Chapter 17

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"Ugh, my legs hurt.." Yoongi grumbled as he came to a stop. Hoseok huffed, "you've been saying that -like what? The 73rd time, since we've entered the mall?", Yoongi frowned, "well excuse my "laziness" but we've been going from one store to another for the past -" he paused, checking the time on his watch, "- 3 and a half hours!".

Hoseok sighed, "fine, let's go to the food court then." He suggested, earning a desperate nod from the elder. As the pair walked their way towards the top floor of the mall, Hoseok spoke up, "we should buy something for Y/N," receiving a nod in acknowledgment. "True, but what does she like?" Yoongi asked as he thought of possible things you may like. "I don't know about you but I'm thinking of getting her shoes," Hoseok mentioned, eyeing the pale man beside him who hummed in response, "from Fila?" He asked, "yup!" Hoseok smiled, thinking of your possible reaction.

"What will you get her?" He asked, "don't know yet. I'll figure it out." Yoongi answered nonchalantly. As the two reached the food court, they scanned what they felt like eating. Yoongi though, went for a seat. Chuckling, Hoseok followed behind, continuing his search for what he'd like to have. "What are you getting?" Yoongi asked, plopping on a chair with a table for two. "Hmm.." hobi hummed in thought, "chicken noodle soup." He grinned, nodding at his choice. Yoongi sighed, "I don't get you, sometimes. soup? Seriously? I'll just get some coffee; not really hungry." He stated, fetching his wallet to give Hoseok his part of money for the coffee, silently asking him to get the coffee for him. The taller man smiled, taking the money and standing up to get both of their orders. "Be right back," he informed, leaving their table.


"Yah!" Jin yelled at Jungkook as he caught him slipping three packets of chips into the cart of the trolly, scoffing as he watched the makne dash into another aisle. Jin, Jungkook And Jimin had visited stores after stores, buying their choice of clothes eventually.

Until Jin remembered the nearly empty fridge at home, dragging the younger boys with him to the mall's grocery store. They spent majority of the time goofing around, while Jin picked on ingredients to take home. Yelling at times as he found the two slipping fast-food into the trolly.

"I'm not paying for this." Jin clarified, loud enough for his younger brothers to hear, earning a whining Jimin who pleaded. "Pleeeaassseeee, just this once, hyung!" He whined more after getting a 'no' from the eldest. Catching stares from passers in the store. Jungkook wasn't bothered though, he was just bored. Already walking through all the aisles in the store, he didn't find anything he wanted -other than the packet of chips. Since, his Hyung refused to buy it for him, he just decided to pay for it himself. Now, watching his brothers with a bored expression, all he wanted was too leave this store.

He sighed as he thought of the others, who he believed were having a much better time than him. 'At least we didn't encounter any fans.' He thought absently.

"Unnie, what do you think BTS are doing right now?" He heard a girl speak to her friend not too far from him. 'SPOKE TOO SOON' he thought, turning his back from the source swiftly. Although their identities weren't shown through out their on-growing fame, they couldn't afford anyone to recognise them. Quickly rushing to Jin and Jimin, he informed the presence of some of their fans, alerting them.

"Got it. Good job and don't get recognised. While talking, keep your volumes low." Jin instructed sternly, receiving solid nods from the younger men.

"Oh, did you know that my order is arriving tomorrow?! I'm finally getting a BT21 shirt. My collection will be complete!" The three men heard from the other side of their aisle. (A/N: oMo jiNjA, uNnie?!- ew I'm sorry I won't put that😂😂)

Jin motioned Jungkook and Jimin to head towards the cashier. Nodding, the three stealthily made their way to pay for the foods. Successfully paying for everything they picked, they dashed out of the store as discreetly as they could.

Once far away from that store, they let out a sigh in relief. "That was too close for comfort.." Jimin spoke first, "No shit, man." Jungkook agreed. Jin sighed, too worked up to scold the makne's language -pretty sure that that's the reason why he chose to swear at the time, knowing the eldest wouldn't make effort to scold him given their huffing state.

"Come on, lets go. The sun's setting by now." Jin stated, leading them to a spot where he thought would be suitable to call the group to meet. Next to the side entrance -the main is too crowded and risky at this time of the day.


You and the rest of group met at the side entrance within 10 minutes. You looked around at the boys, finding them empty handed- well most of them. You figured the huge bags that Jungkook and Jin were carrying held groceries for home.

"Is the shopping spree already over?" Taehyung asked in a pout. "4 hours wasn't enough?" Yoongi asked, stating how much time you all had spent. "Seems like you and Y/N bought a lot of outfits." Jimin noticed. He wasn't entirely right though. Sure, you did hold onto two to three bags with piles of clothes but you didn't buy them.

"Uh-" Taehyung cut you off, "Sure we did! Well, I did most of the shopping cause Y/N was being stubborn but that doesn't matter." He smiled, waving the shopping bags in front of him as you scoffed at his remark. "He got me gucci clothes, okay? How the hell do I let that slide? You absolutely can not blame me. And on top of that, he bought me more freaking clothes!" You defended. This caused some to raise a brow, "I'm not surprised, honestly." Jin sighed.

"You already got her a present, wow." Jungkook eyed you gucci bag. "Why are you holding the Gucci bag like that, by the way?" He questioned, earning an awkward chuckle from you. "Why? Do you know how expensive these are?! I didn't even pay for them! I feel so weird holding a gucci bag. Namjoon already knows this but I never thought I'd ever step a foot in that store." You admitted.

You held it at the tip of your fingers, fearing that you'd spread your brokenness into it, like an infection. "Pfft Y/N, your acting as if the bag is super important and precious, made of diamonds or created by gods or something," Hoseok laughed, pointing at your hand that held the 'precious' bag. You smiled sheepishly. You then moved your attention to Jin who made his way beside Namjoon. You curiously tilt your head at the two as you watched the elder whisper something to the younger. Soon, you watched as Namjoon approached you and grabbed a hold of your hand, earning a blush to appear onto your face. He took some of your bags into his free hand, leading you to the exit as the others followed behind.

"D-did something urgent come up?" You let out, cursing under your breath after for stammering. Namjoon shook his head, giving you a small dimpled smile, "no.., we just don't like.. crowds too much," he began, hesitating to speak further as he thought of a convincing excuse, "you see, at this time of the day, many people come to this mall and I guess we catch.. a lot of attention..?" He lightly questioned in the end, tilting his head back to eye the others behind him, asking for help.

You let out a soft laugh, "I'm not surprised," you smiled, looking over at the others, "you all are handsome, you guys might as well become famous. That wouldn't surprise me either. What does surprise me is that before meeting me, none of you had a relationship." You admitted. You noticed some red tints that covered the boys' cheeks but only thought of it as your imagination. 'Yeah, right. Like some simple fact about them being handsome would fluster them,' you thought absently.

Speaking of fame, you remembered your encounter with BTS fans. The night before, you had taken your time to search up on them, a little dissatisfied with the amount of secrecy they held towards the world; they wore covering masks over their faces, keeping their identities hidden. They posted their dance choreographies and sing to songs they created themselves. Recalling your research, you decided to share your thoughts on them, "oh, right, I researched on that BTS group, by the way." The seven men's eyes slightly lit up in delight, eager to know your thought on BTS. Or rather, them.

"Really? What'd you think?" Jin asked, tilting his slightly in curiosity. You smiled at their curious faces, "Well for starters, they are hella talented. They dance, some sing and some rap. I tried searching for their names cause I wanted to know more but..," you sighed lightly, the boys turning impatient at the suspense you created. "They are so good at keeping themselves hidden, they didn't even leak their names. But they do have stage names! Which I thought was at least enough for me to know them. Uh, there was Suga," you thought, rubbing the back of your head as you tried recalling all of their 'names'. Yoongi smiled slightly as the first mention of the names you searched, "V, RM, J-hope-" you paused.

You gasped, "Hoseok! That's where you got that J-hope idea?" You asked, watching as the questioned man relaxed his body, swallowing a gulp, before answering, "y-yup!" he smiled awkwardly, "and Tae-" Hoseok cut you off, "And notice V? That's Taehyung's 'inspiration' nickname too.." He covered for Taehyung who thanked the elder silently. You nodded, before smiling and continuing on with the names, "then there was.. kookie, uh chimchim and finally, Mr. Handsome," you giggled.

Unknown to you, every single one of the seven exhaled in relief, absently holding their breaths nervously when you obliviously named them all out. "Haha, the names are so original right?" Jin asked, moving to a different topic about themselves, earning a nod from you. Soon, they couldn't hold in a smile as you said the following words,

"I might become a big fan of theirs soon."


Ok ok I know that the stage names for a few aren't really it. But for this book, please go along with it ^~^;;

Love you guys!

~ bonnehh_

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