Chapter 2

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Anya woke the next morning and started on her chores. Jessamy had left her room before she had gone to bed, telling Anya to be ready to rush to the basement at a moment's notice.

As the young woman worked on her chores, she swore she could feel Roderick constantly watching her, which made her uneasy, but she didn't show it, for fear of him catching wind of her plans.

As Anya was in the midst of dusting off a bookshelf, she heard yelling and arguing coming from the basement. Anya turned just in time to see Roderick dragging Alex from the basement and yelling at him. Anya's jaw dropped as Roderick pulled the boy into the front room and threw him to the ground, shouting at him. Anya was too in shock to pay attention to his words, but she almost stepped in when Roderick lifted his cane with a threat to kill the boy. She would've stopped him, had it not been for the tapping at the window that drew Roderick's attention.

Suddenly, Roderick cursed and grabbed a gun, shoving it into Alex's chest before Roderick and Ethel walked away. Alex sighed and headed outside, leaving the door open behind him. Then, Jessamy flew inside, past Anya, and into a side room.

Anya carefully and inconspicuously looked into the open room and watched as Roderick went inside, causing Jessamy to freeze like a statue until he left. Roderick caught Anya's eye and made his way over to her to engage in small talk and Anya had to force herself to look away from Jessamy.

Roderick left Anya's side just as Jessamy emerged from his study and flew up to the balcony overhead. The two guards from downstairs had come up just as smoke began to fill the manor. Recognizing the distraction, Anya covered herself in shadows as the guards and Roderick rushed by, hurrying to the source of the fire. Jessamy and Anya rushed down into the basement and headed towards the metal gate that was left partially open.

Jessamy flew towards her master, whose head had lifted at the two females that had suddenly burst in, and a look of hope crossed his eyes. Jessamy began pecking at the glass as Anya ran towards the guard's table and grabbed a cup, dumping out the cigarette butts inside and hurrying towards the moat. Anya quickly filled the cup and leapt over the moat to pour it on the binding circle.

The sound of a gunshot echoed throughout the area and Anya froze as she stared in horror at the blood-soaked side of the sphere. Her brown eyes dropped to the ground to see Jessamy on the ground, unmoving, her small, feathered chest caved in by the blast of the shotgun. The sound of the gun being loaded once more brought Anya's attention to the people who had come in, and she found the gun being pointed at her.

Rage exploded through Anya's veins, her fury and disgust making her eyes flash gold as she snarled violently. Before the girl could make a move towards Roderick and Alex, the two guards, who had managed to sneak up on either side of her, grabbed her arms and forced her down on her knees. One of them took the cup of water and tossed it uselessly to the side. Anya fought against their grip, but when the guard holding her, right arm bent it backwards, she screamed out in pain as it snapped, her right arm going limp as she slumped forward.

Roderick snatched the gun from Alex, berating him for nearly shattering the cage, before ordering the boy to clean it up. Roderick then made his way to the kneeling and defeated form of Anya, his wrinkled fingers curling around her chin before he wrenched her head to look her in the eye. She narrowed her golden gaze in defiance and Roderick let out a chuckle.

"I thought I sensed power in you, but I assumed you just didn't know how to use it. Shouldn't have assumed that you almost caused me a lot of trouble just for underestimating you. I won't be doing that again. Luckily for me, your mother's other letter came in just a couple days ago." Roderick taunted. Anya furrowed her brow.

Her mother's other letter?

Roderick's smile grew. "Yes, apparently this one was also meant to be brought by you, but it got lost until just recently. Your uncle sent it to me with miraculous timing. You see that letter included all of your... family history." The older man said with a sneer. Anya's face dropped, fear overtaking her features.

"Now, I did some research and found the perfect necklace for you." Roderick chuckled out darkly, as Alex came around with a look of regret on his face as he handed his father a silver chained collar with several symbols emblazoned on it. Anya fought against the guards' grips again as Roderick bent down and clipped the collar around her neck. As he did, the symbols etched on it glowed a bright blue and Anya felt her power draining, her body getting weaker as she struggled to hold herself up.

"Now, as punishment for your actions; you will stay here until the end of your days... which could very well be a long time, if you truly are immortal." Roderick stated, dragging Anya by the chain over to a pillar nearby, before he attached her chain to it. Roderick glanced down at her ankh shaped necklace, before he yanked it from her neck, snapping the chain. "Guards, be sure you give her those pills to make sure she can't sleep." Roderick ordered, pocketing the necklace and sneering one last time at Dream and Anya before he left the basement with Alex in tow.

Anya let out a sigh, curling into herself as the guards walked back to their table. The young woman felt a gaze burning into the side of her head, and when she looked up, she met the despaired stare of Dream. Tears burned against Anya's eyes, and she held back her sobs. 'I'm sorry, I'm so sorry' she mouthed to him. Dream let a lone tear fall from his eye as he thought about his dearest friend, before he let his head fall and his gaze dropped to the ground below him.

His hope had left him.


During the next several months, Dream and Anya still remained prisoners of Burgess. Anya and Dream were both starved, though neither needed food to survive. Anya's broken arm had healed, but because she had lost her powers from the collar around her neck, her arm had taken longer to heal than normal.

The guards would keep an eye on both, but mainly kept a close watch on Dream, believing he was the more dangerous of the two. Anya and Dream were cut out from the outside world, only being able to understand snippets of what was going on. Sleeping sickness had taken over the world, millions were falling asleep and not waking up or they were unable to sleep at all, there were even some who sleepwalked uncontrollably.

Unbeknownst to all humans and the two prisoners of Burgess, there was another problem sweeping across the globe; some souls weren't crossing over after they died. Death of the Endless could do nothing but helplessly watch these souls walk in Limbo, unable to go anywhere. Death could not figure out why this was happening, but she couldn't stop ferrying what souls she could into the afterlife.

Anya wasn't sure how much time had passed, but one day Roderick stormed into the basement, and stomped up to Dream's cage. Dream was sitting cross legged, his head down, as Roderick spoke to him. "The woman who lives with me has gone and robbed me of my fortune. She's also robbed you." Roderick was met with the usual silence. Dream didn't even twitch an eyebrow. "She has taken your helm, your sand, and your ruby. Now, I can unlock this, you can go after her..." Dream slowly lifted his head, a dark glare aimed at the older man. "If you give me what I've been asking for; wealth, youth, immortality." Roderick paused his words, waiting for Dream to react.

After a long silence, Roderick clenched his teeth. "Oh, you're a god. These things are nothing to you." The older man was starting to get more and more aggravated. "Don't you want your weapons and your freedom?" He was met with more silence. With an annoyed growl, Roderick turned to face Anya, who was sitting against the pillar she was chained to, her usually brown eyes were liquid gold, and they were narrowed into a sharp, threatening glare at the old man.

Roderick walked over to her, a white knuckled grip on his cane as he crouched to her eye level. His wrinkled hand gripped her chin tight enough that she could feel bruises forming from his crushing grip. "What about you, huh? She stole your necklace as well. If I set you free, would you go after her and bring back what she stole? Or should I even bother keeping a weak god like you locked up. Can you even grant me what I wish? Huh? CAN YOU?!" Roderick's voice had gotten louder and louder as he spoke with rage, and at the end of his spiel, he took his cane and whipped it through the air.

Anya flinched back at the burning pain as the cane connected with the side of her face. The momentum caused her to fly to the ground with a breathy oof. Her body shook with rage as a growl ripped its way out of her throat. Her right hand tensed and flexed, and her nails formed into thick, black claws. In the blink of an eye, Anya turned her body and swiped her clawed hand up towards Roderick's face. Her claws dug into his cheek, carving out his flesh before he could react. Roderick stumbled back with a shout of pain, looking at the furious woman in shock. Anya's right hand was now dripping with his blood.

Roderick reached a shaky hand up to his cheek, flinching at the pain when he touched his wound. He pulled his hand away, looking at the smears of blood on his fingers.

There was a beat of silence.

Then all hell broke loose.

Roderick let out a rage-filled scream as he stormed over to Anya, raising his foot, before stomping down on her torso. Anya let out a pained shriek as her ribs crunched from his first three stomps, but after his fourth stomp, she felt her ribs finally give in and crack loudly into the otherwise silent basement.

Dream's eyes lit up in fury as he watched this unfold. Roderick, now breathing heavily, walked over to Dream's cage and glared at the Endless. "Are you angry? Do you care about this weak god?! Do you?! Speak to me! SPEAK. TO. ME!" Roderick screamed out, slamming his cane against the cage.

Alex walked up behind his father, frowning slightly as he put his hand on the older man's shoulder. "Father, please–" Before Alex could utter another word, Roderick spun around and shoved his son back. "Get away from me!" He shouted, glaring at the younger boy. "If you were any kind of son to me..." Roderick snarled out, swinging his cane towards the boy. Instead of taking the hit like usual, Alex actually dodged the first hit, ducking under it before he caught the second one with his hand.

"If Randall were alive today–" Roderick barked out, struggling to pull the cane away from Alex. "If Randall were alive today, he would hate you as much as I do!" Alex shouted out; his eyes set in a harsh glare towards his father. Roderick pushed back, away from his son, and the resulting momentum caused Roderick to fly back and crack his skull open on the glass sphere with a sickening crunch.

Anya wheezed quietly, her punctured lungs struggling to grasp air. Dream's gaze snapped to her, worry filling his eyes, before he locked gazes with Alex. The younger boy stepped up to the glass sphere, as if in a trance. Dream leaned forward, pressing his hand against the glass as Alex copied his actions.

Behind Alex, the guards ran over to Burgess, to check on him, but the old man was dead already. When one of them noticed what Alex was doing, they called out to him, trying to pull him away. Alex wasn't listening, he tuned them all out.

Anya looked on, eyes silently pleading and hoping that Alex would set Dream free. She didn't even think or care about herself. She had this pull in her chest that she couldn't figure out, she just wanted him safe, wanted him free. Her eyes drifted down to Dream's wrist, and for the first time, she noticed something she hadn't before.

There on his wrist was a solid black marking in the shape of an ankh.

Anya let out a quiet gasp, her eyes wide as she looked at the marking. Her mind drifted to the one on her neck. It couldn't be... She thought, not believing her eyes.

She was cut out from her thoughts when the guard finally broke Alex out of his trance, making the boy step away from the glass sphere. Away from Dream. "I need to think." Alex muttered out, before he walked out of the basement, leaving the guards with his father's corpse.

A few days go by before Alex comes back down. Anya hadn't moved from her spot on the ground, the pain would become nearly too much if she moved. Dream kept his eyes on her, an indescribable pull in his chest made him worry for her safety.

When Alex came in with someone new, the guards were slightly shocked, but let them in anyway. "They haven't moved. He's been watching her the whole time." One of the guards informed Alex. Alex nodded, before taking his guest's hand and walking with him up to Dream's sphere.

"My god...Alex..." The newcomer said. Anya's eyes drifted over to them, narrowing into a glare as she laid there, the pain in her lungs had long since gone dull, her ribs slowly forming back together and healing. "Paul, meet our unwilling guests." Alex said, gesturing to the two. Anya growled lowly, her eyes shifting to their golden color as she forced herself to sit up. "What are they?" Paul asked, breathless and mildly horrified. "He is Dream of the Endless. I'm not sure what she father called her a god, but I don't know if that's true. She certainly doesn't seem very godly." Alex answered. Just you wait...this collar may have drained my powers, but they're coming back. Slowly but surely. Anya thought, holding back a smug grin.

Anya and Dream both ignored the two as they came and went over the next fifty years, begging and pleading with Dream not to harm them if they sent him free. It always made Anya scoff. Giving him a conditional freedom. It made Alex just like his father in that regard.

Finally, Alex came down one last time with Paul. Both had gotten very much older while Dream and Anya hadn't changed a bit. Alex pleaded with Dream one last time, before giving up and announcing he wouldn't come back down. Paul helped Alex to his wheelchair before wheeling him away.

The two guards began talking amongst themselves, not noticing as Anya lifted a hand to her chains. The shadows around her curved and slithered up her body. Her veins turned black, and the entirety of her eyes shined completely golden. A malicious grin spread across her face, revealing sharp teeth.

Dream's gaze drifted over to her, his head tilting as he watched her stand up, pulling the chain taught. Her hands flexed as her muscles thickened, her skin turning a midnight black. The hair along her arms thickened as she began to get taller. Her back hunched over as she fell to all fours. Her form shifted from human into canine. Black fur ran along her body, her eyes still glowed golden, her great maw was opened, showing her shining white teeth as she snarled violently, her tail wagging threateningly. The collar around her neck snapped, the metal falling to the ground with a mighty clang.

The two guards jumped up, shocked at what they were looking at. The elephant-sized black jackal barked viciously, the sound echoing through the basement. "What-What the fuck is that thing?!" One of the guards shouted out. They both whipped out their guns, their hands trembling in fear. Dream watched on, astounded at what was happening. "St-Stay back, monster!" The second guard cried out.

Anya took a step forward, her massive paws stomping into the concrete. Her golden eyes narrowed as she took another step forwards, towards the glass sphere Dream was in. The guards pulled back on their triggers, firing bullets into the great beast. Anya didn't flinch as a bullet entered her flesh, but she did bark loudly once again. The force of her bark sent the guards flying into the wall behind them.

Anya's head swung to face Dream, her golden eyes softening at her cell mate. She walked over to the sphere, the cage almost like a large toy ball compared to her size now. She looked into the Dream Lord's eyes, before she bent down and used her muzzle to scoop water out of the moat and dump it onto the binding circle, washing the golden paint away.

Dream breathed out a gasp of relief as she felt his power trickling in. But he still needed to get out of the sphere. Anya tilted her head, as if understanding this, before she opened her massive maw and positioned it over the glass sphere. Dream flinched slightly as she closed her jaw, her long, dagger-like teeth piercing through the glass, cracking it with her strength.

Anya backed away as the glass shattered, and Dream's power burst forth in the form of a massive, blinding portal. Her energy spent, Anya's eyes flickered back and forth from gold to brown, her form shrinking as her fur shed from her body.

She lost consciousness as her powers left her, leaving her bare naked in her human form. Dream lunged forwards, catching her before she hit the ground.

The King of Nightmares felt his heart stutter for a moment as he felt her body against his. He felt desire and need pulse through his veins, but he pushed the feelings aside. He needed to get back to The Dreaming. He needed to get her to safety.

Dream entered through the portal into The Dreaming, his grip tight on the girl in his arms. Dream felt relief as soon as he fell back onto the sand, his power working quickly to cover himself in his usual clothes. He let his eyes drift shut as he let his power surround Anya, the sand forming a floor length silk black dress with gold trim.

"Sir! Sir!"

Dream's eyes fluttered open as the sound of footsteps grew closer. He pulled Anya closer to himself as a hand touched his shoulder. "My Lord?" The familiar voice spoke again. Dream's gaze slowly drifted to the familiar sight of his trusted librarian. "It's me... It's Lucienne." She whispered, clutching onto his shoulder. "Lucienne..." Dream whispered out, relief overcoming him.

Lucienne helped him stand, leaving Anya on the ground for a moment. His gaze dropped to his unconscious savoir, before he quickly bent down and slipped his arms under her legs and back, holding her tight to his chest. "Who is she, My Lord?" Lucienne asked, looking at the woman and how he held her protectively. "Her name is Anya. Our captors believed her to be a god. She saved me." He said quietly. Lucienne's eyes widened as she looked down at the sleeping woman.

"And what do you believe, sir?" Lucienne asked, looking back up to the King of Dreams. "I don't know what she could be...but I'm going to find out." Dream stated, his starry eyes soft as he looked at her peaceful face.


Anya's eyes shot open as she sat up with a gasp. She immediately regretted her actions as a burning pain made itself known on her side. She winced, clenching her teeth as she gingerly put her hand to her side, feeling her blood soaking the fabric of her dress. Her mind flashed back to the guards shooting her as she broke Dream out of his cage.

Anya looked around the room she was in, frowning when she noticed that it seemed to be a broken down and crumbling bedroom. She glanced down at her apparel, furrowing her brow as she didn't recognize the dress she was wearing, although it was a beautiful dress.

Anya clenched her jaw when her pain increased slightly as she inched her way off the comfortable bed. As her bare feet hit the cold stone floor, she shivered slightly, before she made her way over the rubble on the ground and to the door of the room.

Anya pushed the door open, only to come face to face with a slightly shorter woman with pointed ears. The woman blinked at Anya in surprise, before a smile crossed her face. "Oh, you're awake. Thank goodness." She sighed out. "Uhm...where am I? And who are you?" Anya asked politely, not trying to be rude. "My name is Lucienne, and you are in The Dreaming." The woman informed her. Anya's shoulders sagged in relief. "And the Dream Lord? Is he alright?" She asked Lucienne, concerned for the Endless. Lucienne's smile softened, touched by the woman's concern. "He's alright, a bit weak from his time away, but he's resting at the moment before he summons the Fates to help him get his tools back."

Anya nodded at the information, reaching a hand up and pulling her hair back behind her shoulders. "If I may..." Lucienne started, catching Anya's attention, who nodded for her to continue. "The way my lord acted around you, the way he held you... is there something between you two?" Lucienne asked quietly, as if she were afraid that Dream was just around the corner.

Anya's cheeks flushed a bright red at the woman's words. "N-No, there isn't anything romantic between us." Anya stuttered out, shaking her head. Lucienne's eyes drifted to her neck, before they widened, and she gasped. "My have a soul marking!" Lucienne gasped out. Anya winced at her words, her hand reaching up to curl around her necklace, before she remembered that Burgess had taken it from her. "Is Lord Morpheus..." Lucienne didn't finish her sentence, her eyes trained on the taller woman.

Anya sighed out, dropping her gaze to the ground. "I think he is...but he doesn't know it." She revealed. Lucienne frowned at her words, pursing her lips. "May I ask why you haven't told him?" Anya frowned at Lucienne. "We didn't exactly have a moment alone to talk. Besides, why would an Endless want a useless demigod as a soulmate?" Anya said with a sad sigh. Lucienne's eyes widened. "You're a demigod?" Lucienne asked her, wishing she had found Anya's dream journal before running into her.

"I am, indeed. My mother was mortal, my father is a god." Anya said, before she let out a gasp. "My father!" She cried out in a panic, before darting away from Lucienne. Lucienne gasped, following after her. "My lady, where are you going?" She called out, running after Anya as fast as she could.

Anya didn't answer her as the demigod tried to find her way through the decrepit castle. "My lady, please!" Lucienne tried again. "I need to get out of here before my father brings his wrath down on The Dreaming!" Anya cried out, turning a corner sharply.

Anya let out a yelp as she crashed into something sturdy, warm hands slipped around her waist to catch her. The demigod looked up and let out a quiet gasp when she locked her brown eyes onto Dream's bright, star filled ones. "Are you alright?" He asked, his voice low as he spoke. Anya gulped; her hands pressed against his chest. She blinked up at him, lost in his eyes, before her brain registered his question and she cleared her throat, moving to step away.

Dream's arms tightened around her, not letting her go anywhere.

"I-I was trying to figure out how to get back to the Waking World before my father figures out where I am." Anya explained. Dream tilted his head, his gaze curious. "Your father?" He questioned. "Yes, I'm sure he noticed my absence when the collar was put on me, and when it broke off, I released a spike of power that would've caught his attention." Anya explained hastily. Dream was still confused by her words. "In any case, I need to get back into the Waking World before–"

Anya was cut off as the ground beneath the trio shook violently, causing more of the castle to crumble. Dream tightened his grip on her, his eyes darkening as he glared out towards the direction of the gates. "We have a visitor." He said darkly, a frown on his face. "Oh no..." Anya whispered out. Dream looked down into her chocolate gaze.

"My father is here."


Dream, Anya, and Lucienne all made their way towards the trembling gates. As the trio approached the gates, they could hear snarling on the other side as the creature began pounding violently on the gates. "My lord, are you sure you're equipped to handle this?" Lucienne asked, worry shining in her eyes. Dream glanced at Lucienne before his gaze landed on Anya. A feeling of protectiveness swirled in his chest as he gazed at the demigod. He would keep her safe, no matter the cost.

"Stay behind me." The Dream Lord ordered, before holding out his hand and allowing the gates to open. "Dream, please–" Anya tried, but she was cut off as Dream gently pushed her behind his back. The King of Nightmares took in a deep breath as the gates opened fully, allowing him to see the beast at his door.

A man four feet taller than Dream glared down at him with bright, golden eyes. His skin was tan, and golden bracers were latched around his upper arms, just above his elbows. He wore no shirt, showing off his thick muscles. A blue and gold skirt was around his waist, and he wore simple, gold sandals. However, instead of a normal head, he had the head of a black jackal. The inside of his ears was golden, and he had golden eyebrows and eyeliner painted on his canine head. His lips were pulled back in a vicious snarl, showing off his sharp, canine teeth.

"Anubis..." Dream whispered out, his eyes wide.

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