy nervously gulped as her breath got caught in her throat, she slowly looked around the room as her eyes searched every bored face, but no one seems to be paying attention to her, not even Drake. I must have imagined it, yeah that's for sure, she thought as she bit her inner cheek.

The bell finally rang saving Lucy from getting crazy. She quickly got out of class to see Amy running towards her with a warm smile. "So how was your first period? Any good-looking boys in your class?"

Lucy nervously spoke, "Well yeah, but he's sort of the guy I asked you about earlier, the weird yet hot one."

Amy furrowed her eyebrows as she drew closer to Lucy. "Every girl in my class is talking about him; ugh, if I hear one more comment about that guy I'm going to lose it!" She added, "Besides he doesn't seem like he likes the attention, I mean look at him!" she gestured at him. He was sitting alone in the corner with his earphones in his ears.

Lucy's lips formed a tight line as she suggested. "I'm going to go talk to him, he's new I'm new..."

Amy grabbed Lucy's arm as she pulled her aside. "No way! He's creepy, you're staying here."

Lucy pulled her arm away from Amy's grasp. "Thanks for your concern Amy, but I'm really curious about him. I will be right back." With that, she made her way to the lone table.

She stood beside Drake's table as she cleared her throat. "Um...hi, I'm Lucy." Drake glanced at her as he eyed her from head to toe; he nodded giving her a faint smile. That's it? Wow, he seems friendly.

Lucy continued to speak as she sat down next to him. "So what brings you here? To this school."

Drake puckered his brow. "Is this your way of making a conversation? Cause it sucks baby."

Lucy's mouth was agape now. "Ouch. I guess you really deserve to be alone. Bye you douche." When she got up to leave, she was suddenly grabbed by Drake and pinned to the wall with his arms on each side.

He drew closer and huskily whispered as she felt his hot breath tickle her ear. "I've been called worse." He slightly pulled back to look her in the eyes and added. "I advise you not to make friends with guys like me because guys like me can hurt you, real bad."

Lucy gulped, ignoring the warm tingles that ran through her entire body as she nervously yet boldly replied. "For your information, I don't get hurt easily."

His lips twisted into a smirk. "Ah, you're one of the feisty girls. Good for you." He gently lifted her chin with the tips of his fingers, making her meet his gaze as he spoke in a hushed tone. "Here's a thing you should keep in mind, 'looks can be deceiving', so do not be fooled by my charm." And as soon as those words left his lips, she wasn't able to suppress the bolts of electricity that shot through her body. Her heart wildly pounded against her chest and she couldn't help but feel tempted by him. The sound of his husky yet seductive voice was enough to make her legs go limp.

He then suddenly chuckled as his eyes darkened. "And baby, I think you should move away from me now before I do something to you that's somewhat dirty." What the hell?

Lucy's cheeks were flushed red as she pushed him away with full force. She wanted to shout at him and attack him with cruel words but nothing came out. So, she just hurriedly walked away, avoiding everybody's lingering stares and most definitely avoiding him.





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