Be With You All The Way Pt. 1

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When she opened her eyes, the first thing she noticed was the desolate figure standing by the window, hands in his pockets, staring out of it blankly.

She could hear the heavy patter of rain drops and the roar of the thunder storms outside. Her room was dim-lit, the only source of light being the lamp shade beside her bed.

A tremor went through her, when a thunder struck near the building. She pulled the blanket over her, hiding herself behind it. A fearful squeak forced itself out of her unwilling mouth.

The man turned around. Lightning flashed and lit up the room, his blond hair glistened and his emerald eyes filled with concern.

His voice came in a near whisper, afraid of startling her, "M'lady? "

She calmed down a little. Although still scared of the thunder, it was as if knowing that he was here, doused her scared mind with a flood of serenity.

Marinette flashed a smile at him, "You're here..."

Her smile was feeble and helpless, and made him wonder...

Adrien walked over to her and sat down, pulling up a chair beside her, "Are you okay? "

She nodded.

The thunder roared again.

She trembled and he noticed it. He hesitated for a bit, but then placed his hand on hers, the diamond ring cool under his warm palm.

He remembered the news he beared and trepidation filled his heart.

He attempted a joke to lighten up the mood, "Are you feline pawsome now that I'm here? "

A small smile stretched on her lips, "You never change."

Adrien felt encouraged by his small victory, "My catastic personality is never going to change, m'lady. "

Marinette laughed, "You know what I think? "

He smiled in response, "What? "

She said, "Plagg is the only reason for your stupid puns. You aren't punny like him, at all. He is the real catastrophe here. "

Adrien joked, "Meowch, that hurt, purrincess."

They laughed.

His open hearted laugh and her musical giggle was a beautiful serenade...

Adrien looked at her. Her wan face and pale lips, in the dim light, accencuated her pair of sparkling and ethereal looking eyes. Her presence exuded poignancy and vicissitude.
Marinette looked in his eyes, "Adrien, how is Luka?"

He shuffled in his chair uncomfortably. Adrien cleared his throat, but the words just won't come out,"Well, umm... cough... you see, the... well... mmm... actually..cough..the..." he trailed off.

Marinette sensed his discomfort, and realized that something was off. She asked again, " What happened, Adrien? "

The blonde man coughed again, "No, nothing much. It's cool. Nothing happened. Did something happen to you? 'Cuz nothing happened to me! What happened to you, m'lady? "

His weak attempt in humour didn't fool her a bit. On the other hand, concern and worry laced her heart in a vise-like grip. She tightened her grip on his hand, "Don't scare me like this, Adrien. You're scaring me. "

On seeing her panic like that elevated the strong debate in his mind.

He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, not wanting to see her heart breaking reaction,"I-I'll be straightforward, Luka... he..umm...he had p-passed away, this evening…"

When he didn't hear anything, he looked at her. She sat there motionless, clutching fistfuls of the bed cover tightly, her hands turning white from the pressure. Her face was contorted with shock, as if she just couldn't register his words.

She felt her dreams shatter, the perfect image of her future which she had drawn being torn recklessly.
After what seemed like an eternity, she whimpered nearly inaudibly, "Luka, Luka? "

Adrien didn't know what to say, what to do to comfort her. He looked down, not wanting to meet her panic stricken bluebell eyes.

"No... no... he promised me! He had promised me!" she suddenly screamed, shattering the silence in the room.

He flinched. She stared at him with blazing eyes, "Tell me this isn't true. Tell me he is still alive, Adrien. This..this is a joke, right? "

The desperation in her voice made his heart tremble in pain.

Marinette's heart was ice cold as she stared at the man sitting in front of her, his eyes fixed on the floor.
It couldn't be...

Luka... Luka had promised her.

If you walk in snow with the person you love, you might just become white haired together.

Liar. If that was true, weren't they supposed to become old together?

I would love a kid ... our child is the symbol of our love...

Liar. If he wanted a kid, why didn't he stay with her?

I will always owe you, honey. You are... you are the best thing that ever happened to me.

Tell me that you will owe me, Luka. Tell me now!

It was as if she could still hear him; what he said kept echoing in her head, again and again.

Adrien stood up from the chair and sat down on the bed beside her, his hand still holding hers.

He murmured, "I'm sorry. I'm very sorry, m'lady."

It was only then that she burst into tears, her thin frame trembling with the painful effort.

Adrien wrapped his arms around her and she leaned in his chest, deriving comfort from the tight embrace.

She cried loudly and he softly cooed, "It's going to be alright, m'lady. I'm here. You can cry all you want. It's going to be just fine."

Her sobbing, along with the light patter of rain drops and the silent night created a strange melancholic atmosphere in the room.

The night slowly walked into dawn.
She pulled away from the embrace, her cheeks streaked with tears.

Adrien looked at her with concern,"Are you feeling better?"
She attempted a smile," Yeah."

She looked out the window, the first rays of sunshine shining on her face.
After a few minutes, she suddenly spoke up," Adrien, I'm pregnant."

"Pregnant... oh..." his expression was complex, to say the least. He didn't look happy nor sad... it was just complicated...

Adrien licked his lips, something in his mouth tasted bitter. He was also happy for Marinette, however, as he was fully aware of how much she wanted a baby.

"He... he was happy, wasn't he? "

She smiled as she remembered that day, her eyes still fixed on the distant horizon," Oh, he was. We went out to celebrate that night. He had arranged for a picnic in a park. He... he said that we would always be together, raising our child and growing old and have our own 'happily ever after'... you know... But... look at the sick joke God played on us..." She laughed in a self-deprecating manner.

Adrien's heart felt heavy.

How was she going to face losing Luka at such an important time?

"How's mom?" she inquired.

Adrien scratched his chin, "She's dealing with it pretty well, actually. As well as a mother can be after losing her son, you know? "

She was silent.

Suddenly, Adrien's phone chirped the first few bars of "In My Blood". He took it out. Alya.


"Adrien... "


"Did you tell her?"


"Well, how's she doing? "

"She... was pretty emotional at first, but she's doing better now, I guess?"
Adrien sneaked a peek at her.

Marinette sat with her knees to her chest, leaning against the pillows with her eyes closed.

"Good. "

"I don't know how she's going to be, Marinette just got pregnant and now... Luka's gone. "

"What? She's pregnant?" Alya caught on the most important part.

"Yes. "

"Oh my god... she must be overwhelmed... it's too much on her, like all at once, oh my god... umm... give the phone to her. "

He murmured a 'okay' and gently called out to her, covering the mouthpiece," Mari? It's Alya. She wants to talk to you."

On hearing that it was Alya, she opened her eyes abruptly, and sat up straight. Adrien handed the phone over to her and she grabbed it hurriedly.

The two best friends talked for a long time...

After Alya hung up, Nino moved closer to her and asked her curiously, "What did you say?"

"Marinette said that she...she's pregnant." Alya was also stunned by the news.

"She's pregnant?" Nino was also shocked.

"Mari's pregnancy is such great news... but Luka... "

She didn't finish her sentence and the couple fell silent again.
Although Marinette was reluctant to eat anything, Adrien forced her to eat a whole bowl of soup, and an apple.

He had personally overseen the preparation of the dish, making sure that there was no harmful ingredients added to it.

Adrien had also taken care of Tikki. He had lodged her in his house with Plagg, leaving only after ensuring a large stock of cookies for her.

Marinette had agreed to this arrangement, taking a risk as Hawkmoth sent akumas only once or twice a month nowadays.

Adrien looked at Marinette as she carefully slurped on the hot soup, holding the steaming bowl in her hands. After a few more sips, Marinette set the bowl down on the bedside table and glared at him, "When have you last eaten?"

He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, "It's not important. "

She resolutely retorted, "Oh, yes, it is. When did you? "

Adrien sheepishly replied, "I guess... yesterday... dinner? "

Marinette exploded, "Dinner? Oh my god. It's almost noon now! You, stupid caring idiot! Go somewhere for lunch. And if I see you here before that, I'm going to throw you out of the window. Go! "

Adrien stood up at her scolding and dragged himself to the door reluctantly. He turned around and reminded her, "If you have any problems, call me okay? And the medicine -"

Marinette cut him off, "I know what to do! Get out! "

Adrien was going to walk away when she stopped him, "Wait!"

He turned around again expectantly.

A faint smile stretched on her lips, "Thanks for everything, Adrien."

He smiled, not the fake 'model' smile that he did, a real full smile.

"Don't mention it, m'lady. "
A/N: Hi guys! Thanks for all your support! I never thought that you would like this fanfic. What do you think of this chapter? Are you excited for the next chapters? I know I am. 😂
Byeee!!! 😘

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