Chapter 15: Truthful Lies

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October 5, 2021- October 20, 2021


"Lies were created to hide truths. Doesn't that indicate that the lies are initially built on a solid wall of truth, which eventually collapses against its war with guilt of a good person, or the wrath of an evil person?"

I left the examination hall, with dread flowing in my veins. During my med school years, every exam was a step closer in the journey of saving lives. However, this one single exam defined my position as a protector- and being the protector of this generation meant salvaging the entire humanity. I couldn't help but think that if I were to fail, I would become normal once more, and a witnesser for an unknown supernova.

I took cooper and decided to go for a walk with him, in an attempt to wash the aftermath of the lingering terror. I strolled, reaching the site where my ears first heard that beautiful melody playing. While the music wasn't there anymore, the sound of the flowing water and crickets gave an alluring sense of tranquillity. Suddenly, a dashing figure interrupted my prolonged gaze, radiating agitation and anguish. I went up to Louis, wondering the cause of his arched eyebrows.

"Louis, hold on. What happened?"

"Nothing, don't worry about it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Yes, I am," he stuttered, walking past me.

I left the Kingdom's boundaries to call Ellena and ensure she landed safely. I requested her to take care of the kids with the excuse that I'll go visit Aunt Olivia's sister in another city. She knew I was lying. The excuses I gave deviated every day from the truth, but they were the only thing I could silence her suspicions with- temporarily. But, the truth is, the Kingdom achieved its mission and dragged me into its endless lopes. I didn't want to return.

Suddenly, the probe sent an alert. I opened the notification, to be taken by the surprise of having an appointment with a doctor called Lina. I instantly went to the Kingdom's main hospital, Silver Lake Hospital, and questioned the receptionist, who was in fact a robot. It automatically answered that Doctor Lina's office was on floor 2.

I knocked on the door and entered.

"Good Morning Aryn," she instantly said.

"Good morning. The probe notified me that we have a meeting."

"You're right. Have a seat and I'll explain everything to you."

I sat on the black chair. It was an enormous lab, with white tiles and walls. Almost every test was carried out automatically by machines, computers and robots. I could see thousands of processes being loaded and completed at the same instant on all screens. Microscopes were about the same size as the modern ones I know. Except they could carry out triple the tasks. The samples were autonomously placed on glass slides in turn- almost like a mass production- and each result took about two seconds to be displayed on the screen connected to the right-hand side of the microscope.

"Firstly, I am your assigned doctor. That means I'll be carrying your Blood Reflection test, and I'll be the first to be notified in case your probe rings for an emergency."

"I am really sorry, but what is a Blood Reflection test?"

"That's in chapter 44 section 5 of the Rules of Death book, as far as I'm concerned. In short, I'll have a sample of your blood drawn. I'll then add a special chemical, designed by our experts, called L45. There are two outcomes if L45 is added to your blood. One, your blood will not react if you're not in love. Or two, your blood will turn blue if you fell in love," she replied.

"As for your option two, there's a scale where the shade of blue will be compared to. If it's just a 1-3 score, you'll be disregarded with the supervision of the Sollicita Ghosts* - which are invisible creatures sent by Sereveth to watch over someone they suspected as an offender in Rizolir, or a spy on their land,"

"But, if it's 4-9 , you'll be directed to a special mind reader machine- M Lecito. The blood sample is first added to it, then it plays the memories of the past four months and gives an alert of when the Lumini developed the intense blue shade."

"Based on those memories, measures will be taken to imprison both or either of you in the court of Sereveth. Lastly, if it's a scale 10, that indicates that there's a relationship and you'll be well, executed immediately," she continued.

"By execution you mean? Like getting sent to serevth for revival?"

"Yes, but alive."

"But, why are there so many complications? The war will only begin again if there's an heir. What if the protectors simply didn't want children?" I asked.

"If protectors are to love and marry, at least one of them will want to have kids, and they're certainly bound to have children at the slightest possibilities. The former princess Luna placed this rule to cut out all possibilities threatening her throne at the time," she answered.

"Anyway, let's proceed to the test, shall we?"

She led me to another room- still in the same laboratory, with a gigantic automated door. Doctor Lina placed her thumb on the fingerprint scanner and after a few seconds, chemicals and potions were all that the eyes could see. Many robots were organizing the bottles, taking samples and analyzing them, all while sending the results through computers. It wasn't difficult to tackle those details, because there were tens of robots and more operations running in a relatively constricted room.

The scent was antiseptic as if sterilizers became a part of the air. It was relatively quiet, except for the moving robotic arms and the spinning centrifuges. Under normal conditions, the sound would've been unbearable but everything was so robust. I sat down on a thick metallic chair, which held many control buttons. Doctor Lina proceeded to another chair, behind a table full of tubes. A robot came and scanned where my veins were, using the technology of its eyes. It then took a syringe from the table opposite to me and drew blood, just like a human did. Except, he wasn't one.

In a swift motion, the robot handed the test tube to the Doctor. However, there wasn't a robot carrying out the test, and adding the L45. I walked towards her and watched as she placed one drop of the elixir on a small dish. In no more than a minute, the machines displayed the results and all that Doctor Lina had to do was press send.

"If you don't mind me asking, to who are those results sent? And why isn't an automated robot carrying out this job?"

"To the Queen of Sereveth. And for your second question, imagine robots analyzing love emotions. It just doesn't make sense," she laughed.

I stared at the results. Scale 0, and I knew those results won't ever change.

The next morning, I headed to the house to see Mia and Layla. I placed Cooper in the garden and entered. I've immersed myself in studying those twenty chapters and succeeded. However, there were compromises, and I neglected the girls. But, the only burden I felt was the constant guilt I had when I stared into their eyes. It was 7:00 in the morning when I arrived, a few minutes before Ellena was to leave for work.

"Aryn! Where have you been! Do you think I'm stupid to believe your excuses?! You leave late at night and return in the early mornings. Sometimes you disappear for the whole day and I'd be obliged to take Layla with me to work. Where are you going to! What's happening!"

"I'd rather keep that to myself. As for Layla, I know she's burdening you but I'm obliged to do what I'm doing. I promise I'll find a solution soon."

"You know very well this isn't about Layla. And it is my business when I see that-"

"Ellena please, I seriously can't hear your lectures now. Go to your work or whatever you have to do for now. We'll continue this later." I fiercely replied.

Ellena looked at me with widened eyes, a defeated look, which is given to traitors. She stormed out, slamming the door behind her. I looked at her through the window before she left, to see a tear falling from her hazel eyes. Mia was with her, holding her hand- comforting her- when it was my job. All my words felt right a few minutes ago, but in a moment I was drowning in my regret.

I held Layla's tiny fingers, who immediately slept after feeding her. After a few hours, it was time to leave, and Ellena came yet again. But, the defeated stare never left her eyes.

"Look, Ellena. I'm sorry. It's just I'm going through very tough times."

"I'll continue taking care of Layla and Mia, but not for you. It's 'cause you're not worthy of taking care of them, and it's such a shame if they slip away," she replied.

"You don't realize it. But you're crossing all boundaries. Everyone has a private life and I understand that. But I work in criminal forensics, I see criminals every day- and I know how they start being ones. I'm literally watching you drag yourself into endless darkness, but I can't convince you in any way," she continued.

"What do you mean Ellena? Go ahead, throw your accusations. That I am a criminal? "

"You're leaving every night, you don't return for days or in the early mornings. You lost your job, and you've been banned from practising medicine. And crime isn't something you didn't do. You spent one year in jail. Not to mention, your fiance-" she shouted.

"Stop right there! Do you know me like that! A criminal! What nonsense are you saying?! You know what, I won't even bother anymore. I don't wanna reply with words I will regret later," I boldly replied.

"Yeah, of course, stay silent. It's your talent at this point. Isn't silence what got you to jail in the first place? There's something that happened, and you couldn't confess."

"Ellena I can't tell you. I wish I can, but there isn't much I can do. I- I need to leave now."

"You have three days. If you don't tell me, I will file a complaint and take those kids away from you. They already suffered and faced horrible crimes with Ethan and you will trigger their pain," she answered as I opened the door.

"You ARE unbelievable."

I stared at her blankly, before leaving again into what she called a crime. The secrets I held became vines covered in thorns, engulfing my entire body. What if she knew? A crystal will fall off the kingdom's door, investigations will be filed to discover her, and she'll be taken and interrogated until she confesses who told her. According to the time it took to discover her, they will give her a potion to wipe the certain time interval off her brain- whether a week, a month or even a year. I'll probably go to jail for a year or two, and I'll come out to find a person who doesn't recall anything- a normal person.


Two weeks passed, and Ellena continued looking after the girls, while I tried avoiding her. Avoidance turned into lies, and lies eventually turned into truths I wanted to believe until I did. The danger arises when those lies become a part of us. And when they decide to leave, mysteries finally emerge.

Amidst the scandals and lies, it was finally due to the meeting (Withdrawal and Unity). Devlin came to my dorm to give me the costume I was supposed to wear. It was a formal black suit, with a one-buttoned blazer and a white shirt. According to the invitation, the meeting was to take place in the main hall of Clifton Castle (C), in the presence of King Ulric and the Queen Consort, Mary.

The main objective of the meeting was to choose a partner to work with on specific research. The research would then have to be presented at the ceremony of 'Future' which took place a few months after the Withdrawal and Unity meeting.
In every generation of protectors, the exact date of the Withdrawal and Unity event is decided when all of them have completed the test, and their orange pearls would have to be scanned at the door to grant entrance.

When I entered the assigned door, the robot didn't ask for the pearl. It bowed and went on to Louis. He and all the others handed their pearl. I couldn't understand why I was excepted and reluctantly proceeded after the robot granted the entrance. The castle was medieval and lavish. Its roof was filled with intricate drawings of war, probably that of King Zolar and Princess Luna. Gold carvings were engulfing the walls. The main hall was vast, making people look like ants if viewed from above.

The smell was of flourishing flowers- roses and jasmine- and others I couldn't identify. There was a faint sound of bells ringing, which faded as soon as the steps of the King and Queen Consort echoed through the halls.

"We're gathered here on behalf of the unity of all the five protectors. This day is one of the most important days of the Kingdom's generation, in which we can evaluate the capabilities of each protector."

"Now, the withdrawal ceremony will begin. We've aligned the members in four rows. So please, let the first and third rows proceed and grab a name from the glass bowl in front of their respective lanes. The name each person will withdraw will represent the partner he or she will work with until the Future event."

Being in the first row, I proceeded to notice the organized lines, with everyone walking as though we were in the military. The King sat after finishing his words, and all that could be heard were the balanced steps along with the faint breaths. I grabbed a random piece of paper. Whatever name had a chance of 1/24. But perhaps, the name chosen didn't depend much on probability but on destiny. Of course, it was non-other than Louis.

"And now you may proceed towards your partners."

I headed toward Louis and handed him the paper on which his name was bold, who couldn't hide the look of surprise on his face.

"I must be extremely lucky," he said sarcastically.

We both headed out, at about noon, surrounded by a calm breeze which counteracted the hot rays of the sun.

"You do know what I'll choose as a research topic, right?" I asked him.

"No, not really."

"My topic will be saving Earth, and I'm not working on any other one."

"You want us to be humiliated. There's no way I'm doing this topic with you."

"We'll see about that later. I have to go now," I replied.

It was time for the first appointment with the psychologist. I was glad that I'd be able to talk to someone about everything I couldn't tell Ellena, but there was tightness in my chest, reflecting unexplainable worry and dismay.

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