Day 1

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The retired hero was taking a stroll in the woods. He was a way away from home. He was taking in the scenery. Trees glowing to the warm breeze, Beaded plait of hair, longer than his short cut hair, reaching his chest, swaying with them. Birds Tweeting. The odd Fairy. It felt Homely.

What he would least expect is to hear a odd whirring abouve him, and someone fall On him

"Huh? Argh!" He grunted as he was squashed by Whatever, or whoever fell on him.

He got up and groaned. The now identifiable person still lay on the ground groaning and moaning in agony. They had short blonde - Ginger hair with longer strands at the front. They had light green clothes, knee high boots, a white cloak and a shiny, easily Recognizable yet traumatic blade on their back.

The ex-hero grinded his teeth and grabbed the person by the collar, Liting them up from the ground. The person looked shocked at the man's expression and pleaded for mercy as a sword was drawn to his throat.

"WHO ARE YOU AND HOW DID YOU GET THAT BLADE?!" The older male spat in the youngers face. He had a more noticeable  upper lip and some Natural looking eyeliner.

"U-uh my name is Link and I was granted this blade!" The person cracked out. The armoured male dropped the man in shock as his breath got caught in his throat.

"HOW ARE YOU HERE? WHY DO YOU HAVE MY NAME?!" The armoured shouted in Anger, Confusion and shock.

Just then, another person was dropped. They landed awkwardly but not on anyone. They had a red tunic and a hat. They appeared to have no trousers and a pink strand in their also blonde hair.

Now both males, and the shorter where confused. Then again, someone else arrived. They had a portal now on the ground. None of the men arrived throguh the same portal.

The new one seemed young. Around 14. He had short fluffy blonde hair, big black doe eyes and a long sea blue tunic with white embroidery.

Then another person arrived.

They had a grass green tunic with slightly browner hair. They had dark brown trousers.

Then Four people arrived. One was quite tall, they had browner hair and whipped up the same as the Armoured man. They had some odd patterns on their face and fur on his shoulders. He wore a light blue corset and a artifactual necklace.

Another was someone who had knights Armour in some places. Nearly invisible chainmail under a tunic, covered by a royal blue scarf. Some armour on the shoulder and shoes.

In addition, There was someone who had a green bandana and a multicoloured tunic. They had their hair shoulder length and well kept. He had some burn scars and black smudging but nothing major.

The final of the three was someone with long hair in the front and a long ponytail in the back. They had a grey Cape and a blue tunic. They had noticeable burn scars on his face and a odd device on his hip.

Everyone was confused and just inspecting eachother and their different looks. Noone dared to speak.

"Umm. Who are you all? Where am I?" The light blue tunic said. All looked confused, but they all shared one thing. They knew exactly what one of them was welding as a weapon

"How on Hylia do you have the Master Sword?" The red tunic guy asked.

"Oh um, I was given it?" The one in question replied. Soon, everyone was bombarding eachother with questions.

The once quiet forest became a questionair game show. The fairies have scattered by now due to the sheer loudness of the men talking over eachother.

"SHUT UP!" The armoured, taller, male shouted. This shut everyone up in a instant.

"From what I've gathered, your all from different time points. Yet we all share the same name." He explained.

"I think we are all a hero. We all share the courage and spirit. Yet from different eras." The 2nd tallest added.

"So if we all share the same Triforce, Same Name, then why on Hylia are we all here?!" The youngest argued.

Chatter arose again as they tried to figure it out. The Ex - Hero got annoyed.

"SILENCE! We need to figure this out! Civilised, not awakening the entire forest! Right, if we are all heroes, theoretically we should all have a title of what we are heroes of. For example, I'm the hero of time." Some looked shocked, some confused. And one angry Hylian.

"You... YOU LEFT US! YOU LEFT OUR PEOPLE TO DIE! HOW COULD YOU?!" The youngest shouted. The man in a blue scarf brought the kid over and made him calm down.

"That's settled lovely. Now. What is your title" He pointed to Red Tunic guy.

"Me? Oh, um. I'm the hero of Legends." He replied. His tone was quite stubborn. The hero of Time nodded and moved around.

"Hero of Hyrule." He stated rapidly.

"Hero of the Four Sword."

"Hero of Twilight"

"Hero of the Wind, sea and... Trains?" The kid responded unwillingly.

"Hero of Warriors"

"Hero of the Wild."

"Hero of the Sky" The final hero recited.

Everyone was shocked.

"Hero of the sky?"

"No way!"

"I've heard of your tales!"

"So you met Hylia?!"

The hero was again bombarded with questions but they died down as the Taller male cleared this throat.

"Hylia has struck again. This time for a reason. Now, we can go round calling eachother 'Link' or it would get too confusing too quickly. So, anyone have any ideas on how we can name ourselves?" He asked.

It was silent for a moment till the shortest, four coloured tunic guy spoke.

"We could name ourselves the title that our Zelda gave? Like the ones we just read out. Like for example, I could be.... Four?" He asked wearily.

The others nodded in agreement

"So I would be.... Twilight? Cool"

"Wild, cool name to be fair"

"Legend I guess."

"Hyrule. That's just awkward..."

"Wind I suppose"

"Warriors. Nice"

"I'll be Time."

"Sky I think"

They all stated sorting it out. Next, was the location. They backed away from the 'why are we here' Question.

"Where exactly are we?" Wild asked, looking at his device questioning and around the environment.

"Well for starters your in my Era. This is a way from Hyrule and Termina. Just some random woods to be honest" Time answered

The group processed the words. All of them where shook up from the avents that previously took place.

"So, I'm guessing we stay together? I have no idea where to go otherwise..." Hyrule said, the group agreeing.

They eventually started moving. After a bit, The sun started to set and night approached. They set up a campfire and sat around it.

"If Hylia has stuck us together, might aswell know more about eachother than just names and titles!" Warriors said trying to light up the full mood

"Rather not" Legend said.

Warriors huffed and changed his position. None of the heroes had beds due to this untimely meeting.

"Fine. I'll go first. You know me as Wind. My entire Hyrule is flooded due to Hylia and her attempt at getting rid of Gannondorf. I have a sister, Aryll. And I'm a Captian in training!" Wind explained.

The heroes looked shocked at the little ones enthusiasm and the things he has done. The heroes where proud

"Nice going little Guy" Wild said, adopting a nickname from a old friend. Wind smiled at the Nickname

"You go next scarface!" Hyrule joked. Wild looked a bit taken back and hurt by the nickname but pushed that down

"Sure. You know me as Wild, not scarface. And I seem distant from you all. My Hyrule is 10,000 years different from the last Heroes. And I was 17 when the Calamity struck. I found the master sword, like Wind here, when I Was twelve. I am the Princess's personal knight and have been forced to follow her, everywhere. When the Calamity struck, our Machinery turned against us due to Gannon's power. That's how I got these scars. The lasers they shot where deadly. I lost my life in that battle..." Wild partially explained. But before he could continue, he was interrupted by all the group.

"You died?"

"How are you here?"

"What do you mean Machinery?"

"Are you blind?"

"Do you know who was the last hero?"

He registered some of the questions and eventually shut up the group.

"In answer to some of your questions. Yes I am alive, and well. I was sent into a Shrine of Resurrection where I lay asleep for 100 years. The only price, Memory loss. Then, I wake up and am Blindly sent on tasks I would not rather disclose right now. And I have a brief description of who was last hero...." He thought for a moment. Some heroes got into sleeping positions as the night drew on. Many where tired. "I think the Hero of Twilight." He recalled.

"That would be me." Twilight said. "Now I think we wrap up this conversation and go to sleep. I'll take on night whatch just incase there are any Monsters." He said, the heroes agreed

They all got into positions as Twilight found a rock and perched on top. The group fell asleep one by one as the Moon shone overhead. The moon, to any eye, looked normal. But it had a deep, dark secret the heroes would soon find out...

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