Chapter ~ 8

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Hellooo 🙋‍♀️

Hey!! How you doin' 😉

🥁Guys attention, please!! 🥁

Have you ever watched Kenny Sebastian's standup comedy? I'm a great addict to his comics. Omg, it is hilarious😂🤣 If you haven't, do subscribe to his youtube channel or just watch his videos.


Akshitha ~

I walked into the house, cursing Varun for being so irresponsible. How can he? The reason is, he has teamed up with the kids and youngster in our street to scare the shit out of our house owner. They have pranked him to the world's end and as result, I have received the punished.

The grumpy old man gave me a lecture for 20 long minutes regarding discipline and lastly, he pointed out my living with Varun. Argh, That was enough for me, how dare he? I lashed out at him and shock was written all over his face.

Did I really shut his mouth? Aww small victory for me. Yay!! Hope keeps his mouth shut forever.

In same fury I entered the house, quickly freshened up, drunk coffee and sprawled on the couch to watch comedy video clips which usually helps me to calm down my temper. Soon I typed Kenney Sebastian's name in the search box and in few seconds his standup comedy popped up in the results page, making me smile wide, naturally. I started watching the videos and the anger built up in my system melted away easily.

I got engrossed in my own world laughing hysterically leaving the worries back but I guess, god never likes seeing me happy. He is always ready to break my bubble of happiness into pieces.

What? I scowl at him.

Why are you shouting, Akshitha? He asked me narrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"You are solely responsible for my temper, Varun," I yelled.

Akshitha will you please calm down? He asked stroking my dorsum in irregular patterns.

Will you please take your hands off? It is distracting me. I wanted to shout at him but I chose to remain silent. I just nodded my head.

"What happened?" he questioned.

I re-narrated the story and he broke into fits of laughter.

Wow!! Now your happy seeing me getting insulted by a stranger. Do you find it amusing?

Varun immediately stopped his laughter and turned into serious mode.

" Nah! I was re-thinking the pranks we pulled on the old man and how successful we were in our mission to make him angry which made me laugh, Akshitha." He said.

"Listen to me carefully, Akshitha," he spoke. I nodded.

"Never ever think I will be enjoying, seeing you insulted by a stranger. Okay?" He spoke the last word with so much pressure, which made to think does he still cares for me though we were drifting apart. I felt his concern, evident in his eyes & tone.

I did the usual thing which I always used to do before. A hug. I hugged him tightly, refusing an air to pass between us. His arms performed the reflex action. I sniffed his perfume. God! It is wonderful, not too strong nor mild. The mixture of the components was in balance. I really need to know the brand of the perfume, it's amazing.


"Yup." He spoke against my earlobe.

Now I really regret sharing my problems with my friends, a few months back. Because after Varun's sudden disappearance I sulked into guilt, lived a low-key life. But my friends being expert in sniffing business, found out I'm in trouble and they me confronted one day.

After long contemplation, I agreed to share the problem with them. I rambled for three long hours how he mistook my cold behaviour, spoke regarding my feelings and In the end, they all came up with a conclusion, "I had feelings for Varun."

Argh!! I tried to explain my point of view, the degree of likeness towards Varun but they refused to hear my words. All they asked was, " Why don't you accept the reality?"

They even reached to the point of saturation, where my own words were twisted, given a new meaning which made me close my ears and run away from their phone call. They were an updated version of the dirty dictionary. Mean girls.

Now, see where I'm standing in my life. They have spoiled the innocent Akshitha in me and I have started observing things around me like a mature adult. Currently, Varun's simple affectionate gesture drives me crazy. His breath, smile, warm hug and concern makes me faint.

Thank god! He was the first person to depart the hug. Varun tilted my chin. " Are you feeling better?"

"Yes," I batted my lashes.

Now the time has come to confront him. "Varun?"

"Yes! " He said while scrolling down his mobile screen.

"I want to ask you something." I dragged.

"Ask." He replied, placing the mobile over the teapoy.

"Actually you are a very bad man, Varun. How can you assume things and leave me in guilt and dark? " I spoke in a muffled tone, eyes glued to the lap.

He titled my face, you made me make decisions, Akshitha. "Your were responsible for our broken lives. Your actions proved to me where I stand in your life. I was no one in your life; Not even a friend. Even you forgave your dad but did not give me a chance to speak. How nice of you?" He spoke in gritted teeth and his eyes spat anger, palms clutched the table, tightly.

"You were and are important in my life, Varun." Why don't you see it?

"Have you ever given me a chance to see or feel it, Akshitha? His cold reply was shocking to me.

I remained silent.

"Hmm, I did not mean it to hurt you Akshitha but what I'm trying to say is, I have always been an optional question in your exam(life) Akshitha. I was never a compulsory question to attempt."

He further said, " I can hear your mocking voice ringing in my ears," Hey Varun!! Sometimes even a compulsory question can be skipped in the exam when we are left with no choice."

This is how he feels, " Alone. Lost. Broken." Seriously we needed to clear the misunderstandings ruining our life.

I spoke, "During those days I was angry with my father since he ployed behind my back and so I shut down myself from everyone around me, Varun. The truth was painful for me to digest. My very own dad and you, the most important persons in my life, chose to hurt me behind my back."

I looked into his eyes, If I say I never felt angry with you then it will be dumb of me Varun. Yes, I felt angry at you because I trusted you but see what have you done to me? You teamed up with my father to not let me for a job even though you very well knew it was my ambition to work.

But Akshitha.... he trailed.

I stopped him in-between. Listen to me further Varun. "I'm not accusing you. I just wanted you to know how I felt."

Later mom help me to overcome the grieve and that is how I forgave dad and I felt bad for being cold, distant and Ignorant with you, Varun. Later I realised my mistake and was ready to apologize to you but you flew away assuming things before I can justify my state Varun. Tears trickled down my cheeks.

"I was more than a friend to her and important person in her life." This was all shocking to me. Her new revelations were giving me jitters, I turned breathless. The failed hopes returned back giving me the strength to fight for us!

"I'm sorry," We said in unison and broke into fits of laughter.

Varun's finger wiped the remnants of the tears in my face. Soon I was in his embrace, cocooned. My heartfelt lighter as a helium balloon. I was fly high in the sky in joy. His warmth spread tingles all over my body, making me smile wider. I felt his uneven breath when I hugged him closer. Aww!! my heart did few somersaults seeing him quiver under my touch.

"Our eyes met, smiles exchanged and rhythm of our heartbeats danced in ecstasy." When a strongly imprinted 26 alphabets found it difficult to frame sentences, a few simple gestures came in for rescue.


A/n: Guys, have you read, " When feelings face reality"- Poetry. If not, do chekout her book. It is awesome😊
Her Id PearlPrincess73


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