2- She knows me likes she knows her own mind. Sorry I'll stop. No I won't

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Well, it looked like I am an Apollo child. At least that's what Nico told me. Well, our conversation really went down like this.

(Cue flashback)
"You are an Apollo kid!" Nico said, excited.

"Why is that so exciting to you?" I asked.

"Well, there are two reasons- reason 1. We really need more campers at the infirmary and reason 2. Now I can call you my favorite nickname for Apollo kids, sunshine." He said.

I gave him a upset face that said 'are you really serious?' Well then, I just shrugged. Suddenly, there came more Apollo kids. They ran over to me happy.
(End flashback)

"Hi there! My name is Will! Well it is good to meet you sis!" Said one of the male Apollo kids.

"Oh hi, my name is (y/n)." I responded coolly.

"Hello, I'm Caileigh, your sister." One of my older sisters said.

I looked at Caileigh and observed what she looked like. I noticed that she was wearing a Panic! At The Disco shirt (P!ATD anyone I really ❤️ l ❤️ u ❤️ v ❤️ them), she was also wearing blue jeans, and dark green sneakers. Her hair was pretty. It was a long, curly, dirty blond, and it was up in a ponytail. She was wearing red thin glasses and had a beautiful necklace that had three circles on it (above), and it said 'not throwing away my shot' (now do you guys get the tittle). I looked at her and gave her a small wave of acknowledgment. Then, Caileigh took me to our cabin. She let me stay in the bunk above her. I sit with her and we have a small conversation, this conversation completely changes the way that I see her as a sister.

"Hey, (y/n)!" Caileigh called up to me.

"Hmm Caileigh? What do you need?" I asked, looking down at her from my bunk.

"Come here." She replied and patted the seat next to her bed and motioned for me to come down and sit down on the seat.

I hopped down from the top bunk and set next to her. She smiled lightly and calmly at me. Then, she looked around for anyone. Most of the Apollo kids were working in the infirmary right now, helping hurt campers.

"Look (y/n), don't hide this from me, I know you are soulless." Caileigh said. That
immediately had caught me off guard.

"How did you find out?" I asked.

"Well, to be honest it is quite obvious for someone like me. Reason 1. You show literally not a drop of emotion. Reason 2. You haven't smiled at all, or at least that I have seen. And reason 3. I know what it's like to be soulless, because I used to be soulless too (y/n)." She explained and put her arm around my neck.

"Wait, you used to be soulless?" I questioned.

"You can get your soul back, there actually is a way too. No joke." She said.

"How do I get my soul back?" I asked.

"Get the person that you really like to kiss you. You can't kiss them, though." Caileigh said.

I blinked at her, trying to process what she said. So, if I fell in love with someone, I have to get them to kiss me. Well then, this may be difficult.. I don't have a crush as of right now...

"Who kissed you, Caileigh?" I asked.

Caileigh tensed and then, she started to fidget with her necklace as if she was nervous. I noticed how uncomfortable she looked, but the horn for dinner had been blown and we had to go to dinner. Talk about a save for Caileigh.

We head down to dinner and I sit down between Caileigh and my cute little sister Annabella (based off of my friend Annabella in real life), she's 13 (she'll be more important later). Dinner appears before me. I got my favorite food, (f/f) with my favorite drink, (f/d). They were both really good. If I could smile, I probably would, but I can't so...

"Hey (y/n), have you ever tried to use a bow?" Annabella asked.

"I know how shot a sniper and I'm good at it." I said and shrugged.

"I can teach you tomorrow! It will be so much fun." Annabella said as she jumped up and down.

"Ok ok, chill out. I will let you teach me tomorrow." I said and motioned then I motioned for her to sit down.

"I do not understand why you are so grumpy all the time." She said.

Me and Caileigh looked at each other and exchanged glances. I gave her a worried look. I didn't know what to do. Caileigh just shrugged her shoulders and nodded her head, telling me to tell Annabella. I sighed and then, turned to Annabella.

"Can you keep a secret Belladona (that is my actual nickname for her in real life. Not joking around)?" I asked.

"Yes! I can." She said, her eyes were shinning like stars.

"I am not joking around here. If this gets out I am so done for." I said.

"Oh ok. Don't worry I won't tell a soul, (see what I did there?) I promise!" She said. Caileigh snorted and let out a light laugh.

"Well, I'm soulless. I live in this world without emotion. However, I'm getting my soul back slowly." I explained.

"Oh, so I accidentally just made a joke." She said, and Caileigh burst out laughing.

"Exactly." I said and Annabella laughed.

"Can I call you Belladona?" I asked.

"Sure!" Belladona said and beamed.

She had one of the cutest smiles I have ever seen. The little girl was so innocent, I almost pity her. Almost. Unfortunately, I can not feel the feeling of pity.

(Time skip- we're traveling through time! Time, space and history! That's from my script from a show called Rewind)

We finish up our dinner and then, we walk back to our cabin. I slipped into my pjs. They were (f/c) with (s/f/c) stars on them. Caileigh threw something on my bed while I laid down. It was a book. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. My face softens and I hug it against my chest and open it. On the inside is a signature from the actual J. K Rowling. Oh my goodness Caileigh... She is literally. The. Best. Sister. Ever. I put it next to me and go to sleep and to my relief I do not have any nightmares. How did I get so lucky to get the best sister ever? It's like she knows me like she knows her own mind (Hamilton references all day, everyday! I am seriously non-stop with the references. Ok I'm done, for now).

(Time skip to morning)

I woke up to Caileigh shaking me. I groaned and turned over and pulled the covers with me.

"Get up." She said.

"No." I said calmly.

"Breakfast. Let's go now." She demanded.

"Fine." I said and gave in.

I got dressed in a Camp Half-Blood shirt and jeans like Caileigh. I slipped on my shoes and brushed my (h/c) (h/l) (h/t) (h/t is hair type). Then, I ran to breakfast (where do they eat? I forgot). My sisters, Caileigh and Belladona, were waiting there for me.

"Hi (y/n)!" Belladona yelled and shot up.

"So, you got out of bed." Caileigh said and giggled.

"Shut up." I said to Caileigh before waving at Belladona.

I looked over them to see Nico di Angelo (finally some Nico action here). Saying he wasn't hot would be a huge lie. No, but seriously, he was so fucking hot. I felt my cheeks grow warm and I eventually tore my eyes away from him.

"Hey (y/n), can I talk to you privately?" Caileigh asked. She had a smirk on her face.

"Ok." I said and followed her outside.

"You like Nico di Angelo, don't you?" Caileigh said once we got out side.

I blushed and looked away. Caileigh squealed like an Aphrodite child and hugged me. A bit to tight.

"Caileigh.. Can't... Breath..." I said.

"Sorry!" She said and dropped me.

I just shook my head and got up. Then, I started walking back to Belladona. She saw me coming and waved and smiled like a tiny child.

"Ready to learn how to shoot a bow." Belladona said.

I nodded and she motioned for me to follow her. I followed her to the archery range. She took me over to a wall of bows and arrows. She handed me one that fit my (archery dominant hand (it doesn't have to be your dominant hand. I only know this from my own personal experience)). I took the bow and decided that I liked it.

"Ready to start shooting?" She asked.

"Let's go. I'm ready." I said.

(Time skip)

Turns out I am an amazing archer even for an Apollo kid. I guess it's probably from my dad. Thanks dad. I had finished my 12th round and when Caileigh popped up and came to see how I was doing.

"Hey (y/n)!" Caileigh said.

I waved to her and grab and put away my arrows. She sat next to me. She put her arm on my head, which isn't hard for her since she was 5'10 (Ya, I'm not joking. My friend Caileigh who I'm basing this off of is literally (not exaggerating) 5'10).

"Hi." I said.

"Hey, do you want to go do karaoke with us tonight? We are having a sing-off tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to join us? It's your choice of course, I won't force you." She said.

"Ya, sure it sounds like a lot of fun. I guess I will go and compete with you then." I replied and shrugged my shoulders.

"Great (y/n)! I'll go tell Will. Make sure you know what song you're singing tonight." She said, and ran off to tell Will.

I heard the horn for lunch blow. Belladona and I raced to see who could get lunch first. I won and Belladona gave me a look. I brushed it off and went to sit down at our table. Caileigh soon joined us. 

"Can't wait for tonight (y/n)!" Will said, as he passed me.

I waved to Will and I as I did I felt like someone was watching me. I turned to the Hades table, and I could've sworn Nico had been looking at me. Oh well, I guess it's just my imagination. I shrugged and went back to eating my lunch and talking to my sisters about things.

"Hey (y/n), are you ok?" Caileigh asked me, as I was lost in thought about The Ghost King.

"Oh, yeah, yeah. I'm fine." I said.

"Don't lie to me. It's about Death Boy isn't it?" She said.

Then, she gave me a look that said 'I know that it's about him'. I sighed in defeat and nodded my head. I looked up at her and she was smiling like an idiot.

"Are you sure that you're not an Aphrodite kid?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure, but I am just so glad my sister likes Death Boy over there." She said and motioned to Nico.

"Oh, Sh-Shut up!" I said feeling a little nervous.

"I thought you don't have emotion. Why are you showing emotion?" Belladona said.

"That's what Nico is doing. He is giving her soul back to her." Caileigh explained for me.

"Exactly." I agreed and nodded my head.

"You should tell him!" Caileigh said and squealed.

"Not today." I said while trying to hide how nervous I felt on the inside.

"Okay. Then, maybe tomorrow." Caileigh said.

"What if he doesn't like me?" I asked, worried.

"Oh sweetie, he will." Caileigh said and winked at me.

I blushed a light pink. Belladona whistled and Caileigh laughed. I gave them a look and they shut up quickly.

"I know how much you like him." Caileigh said. "And I'm 99.9999 percent sure that he likes you back."

"You think so?" I asked.

"I know so." She said. "And if he does like you back, and then he breaks your heart come to me. I'll beat him down to the underworld." She said and did a fist in her palm.

"I'll keep your offer in mind." I said, and wrote it down in an imaginary notepad.

"Taking mental notes I see." She said and laughed. "You know, I know you like I know my own mind."

"I can tell, it's actually really obvious for someone like me." I replied, mocking her.

2178 words

Hey! So this is a long chapter. I spent a while on this. I hope you like it cause I put my mind, body, and soul into this. Also, I would like to thank my friends Caileigh and Annabella for letting me use them in this story. I based their characters off of them. Also, don't forget to vote and comment! Ok bye my little potatoes!!!

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