Chapter 74

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I have no other excuse other than the fact that I have my mid-terms next week... otherwise, my hiatus has (in my opinion) stretched far too much, and I feel upset about it. 🥺🥺😔
I've only managed to write two more chapters in this time (including this one).

I've come here to give y'all your DOUBLE UPDATE for the moment, before I can fully and finally return with my creative blood, which I have no idea about when it will turn up. I apologies for leaving you guys hanging!🥺😔👉👈

I'm still on the hiatus. AN OFFICIAL HIATUS this time. I cannot provide a definite or estimated time on when I'll return. In the mean time, please wait for me, loves! I'm sure there are many other books that can make up for my absence 💕 I need to score some good grades for myself and my family... at least try to hahaahahaha :,)

I purple you 💜💜

"Hyung, hurry up," Taehyung called after for Jin, who was currently changing his top.

The blue haired male simply sighed with a shake of the head as Jin simply yelled, "I'm the one who's going to drive for hours, don't tell me what to do." He said. You laughed lightly at Taehyung's mildly annoyed expression but stayed silent.

The three of you were getting ready— well, Jin was. You and Taehyung are prepared to leave to go to your workplace, which was about 3 hours away.

"Are you excited to see your friend after (quite) some time?" Taehyung smiled, making you smile back, "I am. I just hope she's still willing to let me explain why I've been missing for a while." You sighed. Taehyung softened his eyes, "Of course, she will. You said that she's your best friend, right?" He raised a brow and you pursed your lips, "I'm not so sure anymore. I mean-" you paused, "-Do best friends suddenly disappear on one another without a word?" You questioned, earning a frown from the latter, "Hey, don't say that. You have valid reasons. Especially since your old phone just broke to shambles, "he pointed out. "You didn't have any way of contacting her. Plus, why would you memorise her number?"

"Right. But then what do I tell her after? That after my phone broke, I became utterly broke, too and couldn't buy a new one any sooner? That now I want to keep in touch with her with my new phone since I'm leaving?" You frowned.

"Alright I'm ready! Let's go," Jin ushered as he took the room's key and pocketed it.

You and Taehyung nodded and followed after the eldest male, "How about you tell me about your friend?" Taehyung asked, "I can't exactly say what her reaction would be if I don't even know her, right?" He smiled half-heartedly, making you chuckle, "Sure, I guess we have enough time for that during the ride." You nodded.


As the three of you hopped into your ride and buckled up - Taehyung more so upset that he has to sit alone in the back seat while you vacated the passenger seat beside Jin, who took the wheel with a grin. The eldest pouted in thought, brows furrowing, "I think I'm forgetting something..." he mumbled. "Did any of you two forget to bring something?" He asked, and you shook your head, "I have everything I need, right now." Then simultaneously, the two of you turned to a pouty Taehyung expectantly.

Taehyung simply huffed, "Whatever, lets start moving, already. The car won't move by itself." He countered with crossed arms. Jin rolled his eyes, "I'll let you take the passenger seat on the way back, how about that, mister 5 year old?" He snorted. You giggled at that, nodding at the '5 year old part' as Taehyung indeed acted like one, especially at the moment.

"Yeah, sure that's cool. But I think I'd rather that Y/N sits in the backseat with me." Taehyung stated. You agreed nonchalantly as the car began to speed towards your workplace. "Yah! I'll be alone at the front!" Jin frowned. "And I'm not alone, now?" Taehyung pouted.

"Jeez, both of you shut up." You rolled your eyes, "We only just started moving and you two are bickering already?" You raised a brow.

"Get used to it, babe." Taehyung retorted, "Yeah, expect a lot of bickering," Jin snickered. You shook your head with a smile. "But no, I really think I'm forgetting something." Jin sighed.


"Hey, hyung," Jungkook called out as he knocked on the door to Jin's and Hoseok's room. "They left, kook." Namjoon chimed in, looking at the makne curiously. "Al-already?" Jungkook pouted. Noticing this, Namjoon raised a brow, "Did you need something?" He asked after gesturing for the younger male to follow him to his room.

"No, it's the other way around, actually." He mumbled.

"So... they needed something?" Namjoon asked unsurely, before furrowing his brows as the latter nodded. "More like someone. Me. They needed me." Jungkook responded bitterly. "I literally told Taehyung. I wanted to come along, and Taehyung said "oh sure! Just hurry up, okay?" And then left me to go get ready." He deadpanned.

Namjoon burst out in laughter, "They forgot about you?" He asked, "oh man, that's hilarious!" He grinned. "It's not funny in the slightest!" Jungkook scoffed.

"No wonder you were all dressed up!" Namjoon cackled, earning another pout from the makne. After calming down, the dimpled man noticed the younger's put-off behaviour and rolled his eyes in good nature, "Oh come on, Jungkook," Namjoon said, a small smile curving his lips upward, "How about we go out ourselves and maybe get some snacks?" He offered, chuckling when the makne perked up, "can we?" He beamed.

"Of course," Namjoon nodded with a bright smile, "just give me a minute, let me change my shirt real' quick," he stated and rushed to pull out a new shirt to wear. "Sure. Unlike some people, I'll actually wait." Jungkook nodded, earning another laugh from the elder.


"Wait, so you actually met her before you began your job?" Taehyung asked again and you nodded.

"And just to confirm, you spilled your boiling hot coffee onto her white button-up shirt when you were late for your interview for the job?" He questioned and you smiled sheepishly, "Pretty much." You confirmed.

"When we met again, it was when my shift ended the first day (which was the day after the interview) on the job and she came in," you said, "I recognised her immediately and pretended like I didn't know her." You giggled, "She was so confused because when she recognised me from the day before, she pointed it out and I completely denied it and told her I was not even out at that time." With a blank face, you looked at Taehyung, who waited expectantly for you to continue, "I told her that she probably saw another girl that looks just like me."

"Wait- she believed you?" Jin raised a brow, making you snicker, "Not even a bit. Because when I dropped my coffee, only a little spilled over me as well, and being the genius that I am, I had the same shirt on and the stain of the coffee was still faintly there, when I washed it. Apparently, she just had a ridiculously good memory - like a photographic memory, along with a sharp eye." You pointed out before letting out a huff.

"I was so worried that she'd hold a grudge over me for the rest of our time working but surprisingly, she just shrugged it off. Well- after I removed the stains on her shirt when she handed it to me." You laughed before raising a brow at the two males.

"Wanna guess what she told me then?" You asked. Jin shook his head, "That she wants you to make sure it's completely white?" He shrugged. You laughed again, " yes and that I'll be forgiven once I've cleaned her shirt spotless. I did just that the next day, and when I handed it over to her she already had my regular drink ready." You pointed out, "she thanked me and made me the same usual hot coffee I have as a start for a new friendship. Of course, I agreed and within that short span of time, we became best friends." You smiled.

"That's one way to start a friendship," Taehyung mumbled.

You sighed with a nod, "I just hope I'm ready to meet her after all that has happened. Not even a word was exchanged." You sighed dejectedly.

Jin scoffed, "Of course, you are! She's your bestfriend so she'll definitely hear you out! You are ready." He nodded adamantly.

You smiled slightly, "You're right." You agreed, "I'm so ready."

~ 3 hours later ~

"I take it back, I'm so not ready!" You screeched. Taehyung simply laughed at you panicking as soon as your work place came into view.

"Relax, sweatheart. You're panicking over nothing. How bad could it be? Your friend must be missing you, and now that you're here to see her, surely she would be happy, right?" He asked.

You shook your head vigorously, "Nope! She'll become mad at me, end our friendship, and go over to her new forever bestie and pretend as if I never existed, hold a grudge against me till the end of our time and completely shut me out!" You spurred out, hands holding onto the seat belt tightly, as if it would keep you from having to face her.

Jin rolled his eyes as he parked the car, before leaving his seat and coming around to pull open the door on your end and unbuckling your seat belt, then dragging you out. "I didn't just drive three whole hours for you to back out now. You should be glad there was barely any traffic on the way." He said and pulled you closer to the restaurant's entrance and shoved you in first. Taehyung only followed behind with a shit-eating grin, clearly entertained with the happenings. Jin gave you a smirk and waved at you, "We'll be in the car~".

You yelped slightly as you stumbled in, catching the attention of some customers and few waiter's and waitresses. Blushing in embarrassment, you dragged your feet to the 'staff only' door and discreetly slipped in with a gulp. As soon as you slowly closed the door behind you—


You froze and robotically turned to face the source with a shaky smile, "uhm.., hey— woah!" You blurted out as soon as the source of the voice pounced towards you and pulled you into a tight hug, "Where the heck were you?!" Your bestfriend yelled. You stood stunned before immediately reciprocating the embrace with a sigh. "Hi, E-Eunji..." you breathed out.

Pulling away quickly, the said girl stared at you with wide eyes, "Why- you... you're here!" She let out. You smiled sheepishly, "I am," you nodded, "and... I-I'm so sorry for disappearing on you." You said honestly.

"A lot happened and I'm still trying to cope up with it. I'd tell you exactly what, but this place isn't exactly ideal..." you trailed off. Eunji immediately rushed to the staff's changing room (for women ofc) and came back out after a while with her casual clothes, "Then we're out of here." She stated and grabbed your hand before pulling you out of the restaurant through the back. "Wait! I actua—" you blurted out but shut up when you noticed Jin in his car, peering at you like a literal stalker with a knowing look and nodded his head as a gesture for you to go. You gave him a creeped-out look before getting dragged to another cafe that had much lesser people inside.

Eunji dragged you to a secluded corner of the cafe and pushed you to sit while she took a seat across from you expectantly, "Just so you know, Y/N," she began, "I am upset with you for disappeared on me." She admitted. You frowned, nodding, "I don't blame you... But please—" you fumbled but she cut you off.

"But you should also know that I'm willing to hear you out. I won't even ask questions until you're finished explaining yourself." She clarified, before sighing, "If there's one thing I know about true friends, it's that they will always hear you out. Then and only then, do they get to decide whether or not were the explanations true and if it's worth sticking by." She said, "So I hope you don't build a lie to excuse your sudden disappearance and tell me what the fuck happened when you finished my shift at the restaurant." She firmly said.

You took in a deep breath, "I will tell you everything, Jiji. If you promise me, that you'll keep this to yourself. You won't tell anyone, and not a single soul should know about what I'm going to tell you." You stated and sighed as she nodded adamantly, "I promise."

"Here we go..."



So quite a few managed to guess y/n's neglected bestfriend character, Eunji 😂😂 wowie man, that's- gUD memory maannnn I still feel bad for being gone for so damn long.
I mean, don't come at me pls, I did say that I'll need a week at the very least. So....😔✊

Question time!
1) If you could teleport yourself to whatever dimension you'd want, which would it be? 👀
—> many peeps wanna go to the anime world and have that anime life... here I am wanting to go to an AU where I'm a smartass bitch with great friends and a Y/N life :,) maybe... superheroes could exist y'know... just for the possibility that I have superpowers lol
AHH IM SO IMMATURE BAHAHA IDC- me lovey some pew pew spider mAn pew pewnsdjdkdjdjd
❣️Your Answer:

2) Least favourite subject after Maths? 🙂🙂
—> ok don't even think for a second that u like maths cuz... ur wrong skdkdoddodk 💀💀 I'm sorry I'm kidding and if u liek maths, hi can we be friends? I'd like some smartass to help me ace my maths shit. NEWAYS, my least favourite is probs Chemistry 😭😭 that bitch is bringing out formulas like
1 - Dimethyl - 3 - Ethyl Hexane
❣️Your Answer:

3) Ya Stan any rookie groups? Or soon to be not-so-rookie grp?
—> ATEEZZZZZZZZ bitch that grp is like a full package like it's FULL, FULL like Damn bbs be creating all of their songs as bangers and not even one until now has had me like "eh, I'll get uSeD tO it" like HAVE U HEARD TO THE BEAT ??? THAT— mmmmMmMMMMM— I'm fangirling my bad🤡🤡
❣️Your Answer:


Sorry I'm stressed

Really love y'all tho, that won't change uwu 🥰🥰💕❣️❤️💜🥺🥺✨💕❣️💜❤️

~ Ada

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