Crazy for You Pt.1

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Marinette ran along with the stretcher as Luka was hurriedly carried to the OR.

She stared at Luka's wan face, stained with dark blood and glistening sweat. Her mind was completely blank now.

She couldn't hear or see anything else anymore, everything blurred around her except his face.

She held herself together, summoning every bit of courage in her heart, it would do no good if she broke down now, she convinced herself.

As they reached the large doors of the OR, she pressed a kiss on his forehead and suddenly heard him whispering hoarsely, "I love you, Ma-ma-Marinette."

She smiled a little, amidst the pain in her heart and he did too, looking at her face.

A doctor walked over to her and nodded curtly before asking her to keep calm, because all of the doctors are going to try their best, and fill out the admission forms, and advising her to call her friends or relatives, to support her throughout this.

She nodded blankly, the words of the man before him not making much sense to her, as she kept staring at Luka being rolled into the room.

There was still a ghost of smile on his face as the doors closed.

She stood there for a while before stumbling to the front desk. She received the forms and held them tightly as she walked to the steel chairs.

Marinette filled the form out, absentmindedly scribbling Adrien's number as the emergency contact. Her mind wandered to Luka, is he okay now? Is he out of the woods? Is he doing good?

She stood up and tried to walk back to the desk, when suddenly her head spun and darkness flooded her eyes. She fell on the hard floor with a thud, making people look at her at the sudden sound. They rushed towards her, checking her pulse before carrying the unconscious woman to an ICU.
Adrien was immediately consumed with worry when he was contacted by the hospital. He hurriedly threw a shirt on and drove out in his Maybach. He sped through the night, skipping every red light.

Was Marinette alright? What happened?
Why did she faint? Why was Luka in surgery?

Unanswered questions ran through his head.

Adrien stepped on the accelerator forcefully and the car raced even faster, piercing the night by its constant honks.

When he finally reached the hospital, he ran out of the car and into the large building, almost scaring the lady at the front desk, when he slammed his hands in front of her.

"Where is she? "

The lady squeaked fearfully, "Sir... may I know… the name? "

Adrien shook his head impatiently, "Marinette Couffaine."

She skimmed through a list in front of her, smiling a little in relief when she found the name, "She is in ward 13, on the second floor, Sir. "

Adrien didn't wait for another second and ran into the elevator, just as the door was closing. He pressed the 2 button repeatedly in impatience.

When the elevator reached the second floor, he pushed through the crowd and ran along the corridors, before he stopped before ward 13.

Adrien watched her through the glass window. She was lying on a bed, unconcious, an IV drip attached to her hand.

Adrien felt his heart tear a little when he saw her like that, vulnerable and curled up in a ball.

A doctor walked out of the door, ordering something to a nurse, who nodded and then walked away.

Adrien walked over to him and asked, nervousness in his voice, "Doctor, how is she? "

The aged man smiled comfortingly, "She is well. I think the pressure of the situation was too much for her to bear. I gave her a sedative, she'll be alright."

Adrien felt something heavy lifting off his heart when he heard that she was okay. But the curiosity nagged in his heart. He stopped the doctor again, "What happened? "

The man's smile faded and he hesitated a little,"Umm... from what we've heard from the paramedics, her husband, Mr. Luka Couffaine was ran over by a car when he tried to save her. He was very badly injured in the accident and is currently in surgery. Apart from that... I'm afraid I don't know anything more. "

Adrien thanked him, his head buzzing continuously from the dreadful information. He leaned against the wall…

Although Marinette was married to Luka, he didn't feel any contempt for the man. Luka was a honest and sincere person, calm and collected in every situation, how dire it may be. Luka had always been a good friend to him, even though Adrien wasn't, letting jealousy cloud their friendship. And the fact that Luka saved Marinette's life by sacrificing himself, made him admire the man even more.

Adrien knew how much she loved Luka, and a cold shudder went through him when he thought about how she would react on waking up.

"What happened? How are they? "a worried voice asked him from behind.

He turned around. Alya and Nino, wearing matching nervous expressions on their faces.

"Luka was in a car accident, he is in surgery as we speak and Marinette…wasn't... I mean... she couldn't handle the pressure and she fainted... But, it's okay, she's fine," he added hurriedly upon noticing seeing Alya's ashen face.

Alya leaned on the wall, next to him, her face marred with sorrow.

Nino, on the other hand, looked down and didn't say anything... a dreadful aura filled the hallway.

Marinette woke up 6 hours later.
"Luka- NO! "she called out in her dreams.

Marinette woke up in a hospital's ICU, and her body was still incredibly weak.

The assistant nurse saw that she woke up and she immediately handed her a cup of water with a straw in it.

Marinette dizzily took a few sips before she felt like she had regained a little of bit of energy.

She slowly opened her eyes to see the glaring light and white ceiling of the room.

"Where's Luka…?" Marinette asked quietly.

"Mrs. Couffaine, don't panic, but your husband's still in the OR. You should rest for a while."

Marinette quietly listened. She fidgeted with the cup in her hands, lost in her thoughts.

Suddenly, she violently shuddered when she recalled her dream. Luka was lying on a hospital bed, blood stained and pale, as he cried out in pain as black shadows moved around in the room. He called out to her loudly, to go and help him, but she couldn't move a bit. It was as if... as if... an invisible force held her back. She struggled to break free, but to no avail. She could only watch, with tears in her eyes, as his cries slowly died down and he closed his eyes.

Marinette knew it was a dream, but it haunted her repeatedly.

What if it was true? What if everyone was trying to take him away from her?

She had completely lost the ability to think rationally…

"I want to go find him... I need to see him..."

Marinette disregarded the nurse's words and held herself up...

She removed the IV with her shaking hands and rolled off the bed.

However, she was too weak, and before her feet even landed, she fell on the ground with a smack.

"Mrs. Couffaine, please stay calm, you should stay in bed... you need to get some rest."

"No, I have to go… see him." That was the only thought Marinette had in her head. She wasn't going to stop until she saw him...

The nurse was surprised at how stubborn she was and didn't know what to do.

She reached out to help her up, but Marinette slapped her hands away, "Don't stop me, I have to see him."

Then, she used all her might to get up, and slowly walked out of her room... she wasn't really walking, it was a slow shuffle.

"Let me help you, ma'am." The nurse went up to her again, upon seeing how hard it was for her to walk.

This time, Marinette didn't refuse...With the help of the nurse, she would be able to walk faster.

She wanted to see Luka as soon as possible; right now, the only thing in her mind was him. She didn't and couldn't care about anything else.

Everyone was shocked when they saw Marinette walk out of the ICU.

Adrien was the first to run up to her. "Are you crazy? Do you not want to live? Look at yourself! Why are you here? You should be resting! "

Marinette ignored him and walked forward with a lifeless expression on her face.

"Mari... you need to rest up, right now."
Heartbroken, Nathaniel, who had reached the hospital since an hour now, tried to console her, but Marinette ignored him as well...

"Marinette…"Mylene looked at her and began to cry.

Upon hearing what happened, Mylene and Iven had hurried to the hospital as fast as possible. Their faces had whitened with fear when they heard about Luka.

On seeing Marinette like this right now, Mylene sobbed loudly.

Pregnant women are emotional to began with, and she was truly heartbroken by the Marinette in front of her.

Marinette was no longer the happy soul and calm person who was capable of dealing with anything that came her way. The person in front of her looked like an injured child, her expression filled with loneliness, panic and helplessness.

It was as if she couldn't see any of them; she slowly walked forward, determined to see Luka.

"Honey... don't cry, they'll be fine." Iven was heartbroken by his wife's tears and hugged her.

"Marinette, you really shouldn't be here. Don't worry, I'm sure Luka will be fine. I know he doesn't want anything to happen to you, so right now, you need to go back and rest. "
Nino looked defeated, he felt awful seeing her like that.

"Where's Luka, I need to see him."

"He's still in the OR..." Nino didn't want to lie to her, so he told her the truth.

Marinette immediately turned around and ran up to the OR door, frantically slapping it with her hands, again and again, until her palms turn red.

"Open the door, I need to see him, I need to see him right now. Open the door, I need to see Luka! "

Marinette's voice was hoarse; even her friends couldn't recognize her voice anymore.

"Marinette, don't be like that…"Nathaniel went up and pulled on her.

However, she wouldn't budge; she slammed on the door like crazy, asking to see Luka again and again.

"Mari's gone crazy... " Nino said quietly.

A/N- You guys know the drill!!!
Vote, comment and read! Do you even like my story or are you simply reading because you don't want this poor girl to die of sadness? 😂
Anywho, byeee!!!!😘

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