Lunch With An Original

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Elizabeth walked inside the Mystic Grill and Bar to see Finn already there waiting for her at a table. "Hey Finn." Elizabeth said with a smile as she sat across from the handsome vamp.

"Hello Elizabeth." He says giving her a smile.

"My brother got invited to a ball tomorrow. I didn't even know there was going to be one. And please, call me Liz or Eliza." Elizabeth tells him.

"My mother is creating it. I was wondering if you would be my date to it Eliza?" Finn asks sounding shy.

"I would love too." Elizabeth tells him making him beam at her from across the table.

They continue talking until a smirking Matt comes over to take there orders. "Hey guys, my name is Matt what can I get you today?"

Elizabeth gives her brother an annoyed look but orders a cheeseburger and fries as well as a Lemonade. Finn orders a salad and a water. "I'll get it out to ya soon." Matt says to them and walks away.

"He's my brother. I didn't think he was working today." Elizabeth tells Finn.

A little while later Matt sets the burger and fries in front of his sister and Finn his salad. "That looks pretty good." Finn says looking at her fries.

"Try one. They are fantastic!" Elizabeth tells Finn. So, he does as she said and actually liked it.

"That was good. I'll have to get that next time." Finn says. They continue to get to know one another as they eat. Both having a smile on their faces. Once they are about to leave Finn pays for the food before Elizabeth could get out her wallet.

"I was going to pay." Elizabeth tells him as they walk to her car.

"You can next time." Finn says. "I'll pick you up at seven tomorrow night."

"I'll see you then. And thank you for lunch." Elizabeth gives his cheek a quick kiss then gets into her car. Both blushing madly.

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