chapter 4

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Lucy stormed into her house as she slammed the door against the wall and yelled, "Mom? Where are you?"

Chad replied instead, "She's in the kitchen."

Lucy nodded. "And where's the 'father'?"

Chad's nostrils flared as he inhaled deeply. "He's in his room drinking, that's what he's good at."

Lucy rubbed her face and ran towards the kitchen to check on her mother. She had bruises on both her arms and a couple of cuts on her face. Lucy shrieked. "Shit!" She approached her mother, Natasha, to get a better look at her wounds. She examined them by lifting her mother's arms and checking her left and right cheeks. "Whew, at least they're not deep, it'll be okay."

Her mom sobbed as bitter tears made their way down her dry face. "He had to dear. He was drunk."

Lucy straightened up, furrowing her brows. "He had to? Are you out of your mind? You don't have to tolerate his immature and irresponsible habits. Leave him."

Her mom widened her eyes at her as she placed her hand on her chest. "Don't talk like that about your father. He's under pressure!" Words wouldn't come out of her mouth, she just watched her mom sit there and talk nonsense. "We should respect him. He's the man of the house," Her mother blabbered.

Lucy spoke mockingly, her fingers trembling. "You know what? Respect him yourself. I'm outta here!" With that, she hurriedly made her way upstairs to her room, leaving her mother alone in her gloomy kitchen. She was sick and tired of her dad who constantly kept treating everybody like trash, and she was mostly sick and tired of her mom who kept sticking up to him. I'm going to run away. She prepared her bag whilst blasting some loud rock music on, so that they would think she's having an emotional outburst and not plotting her escape or something. Once she got it all ready, she placed it under her bed and made her way to her father's room. No way was she going without facing that animal.

She opened the door without a thought to see him slumped against the pillows. He was surrounded by a couple of empty vodka bottles, and in his hand, he held a half empty whisky bottle. He quit drinking, such a pathetic liar. She made her way to him and crouched next to him, so that she'd be at the same eye level when speaking to him. "You are a complete pig who only cares about his self-desires. That's all I have to say to you."

He hiccupped as he lazily opened his eyelids. "What-was-that-you-said?"

Lucy rolled her eyes and got up to leave, but he roared from behind her. "Come here young lady, that's no way to talk to your-your-father!" She ignored his stupid attempt at a comeback and went to her room.

Chad knocked at her door before he entered. "I'm sorry you have to face these things every time Lucy, but sometimes you can't control it," he said, his hands tucked in his pockets.

Lucy turned around, not wanting to face him as she felt a tear trickle down from the corner of her eye. "You don't have to give me a philosophical lecture, Chad. I get it." He wore an apologetic look on his face, then hopelessly shrugged and walked away.

It was 1:30 am, she hurriedly got out of her covers, revealing her dressed self and placed her bag on her left shoulder. She silently opened her bedroom window and climbed down through it. It wasn't that high and she was somewhat athletic, thus it was easy for her. Once she got close to the ground, she jumped and landed on the flower bed just below her window. She got up and wiped the dirt off her butt as she readjusted her bag on her shoulder, and made her way in the dark.

She was walking and walking to who knows where. She thought she'd go to Amy's but she didn't want to bother her with her drama. Besides, she wasn't that close to her. She knew that what she was doing was childish, but right now, all she wanted was to get her mind off of things. Just when she was about to stop and take a breath, she heard a noise coming from the alley ahead of her. She sneaked her way to it and stopped to slightly tilt her head and see what's going on; Lucy was curious. What made her freak out as soon as she saw the dreadful scene in front of her was the figure hovering above a dead person on the ground. She could spot those red locks anywhere, it was Drake. A sudden sense of fear ran through her nerves like the chill of an icy wind. What the hell is going on? She gradually backed away gulping, but accidentally tripped over a used tire near the bins. This tiny minor accident was going to make her wish she had stayed in bed.





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