The Weirdness Doesn't End

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(Let's just get this Chappy out!! Whoo hoo!! Let's do this. . . . .er. . . um fair Warning Just a tad bit Creepy up ahead. . . . Just to let you know.)

??? pov

"If this fails."

"It won't." I stated to the low threatening growl.

He seemed to think it over some more before a smirk made it's way to his face, "It just might work, but it will need a little more added."

I smiled straight back, "Whatever you think will make it more efficient."

Whatever it took to get back to her, I would do . . . . . . High loud laughter suddenly came to my mind. I closed my eyes and listened to another one of my rare and cherished memories.

We were in a park of some sort, and she was right by me, laughing.


I would do anything to get her back, anything at all.

Teddi's Pov

The bell on the door rang faintly as I closed up the skate shop. It had been such a long night, I mean usually we close at eight maybe eight thirty for privileged costumers but this last costumer took forever to choose a bike chain!? I wasn't able to close up until almost. . . wait what time was it anyways? I felt a hiss escape me as my phone read 10:38pm.

I was so miffed that I decided to skate home instead, it's not like the apartment was far away or anything, just a few blocks is all. It was a bit chilly so I had some black leggings, a dark pink tank top with matching beanie and a jean jacket. As I stood on my board I let my thoughts turn back to the guy, GOSH he was SO annoying!! He kept asking the same questions over and over again, and would act dumb every time I used one of my hints. I must've used twenty 'go away' hints on him before, "Ya know what screw costumer service, it's time for ya ta leave." 

Okay I didn't say it like that but I sure wish I had now. I turned a  corner and came to a stop waiting for a walk sign to turn on. I thought that by skating home I would be able to clear my mood but I guess not?! I smiled, maybe me and Mikey could go out and skate, he would help cheer me up he always did. The light came on and I started to skate across the road.

"LOOK OUT!!!" I jumped at the scream and started to fall towards the sharp asphalt, my board jetting the opposite direction. My body was then hit by something hard making me and it roll away a few feet before being slammed into another hard thing this one unmovable.

Pain and bruises coursed through my body, shell I felt like I had just belly flopped on my board,  "OOOWWW!"

The thing that hit me gasped next to me and coughed like he just got the wind knocked out of him. Groaning I pushed off the ground with one arm and made sure my beanie hadn't fallen off with the other. My hand stopped as my vision cleared enough to see what was in front of me.

For a second I forgot my pain and just stared at the dark NYC baseball cap on the ground. My thoughts swam around my brain when the guy next to me chuckled, then I knew I wasn't wrong.

"Fur-tunately I was here be-fur that car could hit you." My body erupted in goose bumps as he snatched the cap away.

Not being stupid and now very grateful for my cat like abilities I managed to jump up on the curb that we had tumbled into. I crouched glaring at the dark figure before me, he was sitting up adjusting his hat but even with different clothes I knew it was the same guy that I had met at the subway station.

I glanced around the usual busy street and found nothing but a large truck speeding away. My eyes snapped back to him as he laughed again, "What's the matter, cat got your tongue?"

I growled, "Who are ya and what do ya want?!"

The street lamp nearby didn't give any help as to what he looked like I just knew that he was blond and the same guy that had  threatened me at the subway station a few days ago. He turned towards me and cocked his head, still hiding his face from view, "Fur-real you don't re-cat-nize me?"

"Of course I do! And shut up with the cat puns!" I hissed, my hand trying to find my pocket knife in my back pocket.

He sighed and rested his head in his hand casual, as if we were having a talk in the park instead of the side of the road. "No need to be hiss-sterical Tabbitha, I mean I did just save your life." He sighed.

'He's right, technically he did save my life, didn't he? Does that mean I have ta thank him?! is that what he's waiting for?' I frowned.

"Or did I?" He snickered, "I mean I could've easily hired someone to drive that truck, it would've been paw-sitively easy to do." He stopped and sat up straight with a chuckle, "Oh you weren't even thinking about that were you. Nothing purr-sonal Tabbitha but I thought that by living with a cop you would've picked up on a few things."

I scrambled back as he stood up, dusting himself off he continued, "Paw-don me, but I do get you three, oh wait four, confused. It can be a bit claw-ful to keep all of your purr-sonalities in line, if you know what I mean?"

I had to come up with a distraction. He was freaking me out with his calm but super creepy conversation, I mean he just admitted to stalking us?! I stood up and stared at him, "Seriously dude, where are ya coming up with these puns?!" 

He ticked his head, "Is that really your question?"

Where was my knife?! Did I drop it when we fell?! Dang it! I need some sort of protection!! I kept my eyes on him as my hand stayed behind my back, "Well I have a few more questions but that was the first one that came ta my mind." 

"What are you looking fur Tabbitha?" He asked stepping towards me.

My nerves shot through me and my mouth started to ramble, "See that, that right there is one of my questions! Why are ya calling me Tabbitha? I go by Teddi everyone knows that, Why don't ya?!" He took another step, "And why aren't ya telling me who you are? Huh? Is it some kind of big secret?! Are ya a Spy? Is that how ya know so much about me and my friends?!"

"Tabbitha." He taunted as he stepped closer.

"Dude I just told ya it's Teddi!" I screeched at him. I didn't have my knife, I wasn't a ninja and. . . . I almost whimpered as my back hit the wall behind me, I was cornered by a stalker?!

He froze in place one foot ready to step down almost as if someone had hit a pause button? But He then started chuckling again finishing his step he flicked a knife out, my body froze as I saw that it was my knife, "Be-fur we get started on our intera-cat-ion," He spoke now only a foot away from me, "I just thought I'd let you know that your 'distraction' was pretty claw-ful Tabbitha."

Ya know how in movies the fighting scenes go like all slow motion? Making a scene that should've only lasted ten seconds last like five full minuets of action packed screaming at the tops of yer lungs with yer friends for the hero scenes?! Making every second ya watch build adrenaline in ya until yer about ready ta pop!? Yay, guess what. . . . . FIGHTS DON'T ALWAYS GO IN SLOW MOTION!!!

Good thing I'm quick on my feet!

NYC cap lunged towards me, don't judge the name it's the only one I could come up with! I crouched down as he jammed the knife hilt deep in the brick?! That could've been my noggin!! He looked down to me eyes red. . .  smile wide. . . I screamed and rolled away as he threw a punch.

I scrambled away on fours behind a small trash can, gripping the lid I stood up and looked to NYC cap. He gasped jerking his head to the side now glaring at me no shame in hiding his face, not that I needed that reminder!! Growling he yanked the knife out, dust and brick falling away to the ground.

"Come here Tabbitha, I won't hurt you." He spoke both hands to the side.

"Liar!!" I screamed ready to shove the trash can into him.

"I said. . . . COME HERE!!!" He roared making the air around me scalding.

"NO! IF YOU WANT ME THEN YOU'LL HAVE TA GET ME CREEP!!!" I yelled defiantly the trash can holding me up.

His body jerked and twitched before he shot towards me, panicked by his sudden speed I jerked the can to soon managing to only make him stumble. Good enough for me, I thought as I booked it down the street. I heard a crash to my side and jumped away as my trash can was smashed into another building now flatter than a soda can.

"Get Back Here Cat!!!" He roared behind me.

I jerked around and saw my pink and orange miracle a few feet away, I smiled now I can use my adrenaline, "I already told ya it's Teddi, ya freak show!!!"

I scrambled to my skateboard as he ran towards me growling, wait was it just me or did NYC cap get bigger?! AND CLOSER!!! Screaming I jumped on my board as he ran past me. "GO! GO! GO! GO!" I screamed to myself kicking off the ground as fast and as hard as I could. Risking a glance back I saw that he was still chasing me but was about a block away. 

"If I make it out of this I am subscribing to every skating Youtube channel I ever watched!!" I promised the sky. Glancing back again I saw that he really was bigger and running on all fours like some sort of animal! WHO WAS THIS GUY?! I almost screamed again as I realized just how close he was catching up to me!

Looking ahead the street light turned green, aw shell no was I stopping now. . . a thought came to me and I smiled, maybe I could use this! 

As I got closer I heard my dads voice reprimanding me, "Tabbitha Styles if I ever catch you doing a stunt like that again you'll be paying for more than your current hospital bill missy!!" Hopefully dad wouldn't see me, I cringed and hopefully I won't break my leg again. 

The light went from green to yellow, but here that didn't mean slow down, that meant go faster. Jumping the side walk I reached my hands out just in time to catch hold of the bumper and trunk handle on a cab. The sudden speed almost yanked my arms out but my board soon caught up helping to relieve the pressure.

I grinned and looked back to tell NYC cap off when . . . *insert sweat drop here* HE WAS RIGHT BEHIND ME!?

"NoT faST EnoUgH TabBiTHa StyLeS!!!" His voice coming out in a growl as he ran, eyes still red as he glared happily at me.

Another thought came making me nearly cry, looking down I screamed my good byes, "I love you Mikey Hawk!"

His head jerked up confused, "WhAt?!"

Grunting I jumped on the front kicktail of my board flipping me and it up in the air. My Mikey Hawk board flew up and hit NYC cap in the chest making him stumble. Freaking out I gripped the radio antenna as my body started to slide off the trunk. Unfortunately for NYC cap he turned his face in time to eat my sneaker, now I could hold onto the lip of metal by the back window.

I watched as he stumbled and rolled on the road a few times before coming to a stop. Gasping I continued to watch as he knelt and roared out in anger, great one more evil enemy that I had officially pissed off. 

I sat there for a little while longer until the cab started to slow down to a stop. Guess my free ride was done, I slide off the trunk as the drivers door slammed open releasing a very angry spanish speaking cabby man.

"QUE FUE ESO?!" He screamed at me. I cocked my head confused, I mean I would've been more intimidated if one I hadn't just run away from a crazy red eyed animal guy and two if I wasn't taller than him. He continued yelling at me in Spanish that I still didn't understand, "Quien salta en un coche en movimiento con. . . .que te estaba persiguiendo. . . un toro? fue algun juego que juegan tus amigos adolestcentes?"He glared up at me and started his next question, "Que piensas. . . . . . . . HAY QUE SUCEDIO A MI COCHE?!!" His hands flew up to the remaining hair he had as he stared at the back of the taxi.

(if you guys Really want To know What he Is Saying here It is, Not that Teddi Understood any of it. "what was that? who jumps on a moving car with. . . what was chasing you a bull? was it some game you and your teenager friends play? what did you think. . . WHAT HAPPENED TO MY CAR?!")

Looking over to the bumper I realized just what was wrong, in the bumper were four almost five slices torn out of it; probably from NYC cap when he tripped.The cabby then turned to me and started to shake his hands in front of me while yelling out more Spanish backing me up into his cab. He started to make hand motions of money and shoved my shoulder obviously telling me to produce it. I did a quick pat down and remembered that I had a twenty in my sneaker.

I quickly took it out and threw it to him, as it fluttered away from him I ran the other direction. When he realized that it wasn't enough to repair his car he started to scream at me again. The only word I heard and understood was diablo and I am pretty sure he wasn't talking about NYC cap.

I ran between alleyways hoping to zig-zag enough to lose the cabby driver and NYC cap if he was still following me. But even a super skater chick/cat girl has to stop and catch her breath. Which is exactly what I was doing at the moment, greedily taking in air for my poor lungs. No matter how much I replayed what had just happened I couldn't take it as real?! Nothing made sense! Why did he attack me? What did I do?

Groaning I slide down to the cold concrete floor, instantly freezing my butt and tail, like I cared. . . well, I adjusted my tank top so that I sat on it too my tail curling around my middle, maybe I cared a little bit. I just couldn't think anymore, resting my head on my knees I focused on my breathing for the next few minutes. Well, no point in staying here and waiting for NYC cap to find me.

Standing back up my knees and rear screamed out in protest, stretching I made myself a new rule: After being chased by a maniac don't sit in a fetal position on freezing cold concrete for more than a minuet.

I stiffened as I heard a scuffle coming from behind me, balling up my hands I whipped around and found. . . . nothing. I quickly whipped myself around in a full circle, seeing nothing. No red eyed NYC cap. No stray cat. No purple dragons. No drunks. No angry Spanish driver. Nothing.

"HI TEDDI!!!"  I screamed and punch at the voice behind me.

"Whoo, careful karebear!" Opening my eyes I was met with Mikeys' orange surrounded blue eyes. He smiled up from his ducked position, "Nice punch though!"

I was taunted, attacked, chased, yelled at, and frozen. . . . . apparently a compliment from Mikey was just too much for my body to handle. Screaming I lunged forward knocking Mikey and me over as I squeezed him to me.

"Teddi?! Hey what's wrong karebear? Please don't cry, please." I shook my head and continued my sobbing fest in his, was he wearing a scarf? I sniffed seeing the blurry orange scarf I closed my eyes and held tighter as his own arms engulfed me. "I didn't mean ta scare ya! Please karebear don't cry. I promise I'll never do that again!" Mikey shivered trying to apologize.

I shook my head, "Not----yer----fault." I managed to mumble.

He stiffened suddenly, "Who did it." He asked, anger building inside him. I squeezed a few more tears out and ducked my head under his chin. I didn't need him to be angry and go punch someone, I shivered and I sure as shell didn't need him looking for NYC cap!

After a second I felt his arms curl up around me, one around my shoulders and the other gently rubbing my back, "Sorry karebear, ya just need a hug right now don't ya." All I could do was nod and be grateful for having Mikey there instead of one of the others. . . . Not that they would be hugging me like this!

"Hey do ya want ta go home Teddi?" I shook my head, "Want ta go ta the lair?" I shook my head again, He chuckled, "Want me ta just stay here?" I nodded.

He sighed and hugged me tight, "Okay we'll stay here but not fer too long, my shell is freezing!" I couldn't help but giggle.

"What?! Was that, did I just hear a giggle?" Biting back a smile I shook my head, He whined, "But I like yer giggle Teddi."

"No." I said shaking my head again.

He thought for a second before responding, "Don't make me make ya giggle." He threatened.

My smile broke, "Mikey!" I whined.

"I'll do it, don't think I won't." I giggled again as he gently and playfully poked my ribs.

"Okay I give, I giggled."

"Ha! The truth comes out and I am victorious!" He said smiling at me.

"Wasn't that from a game?" I asked.

He shrugged and taking part of his scarf started to wipe my tears away, "Maybe, could've been from a movie too. Maybe Space heroes? Leo watched that a LOT, and used to quote it too and during missions?!" He asked confused. 

I smiled and letting another tear fall down, Mikey wiped that one too, "There's that pretty Teddi smile!" He grinned. 

Sighing I hugged him again, "Thanks Mikey."

"Fer what karebear?"

"Fer being you."

"I always will be!" He chuckled hugging tighter, "Hey ya ready ta head out?"

"Yeah, we better go ta the lair. . . I have something important ta tell everyone."

"Hey," Mikey spoke now standing up, "I meant what I said."

"About what?" I asked curious as he helped me up.

Blushing he hesitated before smiling, "Nice punch." 

At that my emotions broke,  I laughed as we made our way to a sewer lid and to the lair. Everything would be okay, right? It had to be.


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