04 || behind every "i don't know"

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Updated/Published On:
30th July 2019

"a small part of me begged to be by his side. to be there when he needed me."

(Y/n)'s POV

I flipped the page of the book Yoongi had given to Namjoon, who had given it to Jin, who had finally passed it to me with a curious gaze. Thankfully, he didn't ask any questions.

The book he had lent me, had everything about soulmates and soulmarks. I knew a few things, but it was a enjoyable read. But the chapter that piqued my interest was 'Unmarked'.

5~ Unmarked

Being unmarked, is perhaps the rarest thing in humans. When almost everyone has a soulmate, and spend their entire life with said soulmate, why are there those who do not have one?

In Chapter 1~ What Is A Soulmate? we discussed what a soulmate truly means. The soulmate bond is based on two people, who have the ability to understand each other better than any other person on this planet. Due to this very reason, people feel safe and comfortable with their soulmates and never hesitate to show their true selves. Because they know their soulmate will accept them.

The only reason that non-believers of the soulmate system convert to believers is because when they find their soulmates, they find somebody who can truly understand them to the core.

The soulmate system is not 'your love chosen for you by some mark', it is something that chooses two humans based on their ability to accept and understand, which develops quite firmly till the ages of 10-12, which is around the time almost everyone gets their soulmark.

So what about the Unmarked? Who are they, and why are they so?

From all the research and the experiments we have performed, we have reached the conclusion that there are three possible reasons as to why someone is unmarked. They are:

1) Unacceptable/Misunderstanding:
The majority of unmarked people fall under this category, which is for the ones who don't have someone who can understand them, or anybody they can understand that has been born yet.

2) Acceptables:
These are comparatively very, very rare. Only 5% of unmarked people fall under this category. These people aren't like the first category; in fact, they are the opposite. They can be accepted by anyone and can accept anyone. We have been led to believe that there is a chance that a person under first category and the person under second category can actually end up having a good bond, almost as good as a soulmate bond.

3) The OtherWorldly:
This is still unproved, and research is going on about this. As we stated before, 'the soulmate bond is based on two people, who have the ability to understand each other better than any other person on this planet.' As such, there is a possibility that there are some people, whose soulmates are not on this planet but some other*.

(*= There is no confirmation about this topic; further research is going on to help us understand the possibility of this category.)

I paused in my reading, and sneaked a glance at my bare wrist. Due to the vagueness of the third category, I couldn't fall under it. The second category sounded nice, but the chances were really less...

Could I be the first category? Unacceptable? Nobody who can understand me? Because I sure as hell can accept anyone. I had read so many books, and lived my life hiding my pain behind smiles for my friends, that my empathy levels had raised high. I was open-minded about everyone at this point.

I bit my lip before continuing to read the book, thinking of finishing it before going to sleep.


"So," Jin smiled suggestively at me as I wiped the tables. He was leaning over the counter and smiling at me so widely, I wondered why. "How did the 'date' go?"

"Jin!" I whined, not wanting any customers to hear of my 'date'. He just laughed before turning to the customer who had just arrived.

It was late evening, around 6:30, when I finally sat down for a break. Jin immediately sat across me with a hopeful look. I sighed.

"You really want to know, don't you?" I said to him. He nodded brightly. "It went well, I think."

"You think?" He repeated.

"Uh, he said he would give us a try, if that helps," I offered. Jin screeched and nearly fell off his seat.

"Are you serious?" He nearly yelled. I looked around quickly. A few customers that Jimin-ah was serving looked at our commotion and Jimin-ah, who was wiping the cups stopped to give us a quizzical look too. "Sorry about that. Please carry on."

He turned back to me and the child-like excitement on his face encouraged me to continue.

"We got along pretty well, I think," I murmured to him. "And he was... nice. Also, really handsome. I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life with him. Wait, is this too early?"

"No, no, this is perfect!" He squealed. "This is amazing! I just, Namjoon said that Yoongi felt like it worked too."

"Really?" I asked, a smile taking over my face. "Wow. This, we aren't moving too quickly, are we?"

"No, and even if it feels like it, you are not wrong in doing so," Jin said with a shake of his head. He gave me a sly smile, "Do you think you love him?"

"I- I don't know, it's too early to say that!" I said, biting my bottom lip. It was a bad habit of mine. "But I do like him. So I am going to give it my best."

"You do, and you'll win him over!" Jin nodded with an assuring smile. I couldn't help the smile that took over my face.

Someone cleared their throat behind me and I turned around to find Jimin-ah looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Right!" Jin stood up immediately, rubbing his hands. "Take a five, Jimin-ah, I'll take over your side. (Y/n), fill him up."

Jimin-ah grinned as he sat down and Min-ji came running and slid into the seat beside him, giving Jin a sheepish grin, who just exhaled with an amused look. I groaned.

"Not you two as well!"

They laughed as I gave an exasperated sigh before launching into the events of the 'date'.


Words: 1074 words.

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