We Totally Deserve This

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(Have any guesses as to what is happening?!?I would love to Hear from you! Oh and Shout out for Whoever Loves this Great movie (Which isn't Mine unfortunately)!!!

Quick note: Better be careful Little jewels, and make Sure you are eating good and Healthy!! Just follow the Four basic food groups if you are Confused here they are: Candy, Candy Canes, Candy Corn and most importantly Syrup ;D

Lilly's pov

"Okay thanks Teddi, we'll see you soon!" Serina whispered before putting her phone with my collar and leash in the bag we had hidden down here. She then turned to me and smiled in relief. "Teddi said that everything is still going as planned, and that Venus would be here in a few hours to help out. Teddi also said that she and Mikey would be the last to come, they're going to spend the day skating."

"So," Walking backwards in front of Serina I asked, "What time exactly?"

"She said, move left, at about seven we were to go." I moved around the junk on the floor and continued to look at her.

"Do they need anything?"

"Not really, go right. But the way Teddi sounded on the phone. . . Move left, your other left!" I jerked over, missing a few pipes and continued as Serina rolled her eyes.

"What?! I like talking face to face with people."

She chuckled, "Yeah I know, but you could do that in a safer place."

"Like the lair is any safer, what which the ninja stars and skate boards and crap around, Nah I'd rather risk my life,"

"Move right." I adjusted, "Out here in the sewers then in there." She smiled at me as we continued forward/backward to the lair, she would tell me which direction to move every few minuets but other than that we just stayed silent. I was still shaken by what had happened that morning, it was all to freaky, and way too coincidental making me believe more and more that it was a set up. I wonder who told April about the drop off?

"I'm worried about Teddi." My thoughts were cut off, I looked back over to Serina and felt my head cock in confusion along with hers, she sighed, "She just sounded off on the phone, and when I asked about it she said she'd tell me later. . ."

"Hey don't worry too much," I grinned, "She'll be with Mikey soon anyways."

Serina chuckled, "Yeah no kidding, when she's around him her energy level rises to a hundred."

"Yeah and his to a thousand!"

"I know, I didn't even think that was possible?! Did you?"

I laughed at her exaggerated facial expression of disbelief, her blue eyes popping out with her ears flopping up beside them. She smiled and waited for me to finish laughing, "Turn around we're here."

I felt my smile soften as I looked into the lair; Donnie's lab and garage were over to the left, living room in front middle with their rooms in the back and the kitchen off to the right side with the dojo. So many good memories here, I loved the lair, but I especially loved the people in it. I walked down the steps with Serina behind me reminding me of when we first met. And how we ended up talking in the kitchen becoming instant friends.

(sorry I know the Picture is kind of Turned around, Sorry)

"Hey, Don't forget." Serina whispered before speed walking to Donnie's lab. She was so not wasting a second more to get to him, I smiled but before I could move a deep voice came shooting, hitting me up with goose bumps all the way to the tips of my ears and tail.

"Are you here for some tea Miss Lilly Connors." My smile froze as I turned around to Master Splinter standing silently by the dojo.

"Yes sir, sounds great!" He nodded before stiffly walking to the kitchen, slumping my shoulders I groaned before following him. Leo came out from the dojo and leaned against the doors watching us. I gave him a pleading look, but he just smiled, He was enjoying this?! He gave a wink before shooing me lightly with his hand. I glared as his smile turned into a smirk of pride.

For the next hour I sat under the scrutinizing eyes of Splinter, then I stayed sitting and shriveling as he then gave me a talk about honor that then turned into the birds and the bees talk!? What did I do to deserve this?!

Donnie's Pov

"Steady. . . . Steady Donatello only need one drop. . . . Just one." I sighed relieved as the tiny drop of mutagen fell in the solution. I sat back pushing my goggles up and watched it bubble orange before growing darker until it was a dark green. Perfect!

"Donnie?" I tensed up, "Sorry I didn't know if you were done or. . . "

I felt myself smile at my Sunshine's voice of worry, "It's no trouble, Sunshine I'm actually don--" I kicked the floor to spin around in my chair and then out of my chair at what I saw. My Sunshine was in a little black dress, with her hair down?! She's beautiful.

I clunked my shoulder against the foot of the chair as I fell, "Ouch!" Groaning I sat up rubbing the growing soreness.

"Shell Donnie?! Are you okay?" My muscles tensed up as she crouched in front of me putting a hand over mine making my face heat up in response.

"Hehehe, Never better." I croaked out, she gave me a funny look her hair cascading past her shoulders in a beautiful golden wave. Though I probably did look strange with smoky green, orange and black smudges all over me and my brown apron, with my large micro-goggles strapped on my head. Smiling I laced our fingers together, "I always feel better with you around, Sunshine."

She blushed putting her other hand over her mouth as she smiled, I loved doing that, making her blush, "You're such a dork." She giggled.

"But I'm your dork right?" I asked teasingly as I sat up closer to her.

"My one and only, come on and tell me what you were doing." Moving back a little she stood up with me. I felt my hand grow cold as she moved to get the other chair. Wheeling it back over to the table she smiled nodding at me to talk.

I waited until she was sitting next to me and holding my hand again before I went to explain, "I'm making some more pain reliever, all I have to do now is wait for it to cool down, then I have to put it in the mixer once more before it goes back into the medicine bottles. Now your turn, why are you wearing that?" She raised an eyebrow and I quickly responded, "Not that you look bad, on the contrary you'd probably make most models quit their jobs because of how beautiful you look."

Giggling Serina nudged my arm, "You didn't have to lay it on so thick."

"But it made you smile." I grinned as she leaned on my arm putting her other hand over both of ours.

"Shell I can't wait to marry you." My face heated up, as I was reminded of the ring in her left hand the one I was holding.

I just smiled and leaned my head on hers, "Almost there."

She sighed but didn't speak, "So about your dress?" Still nothing, I waited a few minuets before my curiosity got me again, "Rina?" I felt her stiffen, I pulled away concerned by how cold she seemed to have gotten, "Sunshine is something wrong?"

She looked down at the floor hiding behind her hair as she continued to grasp my hand. I didn't know really what to do when she got like this, sad and frustrated but not wanting to tell anyone. She would shut her thoughts away until she thought it was okay to tell, but in the process she would be the one to get hurt. I usually would feel useless, but I did know one thing that helped her in these times.

I lay my other hand behind her elbow giving it a small pull, making her move closer to me. Sliding my other hand away I put it under her right knee, being as gently and as firmly as I could I pulled her the rest of the way on my lap. Her hands lay under her chin as she snuggled into my chest. I smiled at her warmth and embraced her closer, laying my face in her golden locks the faint smell of lavender and mint her favorite.

My face flushed as she sighed the cool draft flowing over my skin as she buried her nose under my jaw, "Your hugs are the best Donnie," She giggled, "Just don't tell Mikey." I chuckled nodding as I cuddled her closer to me. We stayed like that for a while, I didn't mind I needed a break anyways, and this was one good break.

I thought everything was okay until I felt her shiver, it was very slight, but I felt it. What was worse was that I knew that it wasn't from being cold. Clearing my throat I asked, "Rina? Can you please tell me what is wrong? I want to help you, please Sunshine?"

I heard her breath in and giving me one more nudge she moved away. I could now see her dark sapphire eyes looking up at me, her blond hair perfectly framing heart shaped face, "Donnie I. . . . " Her eyes went from nervous to soft, her hands resting between my neck and shoulders.

"Donnie," I felt my heart thump heavily in my chest, on instinct I tightened my arms around her our face mere centimeters from touching, "I. . . I. . . I love you!" She then smashed her lips to mine. I kissed her back quickly, reaching one hand up I started to entangle my fingers in her soft locks during the fervent kisses with my love.

I thought I knew what love was, I thought I loved April and I did but in a whole different way.  When I first met Serina I knew she was something special, I didn't realize that my feelings of amazement would grow for her. I didn't think that we would or even could be anything more than friends. As our adventures continued and as we grew closer together, I realized that I didn't want to just be friends with her but that I didn't want to be parted from her either.

She knew how to make me smile, how to comfort me, she made me feel stronger and I in turn knew how to help her smile, how to give her strength and how to comfort her. I loved the jokes we shared, the memories, even the heart ache and arguments after time made me love her more. She was strong, smart, dependable, kind and she loved me in return.

I kissed her once more before pulling away to catch my breath, I leaned my head against hers. I then felt her fingering my mask fins, tickling my scalp I opened my eyes and I smiled at what I saw. Her eyes were still closed but her cheeks were flushed bright pink, she was biting her bottom lip as she smiled, "I love you too, my Sunshine."

She opened her smiling eyes and kissed my cheek, "Thank you Donatello." Letting her head rest on my shoulder one arm hugging me around the neck the other brushing my fins, "I will tell you what is bugging me, but not right now, I'm enjoying this too much."

Chuckling I hugged back, "Me too."

Lilly's pov

(Okay Guys I totally DID NOT do this part right. It's confusing and weird, and I'm going to fix it. . . . later. . . . right now just skim this Lilly pov part over and again sorry if it's weird. . . .) 

I pounded my head once more on the table top, Splinter had finished his speech and had left about twenty minuets ago. But I was feeling so humiliated and guilty that I had spent that time repeatedly smashing my good for nothing brain into the table. I should've just stayed silent but I just had to go and make a few comments didn't I?! I growled, and banged my head once more trying to make the recent memories go away but they didn't.

"You know what you did wrong." Master Splinter said as he stood up from the table, still not breaking eye contact with me.

I on the other hand couldn't help but break eye contact as I nervously looked down to the untouched tea in my hands, "Yes sensei."

"And you will not allow that to happen, in those circumstances, again?" His voice never wavering.

"Yes sensei." 

"Good," He started to walk away and just as I thought it okay to relax he left me with one more great thought, "I do not wish to be a grandfather any day soon, Miss Connors. Remember  to honor ."

Just remembering that phrase made me pound my head once more into the already bruised and carved table top. Why did Master Splinter have to bring all of that up?! I was SO not thinking about any of that!! Well maybe the wedding part, cause what girl doesn't think of her big day. But that doesn't mean me and Raph were being. . . . UGH! I shouted out in disgust and nerves, I needed to do something to get these awkward thoughts out of my poor brain.

I saw movement out of the corner of my eye, turning I found a very precarious pile of boxes and bags high on top of a turtle that looked a lot like Venus?! Thank heavens a distraction! I jumped up and scurried over quickly taking the top half of her burden, "Thanks Lilly, where are the others?!" She whispered while shifting the weight around.

"Leo is meditating in his room, Serina is with Donnie in the lab, you know where Teddi and Mikey are but Raph and Splinter I have no idea where they are." I tried to whisper back.

I could now at least see her head without so many boxes piled on, she pointed her head one way then slowly the other. She did it once more with her eyes closed before looking back at me with a small smile, "Splinter is with Raph in the dojo, but I can't tell what they are doing?"

I shrugged, "That's okay, let's just get out of here!"

"Right!" And with that we ran and stumbled away to up top.

Teddi's pov

"YEAH YA GO MIKESTAR!!!" I watched as Mikey went off the opposite side of the half pipe spinning 540* so that he landed going backwards to the other side. I watched excitement billowing inside me, Come on! Come on Michelangelo! He kicked the ground making him shoot up the other side with enough power to do a front flip off his board and. . . . LAND BACK ON IT!? 

I went wild, shouting at the top of my lungs I went down to meet him, "YES!!! Mikey!? That was AWESOME!!!!" as I got closer to him my smile grew to laughter as I saw his own star struck smile.

"I DID IT!!" Jumping off his moving board he scooped me off mine in a huge moving hug. It took all I had just to hug him back as he jump and spun us around!

"LOOK OUT!?" I squealed as I saw his skateboard coming back to us, Oh crud! He shouted out in surprise with me as his body lurched forward landing on top of me. Now I love turtle hugs as much as the next girl, but this was way too much, "OW! Mikey get off!" 

"Sorry Karebear," Pushing himself up I could now see his face under the hoodie, I stared confused as his smile grew, "sorry but that---- that was---" He snorted before succumbing to uncontrollable laughter.

I chuckled, "Why are ya laughing so hard?"

"I don't- - - Know!?" Tipping over he landed on his shell still laughing, his loud deep chuckles were so contagious that I soon followed. I felt a buzz in my front pocket, pulling my phone out with one hand, the other whipping away my joyful tears, I read the group message from Venus.

V: Iku!

I saw Lilly typing something a few seconds later: Um, I'm hoping that was the word for go?

V: No, Duh.

LT: Thanks for that, really appreciate the sass!

"Hey who is it?" Mikey asked bringing me back to the present.

I snickered and pocketed my phone as I got up on my knees, "That was Venus, think we should go back ta the lair now?" I asked now standing up.

He smiled up at me, "Sure thing Karebear! Besides I need to tell L.T. all about my flip!" Jumping up we started our walk back to the lair. I bounced next to Mikey as he relived his flip again, saying how cool it was to go backwards and the flip forwards.

"I think the coolest thing was landing on the board! Shell that was AWESOME!!" He was jumping around the sewers laughter ringing out in joyful echoes around us. We soon made it to the lair just as the others were gathering around in the living room. I smiled as Donnie came in walking next to Serina she sent me a wink which I sent back. I turned to the side as Master Splinter, Leo and a very tired looking Raph came into the room as well. Lilly and Venus stood by the couch waiting.

"Hi guys!" I yelled as me and Mikey entered the room.

"Hey Minx, what's going on? Leo said that you needed us here?!" Raph huffed next to Splinter.

Lilly smiled and turned to Venus nodding, Venus turned to us and grinned, 'get ready to run up girls.'  She mentally sent us, she then took her hand out from behind her back to show three marbles in-between her fingers. I stiffened ready to do what was needed, but mostly to get out of the way. 

"Venus what-----" Donnie's question was stopped as Venus threw her arm back and huffed the stones into the two light switches, covering us up in darkness. I bolted to the middle barely making out a small turtle figure before it threw down another stone this one breaking apart providing the perfect smoke cover for our get away!

HAHAHAHAHAHA!! You all thought I Would stop my Story there?!?!? Freak no I'm Not that mean!! But I have been Wanting to do that for a while, Just for the Heck of it!! Okay back to the LONGEST chappy ever!!!!! Really hope you all like it I'm at 3000 words already!!!!????!!!!

Leo's Pov

I jumped forward to the living room a few seconds after the lights went out and ran into the remnants of the smoke bomb. I growled a few seconds too late?!

"What the Shell was that about?!" Raph sputtered roaring out my own thoughts.

I coughed out the smoke as Don and Splinter turned the lights back on, Mikey stood on the other side of the couch looking around in confusion before pointing to me, "What's that?"

I looked around and saw a piece of paper flutter to the ground, snatching it before it touched the ground I started to read it, "Wonder how long it takes a group of ninjas to figure out where we've gone? Only one clue: Where in the lair could we be? Come and get us!"

"Again. What The Shell?!" Raph said coming over and taking the paper from my hand rereading it.

"No kidding, wonder where they are?" Don pondered his eyes searching the room, I could almost see his brain working.

"Well what are we waiting for, let's go find them!" Mikey shouted, running towards the kitchen.

"They did challenge us." Raph smirked cracking his knuckles before charging off to the garage.

I shrugged to Don, Master Splinter smiled and nodded as we ran off in different directions looking for the girls. We spent the next thirty minuets running around the lair and searching all the rooms before we circled back to the living room again.

"Where could they be, we've looked everywhere?" I asked .

"Yeah dude, every single room!" Mikey huffed his eyes still looking around searching for anything we might've missed, along with Don who was leaning against the couch.

"We've check every plausible area?! They are either not in the lair or they keep moving as we are checking rooms?!" Don shook his head.

"But they said they were in the lair?!" Raph said coming from the dojo.

"Hmmm." Master Splinter hummed thoughtfully before chuckling.

"What's so funny?" Raph questioned.

"We have not checked everywhere." He then looked up, I followed his gaze to the spiral stairs that lead to the upstairs storage. . . . With out wasting anymore time we each jumped up to the top. I got there first shoving the top, that we never put on, away from view. We each piled rapidly in to the room and. . . .

I looked around the decorated room in confusion, there were streamers of blue, red, maroon, orange, and purple covering the low ceiling. A table sat in the corner with punch and plates of treats, pizza boxes and Ice Cream Kitty who waved over at us. I turned around and saw that at the other end the whole wall was piled with boxes neatly wrapped and stacked.

"SUPRISE!!!" I jumped and grabbed Mikey's hand keeping him from falling back down as the girls with April and Casey all jumped out from behind the boxes, "HAPPY MUTATION DAY!!!!!"

We stared each of them stood bouncing in anticipation, "Uh Guys?" Casey started, "It is your mutation day right?!"

"SHELL YEAH!!!!" Mikey then bolted yanking my hand away, as he went to hug each of the girls. I shook my head, we had completely forgotten our own Mutation Day?

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to the proud and happy Master Splinter, "Happy Mutation Day, you all deserve this," he then turned and looked at each of the others with a grin, "My Sons."

I felt myself relax and grin with them all, Teddi then jumped forward and with a remote for the radio in hand yelled, "Let's Get This Party Started!!!!" And we did.

(How do you all think That Went!? I loved Writing it!! I had a blast, although it took me so flipping long to do so!? But I regret nothing!!! Love you Guys hope you like this Chappy Next one coming real soon!!!! Promise!! oh and if you have any comments, I am all Ears, Thank you again!!!)

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