Chapter 68

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This time, Jin had taken the wheel and Yoongi settled at the passenger seat. Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook sat at the seats behind yours, Jimin and Namjoon's. Not long before everyone had buckled up, did exhaustion finally settle in. Yoongi and Jin kept up a conversation, so the eldest male didn't risk getting drowsy and fall asleep behind the wheel.

"Where are we going now?" Taehyung asked from the back, voice soft and slightly slurred with exhaustion. The car fell silent as the others wondered as well, before Jin chimed in, "Home." He simply put.

The SUV Van had began to take a turn towards a smoother road, where very few other cars drove by - indicating that the Daegu city was still awake. Your eyes had dropped shut many times during the ride but you didn't let yourself to succumb to your sleep, wanting to stay awake with the others and fought to keep your eyes open.

Jimin had taken your right hand into his. His thumb caressing the back of your hand, which didn't help your sleepy state from staying awake at all. His hand gave yours a small squeeze, urging you to face his soft eyes as he gazed at you, "Go to sleep, princess." He said, catching Namjoon's attention as he glanced down at your petite frame fondly, "It was a long day, Y/N. We'll wake you up when we reach home." The leader responded, one hand moving over to stroke your head. You still remained stubborn, "I don't want to sleep." You slurred sleepily, "Plus, you're all my home." You mumbled.

Namjoon chuckled, face crunching into a shy smile, "And you're ours. But baby, you still need to rest. We're right beside you, so don't worry, we'll be resting too." He retorted and took the initiative to cover your eyes closed so sleep could finally take over and you succumbed to your body's exhaustion without a fight.

Namjoon waited a moment longer before letting his hand fall off of your eyes, before bending forward just slightly to see you fast asleep. He sighed, smiling sadly, "All of that, just because she's the Multifated." He shook his head.

Yoongi glanced at the rear view, "Is Y/N asleep?" He asked softly, earning a nod from Jimin, "Yeah." He replied.

"So are Taehyung and Jungkook," Hoseok piped in, a small smile tugging at his lips as he glanced at the younger males beside either side of him. "They're knocked out."


Namjoon perked up at a vibration in his pocket and fetched his phone out, "32%? I didn't use this for the past 24 hours." He grumbled before checking the notification, "Ah." He let out.

"What is it?" Jin questioned, "It's Mark hyung." He revealed, "he messaged me saying that I call him." He mumbled out.

"Why didn't he just call you?" Yoongi muttered amusedly, earning a shrug from the younger male. "Let's find out." He let out.



Mark glanced at his phone before accepting the call, "Namjoon-ah." He called out. "Yes, hyung?" His voice rang from the the other side. "Yeah, I called in the police department and We'll be heading there. I just wanted to tell you not to come with us. You stay with the others." He began, "Wait but—"

Mark quickly cut in, "No. You're gonna go home and stay by Y/N. We both know that it's what you all need after Today," he shook his head, "Me and the guys will take care of the corporation and it's agents along with Dom-K. 2 of their members are still out there somewhere.. and with what they've involved themselves with, We can't risk holding back on catching them. Sungjin will be behind bars by tomorrow morning." He informed.

"That's a lot to take in at once, you know?"

Mark chuckled lightly, "I know, but I also need to tell you something." He sighed, "Catching that whole company will be hectic. We have the Head administrator's ID and the geer—"

"Hyung no. We were the ones who forced into this mess, why..." Namjoon sighed, "I-I really don't understand. You should be telling me to take care of the rest, and you and the guys should be heading back to your dorms to rest right now. Not deal with what's yet to be done! I'll take care of it-" Namjoon rambled Before Mark huffed, "I'm not taking no for an answer, Joon. Yes, I know you can take care of it but right now, you better keep Y/N company. At least till it's certain that there are no more threats to her life." He stated firmly.

"Speaking of, how is she?" He asked, "exhausted but no one can blame her. We're all exhausted too. She refused to fall asleep but I managed to make her." Mark smiled, "Good. She's dealt enough. Seriously though, did all of that happen just because she's a Multifated? It's so uncalled for and unfair to her." He sighed.

"I was thinking the same. Nearly everyone in this world thinks that being a Multifated is a curse. Supposedly because they 'steal' the other's soulmate." Namjoon grumbled, "How's JB hyung?" He asked.

Mark glanced towards the male at the back of the SUV, "He's.. been better. After visiting the police department, we're all going to head back to our dorms. Yuju will be waiting for him there, along with the medical staff." He informed, "Before, you say anything though, I'm just saying that me and the guy's will be taking our rest as well so don't worry." He assured.

"...Alright. But if you need anything—"

"Namjoon." Mark interjected.

"Okay, okay. I'll hang up now." He voiced out defeatedly. Mark chuckled, nodding despite knowing the younger male can't see him. With a confirming 'beep' he put his phone down and stared at it for a second before calling someone else, "You already know it. Keep an eye on them until further instructions." He ordered before hanging up.

"H-hyung," Bambam's voice stuttered, catching the elder's attention quickly, "what?" He asked.

"I don't think Yuju Noona is at the dorms..." he mumbled, eyes trailing towards Jaebeom who began squirming in his spot as he tightened his grip around the wound with a visible wince. "Well fuck. Call the medical team to the police station then. Why is she so stubborn?" He groaned.

Jinyoung wordlessly began to increase the speed of the vehicle, turning the wheel so that they were heading towards the police department. "I told you to stay at the dorms! What are you doing?!" Jackson's voice rang through the vehicle from the backseat, "No, You know what will happen to hyung!" He continued, "Yuju, for crying out loud! Jaebeom hyung is already facing the side effects of the wound! Now don't go anywhere and stay there. We're coming." He instructed before groaning, "Yuju is at the police station." He confirmed.


The ride seemed to have silenced further into a peaceful hum from the turning wheels of the Van. Jimin had also fallen into dreamland halfway through the conversation Namjoon was having with Mark. Then Hoseok had also fall asleep in the warmth of his two brothers beside him at the far back of the vehicle, followed by Namjoon - leaving the two eldest in the car to stay awake while the younger's charged their energy back through the sleep.

Jin's eyes had drooped ever so slightly from his own exhaustion, silently grateful for Yoongi's company and light conversations that he brought up to keep him awake and alert on the road.

"Jin hyung," Yoongi mumbled out, earning a hum from the elder, "When you said 'home', did you mean that..." he trailed, face twisting into a troubled expression. Jin paused for a second, eyes darting from the road to the younger male beside him, before going back. He simply nodded, a small frown itching onto his features, before he coughed out, "It'll be last minute, I know. But then again, the place isn't all that bad. You know it's been under care and is probably sparkling and void of any dust!" He beamed weakly.

"It's close to Hanam. I don't think Y/N would like to know that." Yoongi pointed, "Plus, when did you arrange for it? It's on the other side," he stated, curiosity lacing his tone as he glanced at Jin. "Well, you could say that when we got trapped in that room, I wasn't just about sit still and wait. The moment I realised just how much danger it would bring for Y/N to even stay here, I was already working on to move away and to some place less dangerous and more secure for all of us." He explained.

"Seoul is the main city and is the safest out of the others. We'll all be better living there than continuously worry about sudden threats not only to Y/N, but all of us as well." He added. Yoongi nodded, "I guess," he sighed, "but did you—"

"I have my ways," Jin cut in slyly, having the pale man role his eyes, "I'm pretty sure I know what way you're talking about." He chuckled softly, "Don't think I don't know about your huge film production company in Seoul." He pointed, earning a chuckle from Jin, "Hey, don't think My passion for our growing YouTube 'career' is any less." He defended, "I never said you did." Yoongi smiled, earning another chuckle. A few moment's later, Yoongi noticed the elder male look slightly nervous as he pursed his lips.

"Yoongi-ah," Jin called out softly, making the said male hum, "Am I the only one who... who's starting to change?" He asked. Yoongi furrowed his brows, a little uneasy with the sudden gloomy tone the elder used. "What do you mean?" He asked, head turning to look at the male better, making him shrink ever so slightly, "I'm... I-I don't know I just..." he let out a huff, "I think," he paused, "I think I'm beginning to feel..." he stammered as he glanced nervously at the younger male before shaking his head, sleep completely vanishing as he quickly cut in, as Yoongi looked a lot more attentive to him, "N-never mind. Don't worry about it."

Yoongi's eyes had grew wide ever so slightly at his hyung, 'is he...' he wondered to himself.

'No way.'

- 2 days later -

You and the boys were brought to a hotel which was quite close to the Airport. You never questioned it but were curious for certain. You were rooming with Namjoon. The other pairs were Yoongi and Taehyung, Hoseok and Jin, then Jungkook and Jimin.

The previous night, Namjoon had asked if you wanted to have a one on one tone with him for breakfast and you agreed wholeheartedly, cooing as well as he turned bashful. The other boys had let the two of you alone for the morning, albeit they did whine slightly. Though that was quickly solved by Jin's pointed look that clearly spoke 'let them be, you'll get your chances as well now shut up and go.' And with that they all dispersed to do their own things. Taehyung and Jimin had left the Hotel at some point and went on a very intense shopping spree. Going as far as to buy outfits for everyone (which ofc includes you as well).

~ It's the next day in the morning now ~

When morning came by, you had seen Namjoon emerging out of the washroom with a toothbrush, already dressed. As you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, Namjoon had offered to get the two of you your breakfasts. Which you gratefully nodded.

So here you were now after changing to your clothes as well:

You sat at the foot of your Hotel room's bed, head blank of any thoughts. You simply stared at the carpeted floor beneath you. At the sound of a 'click' you lifted your head up to see Namjoon smiling at you, holding onto a tray that contained your morning breakfast that he had bashfully asked the night prior to spend together.

You returned his smile, patting at the space beside you to gesture for him to sit beside you, "What'd you get?" You asked. "Well, there was a variety of western breakfast so I got a breakfast burrito and cinnamon rolls." He answered, hand pointing out the food on his plate before he took your plate and handed you yours, containing Belgian style waffles with maple syrup beside it. You had mentioned that you wanted to have a light breakfast and he complied immediately. "What were you thinking?" He asked, which had you facing him quizzically.

He chuckled, "I saw you just sitting here, staring at the floor." He pointed making you 'ah' in realisation, "Nothing really, I was just... zoned out." You answered. The silver haired male hummed after taking a bite out of his burrito, before bringing it to your mouth, "Try some? They're great." He smiled, making you chuckle and let him feed you a bite. You hummed happily, putting up a thumbs up to show him that you agree to his statement.

Soon, digging into your own breakfast, you didn't forget to feed the elder male a piece from your waffles, which earned a bashful chuckle as he ate them, giving you an approving hum.


"AaAAAHH nNOOoOo," you whined loudly, some of the syrup had spilled into your plain white shirt. Namjoon simply laughed, "You're making it such a big deal. It's only syrup." He snickered, you huffed, "You wouldn't be saying that if you stained your shirt. Plus this is new! Aish," you huffed. "Just change your shirt." He shrugged. "It's white too!" You whaled, ignoring him as you fisted the air out of annoyance, the fork still in your hand.

"Yah, you'll spill the syrup if you keep swinging the fork like tha- I told you." He sighed.

"AAAaAhHHhHH, MY JEANSS!!1!1!11!!1"


the chapter, not the book relaxxxx

Man, I'm totally not going to avoid the incoming inner turmoil y'all will have with the "feel" thingy lmaooo nooOo I'm a swEaThEaRt!!!1! 😇🥰
So.. can a book consist of a twist? Yeah.
What about double twists....??? 👀👀👀
Oh and Taeno is dead. O_O
Niceeeeeee he was ur bff 💀 wAS

Question time!
1) Who remembers Y/N's current bff? 😂😂 If you do, then What's her name?
-> I've realised that I've completely neglected the poor girl from having any female friends and heck- her current bff has only been mentioned in like.. 2 chapters throughout this book 😳😳💀💀
❣️Your Answer:

2) What is your phone/laptop/IPad battery percentage right now? 👀👀
-> Mine's 75% lol (•3•)
❣️Your Answer:

3) How do you think the boys will deal with getting Y/N to quit her waitress job? Will Y/N drop it at an instant or hesitate?
-> Aight, so I think it's pretty clear I'm the chapter that Jin has already booked it to move out😂😂 and- oh shit y/n has a fucking joB. OOP- I like completely discarded the fact that she may or may not have skipped her workday.. I'm sure she'll figure some excuse 💀💀
So as I was saying... (lol) so since they plan to move out, y/n will have to quit her job. Despite not working for much long, she still has a friend there so... 👉👈
❣️Your Answer:


✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽BLack Lives STILL Matter ✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿
I hope everyone is aware that innocent people are still out there, trying to fight for their rights. And to MANY MANY MANY Officers who participate in snatching the black people's rights are fucking bastards and don't deserve their privilege of having higher authority.

I want all of my readers to know that my account is open to EVERYONE. I hope you remember that someone is across the ocean, (or Kilometers away lol) and is rooting for you (that's me) even though I may not be there physically, I hope the simple thought of that gives you even the slightest bit of comfort 💕💕

I love youuuuu!!🥰🥰✨💘❤️💙💖💞💕💜✨

~ Ada, who's totally not procrastinating her school work UwU

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