09 || love is acceptance

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Updated/Published On:
3rd September 2019

"but beyond everything, i think love is acceptance."

(Y/n)'s POV


"I can't believe it!" I squealed happily, jumping up and down with Min-ji. She had finally found her soulmate, and they were hitting it off already. She squealed along with me.

"So can't I!" She agreed and we both fangirled for a moment. "And you know, he's just... perfect. Dreamy. Unrealistic. Like, wow."

"I know that feeling," I said, nodding gravely. "They just seem perfect, but deep inside, you know they are not. And yet you love them. That's what being a soulmate means, right?"

"Right," Min-ji said, smiling proudly. "Come on, let's get ready for the wedding. They aren't going to wait forever for us!"

I laughed, picking up my white and blue dress, as Min-ji and I continued to chatter while we got ready.


"He's going to knock unconscious," Min-ji said, amazed as she twirled me around in front of the mirror. I couldn't believe that was me either.

"You are a miracle worker," I told her. "I look wow. And so do you. Your soulmate won't know what hit him."

"Oh, I'm sure he will," she giggled, and I slapped her on the arm lightly. "C'mon, let's go. Nam and Jin wait for no girl!"

"It's time and tide wait for no man, you idiot," I said, picking up my purse. "Where's your present?"

"Oh, it's in the car," she said, unlocking it while we rushed to it. "What about yours?"

"Yoongi has it," I murmured. She nodded and we both quickly entered the car. "Check if you have everything."

We both did one last check before she started the car and we left for the wedding venue.


"Where's groom no. 1?" I asked, the moment I reached the church. Yoongi just stood there, his jaw dropped. "What?"

"...," He just stared at me. I gave him a teasing smile. "Wow. You are- wow. I'm so proud to call you my soulmate. I think I used up all the luck in the universe, cause damn!"

I giggled, slapping him lightly on the chest playfully as I kissed him on the cheeks.

"Nuh-uh," he murmured and captured my lips with his own. It still felt like the first time we kissed. I pulled away.

"Seriously, this was lovely, but where is Jin?" I insisted. He grimaced but jerked his head towards a door. "Thank you so much, I really need to talk to him. He must be so nervous!"

I gave him another kiss on the cheek before walking quickly to the door. A few people stared at me, and I knew why.

I was famous. So was Yoongi. We become famous world-wide after our soulmarks appeared. We talked to the author of the book Yoongi had lent me, and we all came to the conclusion that because we both loved and accepted each other as we are, we had created a soulmate bond with the other.

I opened the door and went inside the corridor. I finally reached the door that held Jin's name on it and knocked.

"Come in!"

I entered and gave Jin a dazzling smile. He flashed me a nervous smile as well. I wrapped my arms around his (extremely broad) shoulders.

"Wow, the bride looks good," I teased him. He groaned. "What? Namjoon is definitely the dominant one here. He's the groom as far as I am concerned."

"We are BOTH grooms," he whined. "I am NOT a bride."

"Okay, if you say so," I said, giving him an encouraging smile. "Don't tell me you're nervous, Jin. I'm sure Namjoon is breaking things in his room right now and has enough nervousness for the both of you."

"Yeah, you're probably right," he agreed to me. "Is your speech ready, best friend and co-owner?"

"Not really, but I have my points remembered," I said to him, stepping back from the hug. "You look beautiful. Namjoon is going to freak out. Let's hope he doesn't break the pastor's neck."

Jin laughed, "He won't. Honestly, do you think I should take a drink before I go in? Y'know, get some liquid courage."

"I am not going to let you get drunk," I told him firmly. "If you forget your wedding, I'm not going to take the blame, so yah. No. You are not drinking."

He sighed. I patted him on the back.

"You will be fine," I assured him. "And we're there for you, so don't worry. C'mon, let's talk about other things to get your mind off nervous matters. Who's speaking from Namjoon's side? Yoongi isn't..."

"Oh yeah, his other close friend is," Jin informed me. "His name is Jung Hoseok and he is coming with his soulmate, who is apparently a friend of Jimin-ah and Jungkook-ah."

"That's cool," I gave him a grin. "Alright, I gotta go now, meet up with Yoongi. He's probably either alone, or regretting his life decisions because Jikook is troubling him."

Jin waved me with a laugh and I waved back before leaving the room.


"I do." Namjoon's voice echoed in the church and everybody started clapping.

"You may kiss," the pastor announced and Jin nearly pounced on Namjoon, who caught him in his arms. We stood up, clapping harder, Jungkook and Jimin whooping, me wiping my tears and Yoongi grinning like crazy. Min-ji was crying too, and we both glanced at each other before falling into silent giggles.

"Wow, makes you want to marry," Yoongi whispered, staring at Namjoon and Jin looking at each other with loving eyes. I blushed, imagining a marriage with him. "I- I mean, if you want to, not that I, I will propose, uh, actua- I'm not, now, wait, this is going south, isn't it?"

I giggled and shook my head, wrapping my arm around his left arm. He sighed, looking down at me, his features soft and radiant as he told me the line I didn't hear quite often and had learnt to appreciate from his mouth, "I love you."

"Me too, Yoongs," I murmured. I snuggled into the crook of his neck; love was in the air. "I love you so much."

"Thank you for accepting me for me," he whispered in my ear. "I'm so glad it's you. I can't think of it being anyone but you."


"And now, (y/n), my best friend for life, will speak a few words," Jin shot me a smile before taking his seat. I stood up and smiled at the audience. The stares I got were dizzying me but I focused my eyes on Namjoon and Jin, who were holding hands and looking at me expectantly.

"I have known Jin for almost all his life," I started, smiling at the memories of a child Jin and me. "We started as neighbours, and ended as friends forever. It was my luck, that I met him. He was the source of my happiness for years. He comforted me when I needed it. And I needed it a lot. We started a shop together, with him as the boss, but really, he truly is a great friend and man.

"I met Namjoon-ah only a few months ago, but from what I can tell, he is one of the sweetest people I have ever had the fortune to meet. And I'm sure he would keep Jin very happy.

"Lastly, I want to thank you two, because if it wasn't for you both, I wouldn't have met Yoongi, the love of my life."

I felt Yoongi grab my hand and my smile widened.

"So let's make a toast," I said, lifting my glass. "To the sweetest couple I know!"

Everyone repeated after me and we took a sip. I sat down to applause and Hoseok stood up for his speech. Jimin-ah, who sat to my right, leaned in to whisper in my ear.

"What are Jungkook and I, then?"

I grinned at him.

"The cutest couple I know, obviously." Jimin smiled at that.

"And you two?"

My grin dropped into a soft smile as I glanced at Yoongi, who was listening to Hoseok raptly. I shifted my hand that he had grabbed so that they fit together firmly.

"We? I don't know. That's not my place to say. But if anything, I think we are a miracle. Unlike any seen before. We are bonded by something stronger than a soulmark; something so large, it made a soulmark to appear for us."


Words: 1424

Please read the author's note ahead! Please. It won't even take two minutes, I swear.

Fun Fact #1:
The update days of each of my BTS series books are the days the respective member was born on.

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