Caring Pt.1

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Adrien pushed the door of the Boulangerie Patisserie and stepped into the comfortable looking house.

Sabine was at the counter, packing a few macaroons into a box. She brightened up when she saw him,"Adrien! What brings you here?"

He nodded at the Chinese woman in curtsy and asked if Marinette was here. She looked remorseful when he mentioned the bluenette, " Yes, she is in her room…although she isn't feeling well… "

Adrien smiled slightly before he climbed up the stairs and walked into her room. He saw Marinette curled up in a corner with her head buried in her knees. Her shoulders trembled every now and then.

Adrien knew she was crying...

Tom sat next to her, patting her hair and murmuring quiet words to her, seemingly consoling her. When he saw Adrien, he stood up and said to Marinette in a low voice that he was going downstairs and that she should call him if she needed anything. Tom sighed softly and walked past Adrien, nodding to him curtly.

"M'lady? " Adrien walked over to her carefully when he received no response from her.

"It's going to be alright, princess. Don't be afraid, hmm? I'm here for you."

He sat on the bed beside her, "Don't be sad, 'kay? You're pregnant. If not for yourself, then be strong for your babies. Doctor told me that the mother's emotions can influence the babies' personalities a lot. So, m'lady, you have to be strong, mmm?"

Adrien's voice was gentle and tender. He never knew how to comfort girls. But, right now, he was at his tenderest moment. He reached his hand out and gently patted her back, as if comforting a child.

After a while, Marinette slowly lifted her head, and with tears streaming down her face, she slowly asked, "Adrien, I miss him very much. Can you take me with you to find him? "

Adrien fell silent and wasn't sure of how to respond.
" M'lady, as hard as it is for understand it... but... Luka isn't a-alive... anymore... He wanted you to be stay safe…so much that he even sacrificed himself for you. Don't cry m'lady, please don't cry-"

Adrien's heart ached as his own words resulted in her breaking down in tears again. He hated that he was the cause of her tears, but these words had to be said, as much his heart was breaking right now.
"Can you do this alley cat a favour, princess?"

She looked up.

"Can you please rest for now? This knight doesn't want his princess get all ugly and snotty. "

Marinette smiled slightly and threw a weak punch at his arm, with him laughing loudly in response.

"Rest up, mmm? "
"Okay... "

Adrien helped her lie down and adjusted the blanket so that she won't be cold in her thin sweatshirt.

"Are you hungry? " he asked.

She shook her head.

"Do you want some water? "

Marinette shook her head again.

"Hm, how about some fruits? "


"Are you sleepy?"

She nodded.

" Okay, close your eyes then and don't think about anything else. "


"What about you ?" Marinette looked at Adrien and asked.

"I'm….I'm fine. I'll stay here for a bit and leave after you fall asleep."

" Okay. "

After a while, she was slightly snoring.
Adrien shifted his gaze and stared at her quietly. Under the warm sunlight, her delicate features were even more beautiful and breathtaking.

His heart skipped a bit. Unable to control himself, he lifted his hand, wanting to stroke her cheek. However, halfway through, he pulled back his arm...
He couldn't.

"M'lady, you must stay well... for me, at least. I don't know what I'd do if I lose you." He gently whispered.

Just like this, he sat in her room for four hours, till noon.

Adrien looked at the time and quietly crept downstairs. He asked Sabine in a worried tone, "How's her appetite? "

She said, her concerned expression matching his, "Marinette hasn't had anything since yesterday. When I asked her what she wanted, she said that she wasn't hungry. "

Adrien listened to this and was even more worried. He walked out of the house in search of a grocery store.

After shopping for a while, he returned with large plastic bags in his hands.

Sabine was shocked when she saw him struggling with the countless packages in both his hands, as he tried to enter the bakery by pushing it with his leg.

She helped him with them and he asked where the kitchen was. Sabine, quite dumbfounded by his eccentric behavior, pointed the direction to him blankly. He smiled brightly at her.


By the time Marinette woke up, Adrien had finished boiling the congee and was patiently sitting beside her.

"You're awake? Come eat. "

"You're still here? " Marinette looked up, feeling quite surprised.

"Oh, don't mind it... I don't have anything to do better anyways. So, after you fell asleep, I went to the grocery store and bought some rice. I don't know what flavor you prefer, but my cooking should be okay. I cook nowadays at home. Try it, it should be edible... " Adrien filled a bowl up with congee and passed it to Marinette.

" Adrien... " Her voice choked up slightly.

" Yes?"

" You're such a mom... " Marinette looked at him as she teared up, and then before he could reply, she accepted the bowl from him and started drinking without a word.

Adrien noticed that she was still weak as her hands holding the bowl trembled from the light weight...

He asked her gently, pink tinting his cheeks a little, " You can't hold it properly….give it to me... I'll feed you."

She looked at him gratefully. He took the bowl from her and picked up a spoon he had kept on the table.

He stirred the hot liquid and dipped the spoon in it, blowing air on the congee to cool it down. It was only then did he brought the spoon to her mouth, parting his own lips in an effort to make her mimic him. She sipped from the spoon and he looked at her nervously.
" How's the taste? "

" Not bad. "

After hearing what she said, Adrien let out a sigh of relief.

Then, Marinette looked up at him and asked, "But I'm curious, how many types of grains did you put in the congee?"

"Uh... seven or eight kinds? A dozen? I'm not sure... I didn't count…" Adrien scratched his head awkwardly; the truth was he felt a little lost while buying rice in the supermarket.

The employee kept promoting the different kinds of rice they had and Adrien thought they were all good, so...

He brought a little bit of everything- rice, millet, sorghum, glutinous rice, brown rice…

The colour of the cooked congee, however left him speechless - the good news was, Marinette still managed to drink it down.
After another spoonful, she looked at him calmly, "Are you sure that this isn't the eight-treasure porridge? "

"It's not..." Adrien replied in all seriousness.

Marinette smiled, "I won't get food-poisoning, right? "

"I don't think so, they're just grains. "

"Okay then, you win... " She decided to stop asking him questions when she realized how confused he seemed.

Slowly, Adrien finished feeding her the entire bowl of congee...

Adrien kept the bowl down and asked her an important question," Are you going to live here from now on? "

She shook her head," I don't think so.... My office is near from there and also I have all my designing materials there... I'll be better there... "

"Oh. "

Adrien asked again, " Do you throw up a lot nowadays?"

" Yeah. But, it's quite normal during the first trimester." She quickly added on seeing his worried face.

"I searched online, apparently if you eat biscuits, you won't throw up as much. So, I brought some and stored it, 'kay? Remember to have some when you're not feeling well. "

"Mhm. "

"Tell me what you feel like eating, and I'll buy you some. "

"Sure. "

"I'll be going then... call me if you need anything. "

"Mhm. "

Adrien smiled at her once again before disappearing down the stairs.

Adrien was at the Agreste Designs, looking for Marinette when Nathalie walked over to him.

"Adrien, may I have a minute, please? "

He nodded curiously, "Yeah, sure. "

She looked hesitant for a while before continuing, "Marinette's been craving spicy food lately. Do you know where we can buy her some hot and sour noodles? "

"Hot and sour noodles? " Adrien repeated, feeling confused.

" When we were having lunch, she was discussing about it with a colleague and it seemed like she really wanted to have some. So, can you take care of it? "

"Oh. I'm surprised you can tell..." Adrien was at a loss for words...

Nathalie blushed a little, almost invisible to normal people, "It was just an intuition. Anyways, can you buy her some?"

He nodded, "Mhm. I will. "

Before she walked away, Nathalie informed him, "And…oh, Marinette has gone home. "

Adrien was left speechless, feeling embarrassed at being shamelessly exposed.
Adrien knocked on her door twice. After a few seconds, a faint voice called out, "Coming... "
The door knob turned and she opened the door, wearing baggy clothes and her hair tied in a loose bun.

He held up the plastic bags, a smile on his face, "I brought you dinner."

"Come in..." She giggled, smiling back at him.

"How do you feel about hot and sour noodles? "

"That's exactly what I wanted! How did you know? " Marinette exclaimed, feeling pleasantly surprised.

"Forget about that. Come and have some while it's still hot. " Adrien walked in and placed the takeout bags on the coffee table. She excitedly sat down and opened the bags; smelling the hot and spicy aroma, then, she dug in happily.

"Um... Marinette, I have a really important question to ask you. " Adrien said, feeling a little embarrassed.

" What is it? " She looked up and asked.
" Um, you're 56 days along... and I suddenly thought.....d-do you want to give birth naturally or through C-section?"

"Ahem. Why would you ask this right now? " Marinette was quite surprised.

"Actually, I heard someone mention it…Once you make your pick, I'll find you an obstetrics doctor. "

"If the fetuses are in the correct position, their umbilical cord aren't tied around their necks, my body can withstand it and they are not overweight, I want to give birth naturally. It is a more natural way of reproduction. ”

"But I heard it really hurts...are you sure? " Adrien asked, a little heartbroken.

" I'm not scared... I'm willing to do anything for my babies. " Marinette replied, biting down on her lip.

" Okay, I got it. I'll talk to the hospital and find out who the best obstetrics doctor there is. "

"Mhm. " Marinette nodded; not wanting to go through the process of thanking him again. For her, he was a person she can never thank enough. For him, she would climb mountains and swim across oceans.
Some words are just not enough to express the heart's feelings...

A/N- Sooo,this chapter and the next chapter is going to be about Marinette's pregnancy days.  Warning: Lots of Adrienette moments!! ♥ Hehe!!😂
I would once again like to thank you guys for reading this.

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