chapter 5

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Oh boy, she thought to herself as she panicked and tried to run away before he actually found out that she had witnessed that awful scene. But just as she was about to flee, she felt a cold, strong arm grab her by her waist and pull her close, not allowing her to move and make her escape. Drake covered her mouth with his rough hand as he violently slammed her against the brick wall and drew nearer to her. She squirmed in his grasp but he was too strong for her to make him back off. She could feel his warm breath fanning across her face as he spoke tensely, "I'm going to let you speak now...if you dare shout or try to run away, I'm going to make you regret the second you planned on doing so."

Lucy instantly nodded her head, her heart hammering against her chest with every single second that ticked by. An uncomfortable premonition of fear permeated her senses. She most certainly did not want to get on his nerves. "Good girl," Drake sneered.

Lucy's eyes were widened as she took in his agitated features, his jaw was tensed and his eyes were so dark, no one would even notice they had a shade of blue. His lips slightly parted and he asked in a low tone, "What did you see? Tell me."

Lucy gulped anxiously, trying to form words. "N-nothing I swear-"

He cursed under his breath, irritated. "I'm going to pretend you're not lying right now, if you supposedly did not see anything then why the hell are you here at this late hour?"

She bit her lip as she blabbered nervously, "I-I- ran away from home and this is none of your business. I said I didn't see anything and I'm not lying. Besides, what are you scared about huh? Did you kill the poor man? Shouldn't we call for help?" She breathed in heavily, hoping she did not push it. He smirked. Wait, did he just smirk? Lucy had a puzzled expression on as she fiddled with her earrings with trembling fingers.

He drew even closer to her face if that was possible and looked intently into her bright blue eyes. "First, I did not kill him and second, he clearly needs no help for he's fuckin dead as you can see, and third-" he stopped and licked his lips, "-third, you are coming with me."

Lucy narrowed her eyes, ignoring the lump that was forming in her throat. "Wait, how did he die? What happened? Aren't you going to tell me?" She argued, ignoring the last part that he mentioned.

Drake softly traced her cheek with his finger, sending tingles throughout her entire body as he glared. "You ask way too many questions, so how about you just shut up and be grateful."

Lucy's mouth fell open with shock and annoyance. "Grateful? Why the hell should I be grateful?"

The corners of his lips lifted in a smirk. "Well, I did spare your life now, didn't I?"

"What-" She asked, cutting him off.

He placed his finger on her lips, shushing her. "And I'm going to give you a place to stay, so you owe me princess."

Lucy furrowed her eyebrows. "Who said I wanted to go with you? And worse, stay at your apartment, alone with you? I prefer to be killed." She crossed her arms, fuming with anger. "And how about you stop pinning me against walls, do you have a problem?" She said bluntly.

He then suddenly lifted her up with his muscular arms and carried her on his shoulder as he firmly held her by her legs.

She smacked his back with her fists as she pleaded loudly, "Put me down! Where are you taking me? I don't want to be a collection of your dead zombies!" The putrefying stench of rotten flesh engulfed her. She felt her heart clench when she briefly eyed the lifeless body, before turning away.

He chuckled. "That's funny babe, but no. How about you just lower your voice and be a good girl."

She gave up as she spread her arms down against his back, too tired to try to change his mind. He finally put her down once he reached his motorcycle. Lucy panicked; no way was she going to ride this thing to who knows where. She slowly began to back away while he was busy turning his Harley on with his keys. "Stay right where you are Lucy. Even if I can't see you, it doesn't mean I can't hear your stupid heels click," He exclaimed.

Lucy stopped dead in her tracks as she fidgeted with her fingers nervously. "I um...wanted to ask you-"

He approached her, impatiently waiting for her question to be blurted out. "What is it? You're starting to get on my nerves."

She took a deep breath, ignoring the terror that held her in a vice-like grip. "What about the dead man? We can't just leave him there!"

Drake ran a hand through his hair, disheveling it. "Really? Then how about you go and bury him in a sweet little grave with sweet little flowers and give him your sweet little prayers. Wouldn't that be sweet?"

Lucy was simply shocked. How can he be cool about this? This is no joke. Just as she was about to reason, he spoke again with a frown, "I don't want my fingerprints to be on the dead body. Soon the police will know about this man and would want to fuckin know how the hell this happened. And if you want to volunteer in being one of the suspects, then go ahead babe, he's all yours."

Lucy swallowed back her words as she rubbed the back of her neck. She took a long, deep breath, forcing herself to be strong. What is that boy hiding? She shut her eyes very tight, she would know what he was hiding and she would certainly know what exactly happened to that poor dead man. She'll just have to play it smooth.





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