The Cutest Babies Ever Pt.2

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"What do you know, Agreste?" Alya exploded on him with a frown on his face, "Babies are all like this. They don't start to show distinct facial features until they're at least one month old. . . When you were young, I bet you were much uglier than them. I bet ya looked like a troll, pretty boy."

Nino struggled as he tried to hold back Alya from potentially 'killing' Adrien.

Adrien was left speechless…

They looked at the babies for a while with love in their eyes.

Especially Adrien, his feelings were pretty strange. He loved the twins from the bottom of his heart, although he said to Alya that he doesn't like their looks. Actually, he loved them more than anything.

He wondered how he could love someone that he didn't know at all.

When they walked out of the NICU, he took his phone out and posted in the group chat about the news, "Great News!! Marinette gave birth to a pair of one boy and one girl at 1:36 AM and 1:38 AM respectively on July 25th. Both mother and the children are doing well."

It was already late at night when Adrien sent out the message, but people responded immediately.

Kim responded, "What the hell is happening? All I did was go out, get a drink…. Meanwhile, Mari already gave birth?"

Max responded, "Congratulations to Marinette for officially becoming a mother."

Chloé said, "We can even become in-laws….. I'll know where to find my future daughter a husband now... "

Alya commented, "Since she had two children at once, you can take one and I'll take the other one."

Nino said, "Sweetie, let's not be crazy with them, okay? The problem here isn't whether or not we can become in-laws with Mari, but is how to give birth to a child first... "

Alix said, "Haha, yeah. Makes sense. "

George wrote, "Mr. Agreste, how is my sis? Is she doing well? "

Adrien replied, "Yes, she's just a bit tired, so she's sleeping now… You guys can start coming in to visit tomorrow."

George responded, "That's good. Let me think about what presents to get for my nephew and niece."

Kim agreed, "Yes, yes. Presents are VERY important."

Marc asked, "Do they have names yet?"

Adrien responded, "Yes. From what I heard from Auntie, their official names are Etienne and Aimée Couffaine and their nicknames are Blue and Ames. "

Rose commented, "Awww. The names are super cute. I really want to see these cute little children. "

Adrien said, "They look like monkeys right now."

His reply surprised everyone. . .

Alix replied, " *bursts out laughing hard* I'm going to screenshot what you just said and send it to Marinette. I wonder how she would respond when she finds out that you said her children looks like monkeys. "

Adrien threatened her jokingly, "Try actually doing that. See what consequences you'd face. "


Marinette woke up that morning and immediately told her mom, "Maman, I want to see the babies."

"I'll get the nurses to bring the babies over. Lay down and rest. Don't worry about it." Sabine assured her.

The bluenette nodded.

Very soon, two nurses carefully brought the babies into the room.

Marinette slowly sat up by the bed...

One by one, she took her babies over to observe them.

Etiénne had a beautiful mass of shiny black hair, and long dense eyelashes framing his big blue eyes. He squirmed in her arms and laughed in a cute manner. Marinette pressed a kiss on his forehead and he adorably nuzzled her neck. The bluenette smiled at his antics.

She carefully settled him on her lap and picked up Aimée. She was sleeping now. She possesed beautiful midnight hair like her and her eyes were almond-shaped, with the corner of her eyelashes upturned like the phoenix's wings. Her eyes were like his.

Marinette kissed her small nose and rocked her gently in her arms, so as not to wake her up from her peaceful slumber.

Looking at the two, she felt like she could see Luka's shadow through their faces.
She smiled at the twins, who were settled in her lap. Blue chuckled and Ames woke up at the sound.

She looked around with her startling sky blue eyes around and fixed them on Marinette. She stared at her for a full minute, before her nose stiffened and her lips quivered. Aimée burst into tears loudly.

At this moment, the door to her room opened and a group of people walked in...

Adrien took the lead, and behind him were the whole class, except Mylene, and George being a pleasant addition.

"Congratulations, Mari- Awww!!" Kim couldn't finish his sentence as he felt his heart melting on seeing the small babies in her arms.

Marinette looked up at them and smiled, "Oh. Hey, guys, you're here... "

Chloé rushed beside her bed and excitedly asked her, "Can I please, please, please hold one? I promise not to hurt it. Please?"

Marinette laughed at her cutesy behavior and said, "Of course. "

Chloé eagerly spread out her arms and Marinette carefully gave Blue to her, who immediately smiled at the blonde.

Everybody oohed and aahed at the twins' cuteness.

Nathaniel stood silently at the corner, leaning against the door frame…

Meanwhile, Ames kept on crying. Adrien strode over to them hurriedly, in hopes of being some help.

He wore a white Versace shirt, paired with coffee colored trousers today and looked quite dashing, to be honest.

He petted the little girl's head and Aimée stared at him with her wet eyes, stopping to observe him for a while.

Adrien took her in his arms gently and she suddenly started wailing again, at being handed over to another person. He cradled her and walked around the hospital room, singing a soft tune in a low voice. Ames slowly calmed down, although she was still hiccuping a little.

Everyone stared at the blond in wonder, while Marinette was left speechless at her daughter's random mood swings...

When Adrien tried to wipe her tears off, Ames suddenly caught on his finger. The man let it be and smiled at her brightly. Aimée tugged on his ring with her small hands.

When she realized that Adrien wasn't going to give it to her, Aimée started bawling her eyes out. George said, "Adrien, give her the ring. Maybe then, she'll stop…"

Adrien smiled awkwardly.

Marinette mentally facepalmed.

He looked at her, silently asking for her consent. She shook her head slightly. The miraculous couldn't be given to another person who wasn't the holder, even if it is her daughter.

Adrien looked at the crying girl in her arms. He was stuck in a dilemma. He didn't want her to cry. He looked unsure for a few seconds, before he gently slid the ring off, and gave it to Aimée.

A nearly inaudible gasp escaped from Marinette's lips.

What does he think he is doing?

Aimée giggled and a faint smile stretched on his lips.

She touched the ring for a while before she pushed it away, still giggling, looking at Adrien.

He smiled and slid the ring back on his finger. He then leaned over and peppered her small face with kisses.

The girl chuckled happily.

Watching this spectacle, everyone was smiling ear to ear.

Marinette was relieved, at least the ring wasn't damaged anyhow.

Chloé exclaimed, "The twins are SO cute! I'm so happy that we can be in-laws, Marinette! "

Alya commented, "Don't forget me, 'kay?"

Marinette smiled helplessly, "You two, is this really good? Blue and Ames were born less than 48 hours ago… and you're already planning their weddings? "

"Of course. Our children cannot be trusted with a decision as big as this... At least, my one can't… So, do you want to set up a betrothal with my family? We're super rich!" Chloé teased.

"Although not as rich, you know both of us and and we have been friends for so long.... So, do you want to spare one of the twin for our family? Based on our long-term friendship… I promise to be super good to my son or daughter in law… and if my kid dares to go out and mess around with other people, I'll definitely break their legs."
Alya pledged in all sincerity.

"Hey, hey. Darling, calm down… You're thinking too far ahead." Nino stopped Alya from saying more.

Everybody burst into laughter.

Marinette received countless gifts that day. Everybody has brought things for her within their limit… They weren't super expensive, but she treasured them dearly as her friends brought them for her with love...

"Well? Monsieur Agreste, what did you buy for the twins? Why haven't I seen it anywhere? " Alix spoke up abruptly.
"I don't have money to buy gifts. I'm too poor, I'm not super rich like all of you." Adrien answered shamelessly.

Upon hearing this, everyone almost spat out blood.

"Adrien… You're too modest. If you're poor, then we would have been driven onto the road to become beggers." Nino didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Ignore him. He's just pretending. I assure you what he got us so good that he doesn't want to show it to us." Juleka laughed.

"Adrien. . . you're to blame then. Show and share with us if you got something good. " Chloé added.

But Alya looked down on him, "You really didn't bring anything, you suck!"

Knowing that he was unable to escape from their bombarding questions, Adrien reached into his pocket and took out an invoice. Then, he elegantly pressed it on the table...

Alix had a quick hand and immediately grabbed the invoice. She hurriedly took a quick look, being shocked speechless at what she saw.

"Hot damn! "

"What is it? Let me see... " Alya's reporter soul was piqued.

After she grabbed it over and took a look, she couldn't help but exclaim, "Whoaaaa!!! Super rich people are so much more generous than we are!"

"Alya, don't keep us guessing... Tell us what it is…" Marc shyly smiled.

"It is a luxury cruise ship worth 200 million euros. He named it 'The Prince And The Princess. '

"Wow, Adrien, you're so generous. It seems as if they are your own kids. This is such an expensive gift... " Iven laughed.

Adrien's face showed traces of awkwardness.

"This gift is too expensive. I can't…." Marinette wanted to decline.

However, Adrien turned and glanced at her, "It's not for you, so your refusal is invalid. This is a gift for Etiénne and Aimée Couffaine. As long as they like it, it's fine."

Marinette: “..."

They all chatted happily. Although Blue was settled in Marinette's lap, Ames refused to leave Adrien's arms and started sobbing when she was handed back to the bluenette. So, Adrien held her in his arms and cooed her to sleep.

It was getting late and all of her friends slowly bid her goodbye, promising to visit her soon.

Adrien left at last, asking her to take care of herself and not worry about anything.
When everybody left, Nathaniel slowly walked over to her.

She was fairly surprised and exclaimed, "Hey! You've been standing for two hours? Why didn't you say anything? "

He shrugged, with a smile on his face and sat down on a chair beside her bed. He looked at the babies on her lap.

"Your twins are really cute. "

"Thanks Niel. "

The red haired man was pretty surprised to hear her old nickname for him from their childhood. She had insisted on calling him Niel because everyone else called him Nath. He smiled, "You remember."

"Ha! Of course. You're my first friend, after all. "

He smiled, " Yeah."

After a few minutes, he broke the silence, "Hey. So. . .um. . . I have to ask you something. "

She looked at him curiously, "Mmm?"

Nathaniel suddenly wondered if it was too late to back out. But then he reminded himself, no, he had to do this, he had wanted to do this for so long…

He inhaled deeply and felt that the temperature of the room had dipped into minus zero.

"Marinette, I have met you when I was just four years old. And. . . I don't know if you remember, but one day, I fell down when I was running around… and you had scolded me, telling me that I should always always follow you... "he smiled, "I had promised you that day, that I would, forever and always. I didn't even know what love was at that age. But, I liked it when you focused only on me. I cried secretly when you made friends with other guys. Then, we went into middle school together. I would always draw and you would say that my hair is too long and that's why I cannot see the page properly. One day, you had given me your favorite cat hairclip and told me to keep it. I...I still have it, you know? Then, high school. You fell in love with Adrien and I could only watch. I…I hurt every single day... I loved you too much, Netta... I still do... I was akumatized because I was humiliated in front of you... I tried to fight it, but then I thought that I was a person who wasn't good at anything… maybe... just maybe... if you would fall in love with me if you saw my powers… And, after that, I didn't show my feelings anymore. If I become akumatized again? I would be in Hawkmoth's total control and he would stop at nothing to get the miraculouses…What if… he makes me hurt you so that Ladybug and Chat Noir gives up their miraculouses… I couldn't bear to hurt you. I guess, what I really want to say is that, uh, okay, here goes, Marinette, I love you very much. Would you please let me fulfill my promise and follow you forever?"

Marinette clamped her fist in her mouth, tears streaming down her face, her eyes marred with shock.

Nathaniel looked at her with sorrow, "Please, Netta, don't cry. Don't cry. Netta..."

She managed to say in a hoarse voice, "I don't know…what to say... "

Nathaniel's voice was desperate, "Tell me you'll give me a chance? "

Marinette wiped her tears off with the back of her hand and sat quietly, not meeting his eyes quite.

After a while, she reached out her hands and held his. She softly said, "Niel, I love you….but... "

"But.... " He looked down, his heart breaking into pieces.

"I-I'm sorry. I-"
He cut her off, "It's okay. I get it. "
"I'm really sorry, you know? "
"Mhm. "
He stood up, looking at the watch on his wrist," Netta, I have to go now. It's getting late. "
She held his hand tighter, "You'll be my friend after this, eh? "
He forced a smile, "Yes. We are. "
She nodded, not believing him quite.
The man walked out of the room, leaving her alone in her thoughts.
She relaxed against the bed. Tears filled her eyes.
Marinette wondered how many secrets those turquoise eyes were hiding from her all along……

A/N-  Did anyone get the F. R. I. E. N. D. S. reference?

On another note, My mom was furious as I was writing this just before my test today. She kept screaming and doing what mothers do!! Haha 😂
Stay pawsome!! 🐾

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