Chapter 13

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A/N: Longer chapter ahead this time!

You slowly looked up, a little scared because of their commanding tone.

As you made eye contact with the seven men one by one, you unconsciously shrunk underneath their stares. 'So intense..' You thought.

"Did you not hear a single word coming from us?" Yoongi questioned, jaw visibly tightening. You shivered. "I-I did," you stuttered, breaking eye contact and staring at the floor once again. Too scared to look at them in the eyes.

"Come sit on the couch, Y/N." You heard Taehyung speak up, oddly serious for his usually goofy behaviour. You definitely said something that ticked off everyone. You nodded slightly and obediently proceeded to sit on the couch, not leaving your eyes from the floor.

"I said," you jumped a little, "Look at us." Jin repeated, louder this time. Letting out a shaky breath, you bravely looked up at them. Your eyes slightly widen. You didn't expect everyone to tower over your sitting form. Shrinking back into the little comfort of the couch, you couldn't help but feel undeniably small and vulnerable against bangtan. "W-what is-" Jimin cut you off, "As of now, quite a lot is wrong." He spoke lowly, answering the question you meant to ask.

"How about we start of with this really bad habit of yours?" Namjoon pointed, upset. "What did-" you tried to speak but once again, you were cut off, "you keep doubting yourself!" Jungkook barked, "Stop it already!" He continued. You kept quiet, unable to form a sentence to speak up. Jin sighed and decided to take a seat beside you. "We aren't going to drop this subject till you answer us, Y/N.".


"Y/N." You heard Hoseok's stern voice. "Why do you degrade yourself so much?" He questioned, "we need you to reply." He stated, crossing his arms.

You lightly chuckled emotionlessly, causing the boys' stern expressions to turn confused, "I'm just like that, okay?" You bluntly answered. This caused some to widen their eyes a little, not expecting your answer to come off so casually.

You continued; "Really, it isn't that big." You mumbled, "you could say doubting myself a little is in my nature I guess." You shrugged.

"Little, Huh?" Yoongi questioned lowly, "sweetheart, that isn't 'little'." He pointed, keeping up the same tone. You looked up from the floor, making eye contact with Yoongi who had a hard expression plastered onto his face. You continued to look at the others who seem to share the same expressions with an addition to sympathy and sadness. "You're hating on yourself for nothing!" Namjoon said. "Why-", You sighed, "guys, drop it already, please." You shook off.

"Are you still not ready to open up to us completely?" Jimin asked softly, taking a seat beside you on the other side from Jin. You shook your head, "not yet..." you admitted. "Can we please change the topic? The mood is suffocating.." you sighed.

Taehyung sighed sadly but quickly recovered and lifted you to stand up from the couch, "okay, lets go to the park together! I found a really nice one not too long ago while taking a walk last week," he smiled. "Yah! Why did you keep that from me?" Jungkook yelled, pouting. Taehyung giggled and apologised.

You were left to admire Taehyung silently. He knew what to do when things got too upsetting and bothersome. You silently smiled and watched as the other boys too, easily lifted the mood.

"Okay let's go then!" Hoseok brightly cheered, skipping his way towards the exit of the apartment, followed by you and the rest of the guys. "Hyung, you don't know where it is," Jungkook snickered as he watched Hobi blindly lead the group.


Taehyung wasn't wrong when he said he found a really nice park. Oh no, it was beautiful. You were at awe when you first reached there. The park was located near a fairly large lake that stretched kilometers away. The now, setting sun created a cozy and warm atmosphere. The park was surrounded by various colours and kinds of plants. A small flower garden situated just close enough to admire from a distance. Gravel paths led you in, allowing you to roam further in to the park. Small oak wood benches were placed around the park for people to sit on.

But what did really catch your eyes were the seven dead gorgeous men. They all let out such positive vibes in their own different ways. Hoseok's never fading smile emitted such positive energy, Jungkook and Taehyung's stamina helped fuel your energy as they both chased after each other in a game of tag. Jin and Namjoon shared a conversation with a content smile, chuckles and laughters erupted between the two every now and then.

You settled yourself on one of the park's benches along with Jimin who sat contently beside you, gazing at the sky and letting the little breeze to touch his skin delicately.

They were all so bright. Your life sure lightened since they came. You were glad you got to meet them, you didn't want it any other way. "Earth to Y/N!" Jimin snapped you out of your thoughts as he gently took your hand into his and held it. Smiling, "what's got you so smiley?" He asked aloud, catching the boys' attention. You giggled softly, "Maybe because I'm really happy," you smiled. "Oh? Happy because?" He pressed.

"Because I met all of you." You answered, tone sweet, the smile never leaving your features, "and it's the best thing I could ever ask for," you continued. While you and Jimin conversed, the six other boys listened contently while situating themselves to join the conversation. Smiles and adoration grew onto their faces as you reasoned your suddenly happy state. "I mean.., not to brag or anything," Jin chimed in, "But I am worldwide handsome so it's only natural to be blessed that you are soulmates with me." He proudly stated. You raised a brow, "worldwide?" You asked, "worldwide." He repeated. "No, it's because she is soulmates with me, I'm Y/N's hope, J-Hope!" He stated,

"Just because you're the sunshine out of us, doesn't mean Anything Hobi Hyung," Jimin joined, "it's obviously because of me," He pointed out as a matter of factly, "I have abs, I'm thicc-" He sneaked a wink your way, making you blush "- I'm cute and sexy, both at the same time!" He added, smiling at your flustered face, "I thought you forgot about that..." you mumbled.

"Oh, please save it Jiminie Hyung, I have abs too. And not only that, but I am super strong. Have you seen these babies?" Jungkook flexed, "don't forget about my sharp jaw line~" he added. "Ahem, hate to break your bubbles guys but.. hello? IQ 148? I am fluent in English too, just so you know. I'm the peace of this group and a good hugging buddy." Namjoon debated back.

"All if you can keep dreaming, I'm Y/N's first soulmate and that pretty much means I am the main one out of seven. We both have a lot in common too, like sleeping." Yoongi said, casually.

You were trying your best to hold in your fit of laughter as you watched the boys debated on the probable main reason for your happiness, "Hyung that's the only common interest you could think of?" Taehyung questioned.

"Oh boy, here we go, the alien is out." Jin sighed. "First off, I have the most precious boxy smile in this entire universe, got it? Good," he started, "second, I have the biggest secret weapon to Y/N's heart too," He smirked, "but before I reveal my secret, I also have to point out that I'm definitely the biggest boyfriend material she can ask for. Have you seen my cute tummy tum tum? Plus, I am V" he added, "which means Victory and clearly, I am the winner here." He announced.

You contained your laughter as much as you could before asking, "what's your secret weapon though?" This made him gift you his truly precious smile, "I have a dog named Yeontan."

You shrieked and rushed towards Taehyung's side, "REALLY??". "Yep, and you're gonna love him," he chuckled, fetching his phone from the pocket of his jeans. "I have quite a few pictures, and- PFFT!" Taehyung paused and erupted in laughter. You tilted your head, "what? What is it??" You asked desperately, "look at them! So jealous!" He rolled onto the ground.

You turned to look at the remaining six boys, "jealous-" you paused. All of them had a pouty and annoyed expressions plastered onto their flawless face.

"Haha, very funny." Yoongi muttered, "Y/N," he called to you and you Hummed in response for him to continue, "I have a dog too." He said, smirking. "YOU TOO?? I WANNA SEE!" you shrieked again.

You loved dogs dearly. Whether they were a pet or homeless. Most of the time when you come across them, you'd reward them by petting them and cooing at how good and adorable they are. You used to buy small packets of dog food along with you during your high school years. You always found a pack of homeless dogs scavenging the streets for food. It hurt you to see how people passed by them so you started feeding them. (A/N: istg no offence but how can someone hate, let alone dislike dogs?! HOWW? THEYRE SO CUTE AND FORGIVING)

Namjoon raised a hand, "I have one too." Followed by Hoseok, "ME TOO!" He yelled. You couldn't help the smile on your face to calm down. Your smile stretched for as long, till it started to hurt your cheeks.

"Ah! My cheeks hurt from smiling so much!" You giggled, palming your cheeks to help the ache.

The boys shared smiles and chuckles as they watched you emit happiness.

Maybe this is the start of feelings blossoming.


I know, SUpEr weird transition of mood from serious and upsetting to Oh, so happy and giggly. Idk myself, man.

But long chapter, am I right?
Love y'all💕

~ bonnehh_

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