Chapter Five | Rose Quartz

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"B/F/N!" Y/N smiled, hearing her friend's familiar. "How have you been?" 

"Amazing! What about you?!" 

B/F/N sounded super excited. Y/N chuckled. "That's great. I found my soulmate." 

"Oh, that's cool. Guess wha- WAIT, you found your soulmate?! Who is it? Do I know them?" 



Y/N covered her ears. "Yeah." 

"Oh. My. God. Y/N, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!" 

Y/N chuckled. "B/F/N, I literally just found ou-" 

"I DON'T CARE!" she exclaimed. "THE SHU KURENAI?!" 

Y/N sighed. "Bye, B/F/N." 

"WAIT! Y/N! NO-" 

Y/N clicked the hang-up button, chuckling. She knew how crazy B/F/N could get when it came to Shu Kurenai. She was just surprised that she didn't get jealous or upset. 

Putting away her phone, she walked over to the café, sitting down. She ordered a cup of [Favorite Drink]. 

"Oh, hey, it's you again!" 

A boy with black hair approached Y/N, and she recognized him almost at once as the person who had brought her coffee last time. Y/N smiled. 

"Oh, hi there. I don't think I ever caught your name, actually." 

He smiled. "It's Daigo. Daigo Kuragami." 

Y/N nodded. "That's a nice name. I'm Y/N L/N." 




Y/N walked up to the roof of Beygoma Academy. She had heard rumors that there was a bey stadium up there, and she wanted to get some practice in. 

She looked around and at once noticed Valt and Shu, hanging out with another group of people. Y/N walked up to them. 

"Hey there," she said, quickly examining the group. She gasped as she saw Daigo standing among them. "Oh, Daigo, you go to this school?" 

He nodded, smiling. "Yeah." 

Y/N heard Shu scoff, but she didn't care. She turned to the rest of the group. "So you're Valt, and you're Shu." She pointed to the two boys in turn. "Who are these other people?" 

Daigo tilted his head. "Ken is the one wearing green, and Rantaro is the one with the lollipop." 

The one called Ken was holding two puppets, holding them up. "I'm Keru." "And I'm Besu." 

Y/N smiled. "Nice to meet you, Keru, Besu, and Ben." 

Honcho stepped in front of Ken. "I'm the great Honcho, at your service!" 

He grinned and pointed his thumb at himself. Y/N shook her head. 

Shu, seemingly having enough, walked away. "I'm gonna go train at the Bey Park," he said before leaving. 

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