Regaining Part: 2

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(Hey Little jewels!! just wanted to give you all a Big Shout out and say that you Guys are the best!!! Don't Let Anyone Tell You Otherwise, Cause They're Wrong!! Thank you So much for your support, Love, comments and suggestions!! Seriously you Guys over 600 people Have read my story! Thank you, i love you All and I hope that You all Have a Wonderful Christmas in July cause Guys. . . . . ONLY SIX MORE MONTHS UNTIL CHRISTMAS?!?!?!? I so excited!!!! Love ya and enjoy!!!)

((P.S: Just to let you All know these next Chappy's are going to Happen in Memories and over a period of Three months October-December.))

Leo's feelings: I glanced over seeing that Donnie did not want to talk first, neither did Mikey for once. But I understood why, I glanced to my left and found Raph on the other side of Master Splinter glaring at the ground as he tried not to blown up right then and there. I was the leader, so I already knew that it was my turn to speak but for some reason I just couldn't start, no words were coming to my mind. After some time of silence, that with all of the emotions in the room somehow did not feel all that silent, I straightened up and started to speak.

"I just don't understand why none of you came to us sooner? I myself have had secrets, we all have them, but once something even remotely came close to harming my family I always told them or protected them from it. I get that you were all trying to do something nice for us, but . . . . ." I stopped not being able to tell them just how frustrated I was. I was the oldest, I was the leader I was always there for my family and friends.

I looked up as Master Splinter set a hand on my shoulder, "Speak your mind my son." 

Breathing in I continued, "It wasn't worth it! You all said that we mattered to you, and it is the same way for us. You all are so important to us. . . . . You should've told us about this the moment you all came to the lair. We could've started planning and coming up with ways to work together to combat this new threat! We might've been able to help Teddi escape and not even be able to go through what she had to go through!" I stopped as I started to see the girls and their scared sad faces; I closed my eyes realizing that my voice was raising before continuing, "I just . . . . . don't want to see any of you get hurt."

Regaining Leo's trust: Teddi's pov

It was so flipping cold now?! The weather man said that we might see snow by the end of this week?! We usually see snow in like the middle of December maybe the beginning but it was a little more rare to see it in November but not that rare. I shivered and smiled over to the front desk guy as I made my way up home.

I smiled again as I reminded myself for the thousandth time that we were going to have Thanksgiving dinner in just a few hours?!?! I love Thanksgiving, it was one of my favorite holidays ever! It was almost like Valentines day where everyone is like super happy but with Thanksgiving it was for other reasons. I stopped a few feet from the apartment and had a heart attack.

Coming out from the bottom of the door was. . . smoke?!?!? I busted through the door quickly doing a 180 about three times I saw the smoke was coming from the kitchen. As I got closer though a different smile made it's way to my face. There in our kitchen was Leo covered from head to foot in unknown food supplies holding a pot with pooling black smoke out the window while trying to fan it with a dirty pink rag.

"Oh My Shell What Happened?!" Leo jerked his head around only to make me start laughing, half of his face was pounded with flour? His eye was closed the other squinting in surprise as he looked at me still flapping the useless pink rag in the cold November air.

"Teddi?! Uhh Hi?!" He raised his hand in a small wave completely forgetting about the pot, as he hit it on the window sill knocking from his hand. "AHHHHHH!!!!!" lerching forward half his body flew out of the small kitchen window the other half getting stuck in the window as he wiggled around trying to catch hold of the falling burning pot.

When it clanged to the ground I couldn't hold it in anymore as I laughed. It was one of those moments where you so wished you had a camera!!!

"TEDDI?!" Leo yelled kicking his legs around trying to get some grip on the wet/sticky counter.

"Hold on Leo I'm comin, just give me a second." I grinned as I took my phone out.

Leo froze for a second before starting to kick furiously in the air, "YOU BETTER NOT BE TAKING PICTURES?!"

I chuckled, "Don't worry I'm not!"

"I'm sldj ggje Venus isdne jehre to eee tsje. . . . " He muttered slumping a little.

"What did you say Leo?" I smirked, I knew he had said something about Venus not seeing him, but that guy just gave me a great Idea for her Christmas present. I smiled some more as her started to kick again.

"Teddi Get Me Out Of Here?!?!? I'm Freezing!!!" I giggled once more before stopping the video and slipping the phone away. It took a little work but we managed to get him unstuck from the window. He grimaced as he looked to where the pot had landed, surprisingly I think it was still burning.

"Not one word about THIS to the others." he half threatened, but when a crime fighting, ninja turtle says that with half his face covered in flour with other foods splattered on his body. . . . . and was that? I giggled and a apron bottom tucked in his belt, it was kind of hard to take him seriously.

"Whatever ya say chief." I giggled more as I went to close the door. As I went back to the kitchen I found Leo trying to wash the flour from his face by splashing water. 

I smiled and put a hand on his shoulder, "Leo, let me help ya with that."

After we had gotten the place and Leo all cleaned up he went on to tell me about how he had ruined the Stuffing back at home. So not wanting to talk to the others there he came here to try to remake it. Apparently he wasn't very good in the kitchen, cause the fire consumed thing in the pot was the boxed version of Stuffing, the one where you only use water and butter for?! 

I wasn't sure I wanted to ask about how he had gotten egg, flour, syrup and water all over the place. But after seeing the recipe for cookies out and the soupy mess on the cookie tin, I put two and two together. I smiled at the embarrassed turtle as I helped him to redo the recipes.

"Thanks again Teddi." He said while stirring the cookie dough.

I put the lid back down on the Stuffing, not done yet, "No problem Leo, glad I came when I did. can ya imagine the panic that would've happened if someone else had seen that smoke?!" I chuckled coming up with different stories for how that would've happened.

He chuckled and started to scoop the dough on the papered tin like I had shown him, "Yeah that would've been pretty bad."

"Man ya could've ruined Thanksgiving?!" I said while helping him scoop.

"What is so important about Thanksgiving anyways?"

"What do you mean by that?!" I asked.

 He shrugged, "Don't most people just get together to eat pie and tell stories? I mean it's just like usual get together stuff right?" I stared at him, how on earth did he not understand this?! 

He glanced at me once then again as he rolled the last cookie dough ball, nervous he turned towards me, "Uh what did I say?" 

"I get that there are other Holidays but, HOW DO YA NOT KNOW THE IMPORTANCE OF THIS DAY?!?!?!?!" He shrunk back as I continued, "Dude seriously did April or Casey ever teach ya guys?!"

"They did but it wasn't that big of a deal, so . . . I. . . . I don't know?!" I shook my head and snatched up the cookie tin shoving them into the oven. "Why is it so important to you."

I sighed and turned around to face him, "Because it is the only Holiday when my family becomes a real family." He leaned against the counter waiting to hear more, "I have three brothers, my dad, and my mom lives in Florida now. At least that was the last thing we heard from her was that she was living in Florida. My oldest brother is a doctor he has two kids and a soccer mom fer a wife so they are always doing something. The next brother is a lawyer," I frowned at the mention of my brother Tony,  "We don't get along very well. Then the youngest brother who is running the shop with dad but also using his money to travel to concerts and extreme sports competitions so he's not really around much. And Dad is super chill so he doesn't do much."

"That sounds hard." He sympathysized.

I snorted, "It is hard, but it wasn't always hard." I smiled helping Leo to smile too, "Mom divorced Dad when I was like five, it was a very hard summer for Dad and then the school year started and that just made it worse. Until Thanksgiving came around, and us kids got school off. I didn't know it at the time but dad wasn't making enough money at the store and with his part time job for us to have a proper Thanksgiving dinner. He was so. . . sad that he couldn't give us that." I frowned remembering Dad rocking me to sleep while promising to work harder for all of us.

"But the next morning someone rang our doorbell." I said grinning at the memory, "When I went to open it there on the ground was a basket with stuffing, fruits, mashed potatoes, a small apple pie and a already cooked and cut up turkey." I gave Leo another smile, "People talk about having Christmas miracles and things like that, but for me Thanksgiving is more important."

"Did you ever find out who did that for you all?"

"Yes we did, it was my dad's sister and my grandpa. We found out a year later, and after that every year we would celebrate our Thanksgiving with so much happiness and joy in our house. Didn't matter what was happening around us, we would each try our best to make Thanksgiving better for one another. Thanksgiving was my family's favorite holiday. " I looked to my shoes and smirked, "I'm kind of hoping to get those same feelings back this year too?"

Leo smiled and nodded, "You will, because you are a part of our family." 

I smiled and was about to give Leo a hug when, his eyes widened as he yelled, "The cookies are burning?!" 

ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?! I thought as me and him started to flap the smoke out of the window.

Leo coughed and smile at me, "Well I don't think you'll forget this Thanksgiving either?!" He coughed hard and started to flap the dinky towel harder, "And neither will I?!" I couldn't help but laugh again as we came back to where we had started.

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