Chapter 8: Dissolved Words

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September 19,2021

"There are always explanations. What matters is their value. Are they capable of twisting fate?"


"Aryn, are you fine?" Ellena inquired in a worried voice.

"Yes, yes. I am just...very tired. I need some rest."

"Ethan, you can go home. I'll drive Aryn. We're neighbours anyway. When she feels better, I promise that she'll see you again," Ellena assured Ethan.

He nodded, not daring to reply. As I entered the car, confusion and pain circled his brown eyes. Guilt burned my heart as he left, with a shattered soul. This was only the beginning of the book's power. Only a few pages were able to control my actions. I felt afraid, as sweat dripped down my forehead. Although it was difficult to acknowledge, 'Rules of Death', was my second prison. One which I had no explanation for, nor knew my release date.

"Aryn, I know prison must have been exhausting. But, did you have to treat Ethan this way? He suffered a lot while you were away. He remained faithful to you, and at the end, you just push him away like that?" she exclaimed.

"I don't know. I don't know Ellena. I'm very confused and lost," I answered.

"What do you mean?" she asked in bewilderment.

She sighed, pressing the breaks. As I looked to the shimmering sun dancing between the clouds, relief spread through my thoughts. The rich smell of the car's leather reminded me of everything I forgot in prison. Nothing changed on the rough roads, except for some new franchised shops. Farmers harvested the coloured crops as they wiped their sweat, and their hard work wasn't any less.

After a long ride, we arrived in the neighbourhood. Although not much changed in the city, everything was different in the district. The little houses became empty and put for sale. The flourishing flowers were now dead, and only a few citizens remained. But, all of them were neighbours who couldn't afford to go to another house. As they witnessed my face, they looked away in shame. They pretended to water what's left from the rotten flowers as if it seemed real.

"Ellena, what happened? Only a single year passed. Where did everyone go?" I stated in a sorrowful voice.

She didn't reply, and her eyes looked down, escaping mine. Suspicion grew more as she breathed heavily, and turned away. As I opened the squeaking door, dust particles flew in all directions. Everything was left intact. Opening the curtains, little birds flew around each other. But, something felt odd. This place wasn't the same anymore. It didn't feel cold or lonely, but empty and covered in old rubbish.

"Ellena, you didn't answer my question."

Her lips were sealed, and her hands were tangled in fear. She didn't speak, and the air got thicker each second.

"Why are you silent!"I exclaimed.

"They left because you were coming, alright! They don't believe that you didn't kill Liam Benjamin! They left a few months ago, and only those who didn't have enough money to leave stayed! There's a better neighbourhood they were offered at a much cheaper price. It is a project by that Doctor Fredrick and- some other businessmen- and he convinced them all to leave! He kept pressuring them, and they agreed."

No words dared to escape my frozen lips. I walked silently towards the door, with a heavy heart. I wanted to scream in the highest voice I had. With shivers, and nails embedded into my palms, I continued to stroll, unaware of how to act. Was the kingdom the solution and the problem? No one was willing to accept me anymore, and only those protectors were willing to do so.

"Lost much?"

"What are you doing here?" I exclaimed.

"Did you think that the last time we'll meet was in that filthy street? Even if you don't admit it, the kingdom is the only escape you have. Can't you see that no one is even looking at you?" Louis implied.

"Stay away from me! And we both know that only a few words will be enough to put you in the same position!"

"Even if that kingdom and your stupid fantasies were my only escape, I'd not even step near it," I fiercely replied.

"If they were stupid fantasies, why didn't you just say the truth? Those fantasies have so much power that you already became part of them."

"Look behind you. You don't have a choice," he answered in a whispering voice.

There were many guards behind him, not giving me a choice to object. My fist tightened, almost drawing blood from my palms. Revenge and acrimony blinded my heart and eyes as I saw him standing with pride. Obligation, confusion, sorrow, and hatred trapped me in an endless cycle. Many emotions fought inside me in an endless war as I tried to analyze my surroundings.

Not having an option, I entered his car in what seemed like an eternity. We passed through endless roads, full of obstacles. There were two guards neatly dressed seated beside me. I was without handcuffs, staring at the falling sun. With no power left to fight against them, I followed their orders. At this moment, nothing felt worse than obligation and humiliation.

After hours, he finally stopped. I didn't have the will to turn or even look at whatever place it was. Although this place was my escape from the rest of the world's envious eyes, I remained still in my place. Everything proceeded slowly, as the guards and Louis got out silently.

"Young woman, won't you get out of the car already? We aren't joking in here."

I was trying to hold in my exasperation, as he waited impatiently for me to leave with him. I didn't want to leave with him, or have an association with the kingdom. I didn't know whether I believed him or not, but anger blinded every decision and thought of mine.

Staring at his eyes with irritation, I told him,  
"I never agreed to come here. Remember?"

"It wasn't a choice for you to agree or not. Get out of the car, and make me finish this task."

Before responding, he left towards a gigantic door. The borders had emerald, rubies and sapphires engraved in an impossible pattern. Even from a distance, it shone so brightly like a path to heaven. The wooden carvings spread evenly through every inch to describe their history- in the simplest of details. The war of Queen Luna and Adria- I've read in the book- was carefully drawn in a dazzling performance.

"Only the official citizens of the kingdom can see what you're seeing. A passerby will just see a desert full of debris. Anyway, place your finger on this scanner."

When astonishment filled my thoughts and mind, the door opened slowly, revealing a world I never knew existed. The ground was of damp grass, of a very dark shade of green. There was an uncountable number of people lined up with fierce faces. They reminded me of how the doctors lined up to discuss their ideas when a very difficult case occurred. This land, and those people, triggered the past, present, and future all in mere seconds, and left speechless recalling every memory.

For a second, the feeling of revenge faded against the mystic trees enveloping the central lake. I wasn't sure if this was an illusion or a dream. But, whatever it or my feelings were, I wanted it to last. I wanted time to stop and for me to observe every little structure covered in immense elegance.

"Welcome to the kingdom, Aryn. I am really sorry for the harsh circumstances you had to go through to reach here. I know there isn't much of a return, but I hope you become a faithful part of this kingdom. I am Gaina, one of the five protectors. It'll be hard to adapt at first, but it'll become so much easier once you know how everything works," she said in a calming voice.

"This kingdom accepts no faults. Behind so much beauty are fierce rules you have to abide by, Aryn. There isn't much you can do about the past. But, the future of this Earth depends on you and us. I am Samuel, by the way."

I remained silent, unaware if it was beauty or hatred preventing me from talking. But, Giana's voice kept ringing again and again in my ear. Although her words were soothing, they hid the harsh voice that declared me as one of them. That phone call never quit my thoughts for a second. Behind her soft voice, memories of that night raced in front of my eyes.

On the other hand, Samuel's word portrayed nothing but strictness. He didn't have the caring-sympathetic look Gaina had. It was clear that he wanted an organized structure-and he saw me as a threat. I never met or heard him. But something about his hoarse voice was familiar. Searching through every thought, I tried to remember his dark eyes. But I soon quit, returning back to reality. This was impossible, I thought.

"We've been searching for you for five years. Honestly, I was expecting you to have that queen-attitude. But, you're as silent as fish."

Raising my eyebrow, my eyes focused on her envious eyes. She didn't look like anyone in the kingdom, but rather an exception. Her dress was a luxurious white, unlike the simple cloths everyone wore. Her words didn't feel as balanced as either Giana or Samuel, but of someone who didn't have the responsibility to be part of Rizolir.

"Fish are stupid. Sorry, not sorry, but I am a very honest person."

"Devlin, go back to your dorm. Right now," Aunt Giana sighed.

Aunt Giana patted me on the shoulder, assuring that this was her attitude. While uncle Samuel had the same mad frown, the guards behind were trying to hold their laughter in a failed mission. Before I realized it, Aunt Giana gave them the death stare, making them blush. I felt a sense of victory as well as humiliation.

"Anyway. Louis, teach Aryn everything she has to know. It's quite complex, and she won't be able to understand everything on her own."

"Excuse me! Aunt Gaina, with all due to respect, you and Uncle Samuel are the oldest protectors. It's usually your task to teach new-comers. I ain't fond of her either," Louis responded, in an annoyed voice.

"Young man, Gaina and I specifically asked the kingdom's authorities. We both travel frequently, due to the nature of our missions, and we don't have time. If you continue arguing in this manner, you will only find the King consort and Queen."

In a second, the pleasant atmosphere turned into an aggressive argument. I watched silently, not daring to speak. My blood boiled just imagining him being my teacher. I wasn't asked to express my opinion, but I knew Louis wouldn't agree. Although this gave me a sense of relief, it didn't kill the feeling of exclusion I sensed.

When there was nothing left to say, Aunt Gaina and Uncle Samuel dissolved silently into what the kingdom hid beyond. Besides the guards, everyone disappeared. When I looked around, it was only him standing, giving me the death stare.  With confidence and pride, he looked to the darkness on the other side. The confusion was clear on his face, as his eyes narrowed, gazing at me.

"Sit," he stated, as he took a deep breath.

"Do you really think I'd listen to you? If you were the only teacher left on Earth, I'd still not sit."

He couldn't respond. Instead, he closed his eyes in despair and raised his head towards the stars. Seconds passed, and he was still facing the sky without movement. Suddenly, he came back to reality, staring at me in anger. He began scrambling through his pockets, trying to avoid contact with me.

"I should at least tell you the basics, and act like a mature grown-up. Someone should do it," he sighed.

"Anyway, this is a probe. It isn't the probe you see in hospitals, but it's similar. It's a tiny red ball you place on one of your wrists. This monitors all your vitals. In case of an accident, it will ring, alarming the ghost team of the nearest hospital to your location. Then, an ambulance will come to rescue. You are not allowed to take it off. Otherwise, an alarm will reach the kingdom within 5 minutes. So, you pretty much will have 5 minutes to place it back onto your wrist," he explained.

He then handed me the little probe with caution. It was embedded in a black bracelet. I wrapped it around my wrist, where the red ball was in contact with my lower wrist. Then, it displayed a white text, asking me to place my finger on the white space provided. Confused, I lowered my thumb, and almost instantly heard a clicking voice. The probe was finally firmly attached, and glowing like a firefly, before shutting down again.

"What is a ghost team?"

"In every hospital, there's a team of doctors and surgeons who know the truth about the nature of our blood type. They are allowed to treat us safely in case of an emergency, without exposure."

"Seems like a failed system. After all, I treated you when you had that car accident."

"That was intended. You'll realize later how and why, but for now, we have a much more important matter to discuss," he continued.

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