Well . . . That Was Unexpected?

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(Little Jewels I am so happy to Be Writing here again!! You all HAVE NO IDEA how flippin busy I've been this last week sheesh But I am Back and super excited to get back to Writing!! Oh and to get us started on some good vibes!! I found this great joke!! "Roses are red, pizza is too! I ordered a large and none of it is for you!!" Love it!! Okay one more and then the chappy!! Here you go!! Also please read A/N at bottom!! thanks!! oh and I do not own any of These lovely Pictures all of them were pulled from google! ThAnKs GoOgLe!!)

Serinas' Pov

"Not to be a bother, " April mumbled.

"But you will!" I huffed once more annoyed at how pushy they were being.

"Well then could you hurry up!" She shrieked struggling even more, hitting me in the back of the head.

"SHHHHH!!! Did you forget where we are!?" I elbowed the red head behind me and got a growl from Lilly. I turned my head as best as I could and realized I had hit her right in the nose, I grimaced, "Sorry."

But seriously I still couldn't believe that I was the only one who thought to defend myself at least a little bit?! And my hands were tied, how did they expect me to get us out with out help?!We had been duped and now our only chance to get out was my small tiny pocket knife that I couldn't get too because twiddle dee and twiddle dum couldn't move or help me to get it!! and my hands were tied did I mention that my hands were tied!? (opps! I Started in the Wrong place didn't I?! Well let me take You Jewels back to the beginning Of this chappy shall I?!) 

Rewinding. . . .

Loading. . .

Eating. . . . cause I'm hungry. . .

Okay, I'll stop.

I walked into the alleyway that Aprils' source had told her about supposedly there was another foot base in the building in the corner of South street and Clinton? Maybe, it could be Rutgers or Pike? We didn't really know where it was all we knew, well all that April was able to get was that one of the boss men was waiting for a shipment today, a brief case from Russia to be precise, full of who knows what! But this brief case was going to be handed to Karai, aka: the new Shredder, and supposedly she would get it tonight.

Honestly we still didn't know if the old Shredder was completely gone yet. . . I shivered, I sure hoped so I didn't think I would be able to do this if he came instead of Karai! I jumped as Lilly brushed up against me she looked up at me and cocked her head. I nodded as we continued to walk/sneak around, not knowing where this place is made this undercover idea very difficult!

I mean we knew everything to how to get in the place, who was going to be there to what was going to be given! But we didn't know which building it was in?! If I didn't know any better I would've said that this was some sort of trap! I huffed annoyed and glance over to Lilly, She was wearing a very expensive looking collar with diamond studs in a thick gold casing with a gold chain matching her golden eyes, luckily Lilly was bigger than an average dog so she could pull off the rich exotic wolf look.

I was in my little black dress that reached to about two inches above the knee. It was one sleeved and the fabric looked swooped up making creases that was able to my bunny tail and hide a pocket knife, right above my left hip, very easily. Hey I'm a cop here, never go anywhere unarmed. My hair and specifically ears were pulled back with a gold silk headband to match my gold make up (Note to self: Thank Teddi and Lilly for the wedding tutorials) and my long golden, recently painted, boots.

"Do you smell anything L.T?" She huffed a no and continued walking down the alleyway, a breath of air came from my nose before I gently touched the headband, "What about you Apes, anything?"

"Nothing yet, but then again with this infrared scanner I have to be on the actual building. Give me a minuet." Her voice rang out on my hidden earpiece, I heard her huffing before grunting from a jump, I snickered.

"Having trouble there Red?"

"Shut it Lane, I haven't done this stuff in like two months?! Give me a break." I chuckled and continued along with Lilly. We came to the end of the alley way and looked around but found nothing really, well Aprils' scanner went berserk for a few seconds before going back to normal, but that just set me more on guard. We then went up Rutgers without any interference and of course it was that last possible corner in Pike! Karma, I guess for hiding those files from Peterson the other day.

"I've got something in this one!" I nodded as April told us which direction to go to. Lilly stood up straight and glanced around the area with her eyes still searching, just in case me too for that matter as I came up to the side door.

I took a breath and silently said a few words in Russian to get the accent back down, "Glavnaya. lyublyu. mir. Yuvelirnyye izdeliya." Lilly looked up at me funny, "Mom liked summers in Russia, and sometimes early fall, less tourists." She nodded and went back into character.

I breathed out one more word, "Mir." Before opening the door, we walked down a little way before I caught the camera in the far right corner, I rolled my eyes and smacked the wall three times before saluting the camera, and rolled my eyes again more out of annoyance than anything.

"Be careful you two, I can't exactly see everything in there." Aprils nervous voice crack through.

I cleared my throat and smirked, "Ve'll be fine comrade."  

(Okay quick question!!!! So I was told that Raphs' Words sounded Weird, And frankly I Totally agree. It's hard to read and about the same difficulty to write too!! so Would it be better If I wrote his more normal? Or like Teddis' with only a little accent? or What? Idk, but I would really like your opinion, I frankly am probs Going to Go with the second option and just do little touches here and There. Well there is my note! Here's the Chappy!!!)

"Okay that was super cool!"

I grinned and continued the walk with Lilly down the low light corridor. My butterflies came back, something was wrong? Just as I thought that Lilly yanked herself from my grasp and charged down the hall to one of the doors. She broke the door down and leapt in snarling. I raced after her and stopped in the door way smiling, and cocking my hip one way holding the brief case with it as I saw a foot ninja face down under Lilly.

"Release." I ordered her, she nodded and walked backwards towards me. The foot stood up and I had to contain my whole being to not shudder at the logo and costume. "Foolish ninja. Thinking you could attack me."He brushed himself off and nodded his head as he walked calmly past us indicating for us to follow. I glanced at Lilly she switched her eyes, a nervous tick she had but I was glad I wasn't the only one feeling that something wasn't right.

After a few minuets we arrived at a large and darker room, it was big enough to hold two maybe three dump trucks, with cross beams in the ceiling not that I could see them all that well. The foot ninja stood off to the side as we entered. I waited for more to happen but nothing did. I frowned and turned to the ninja, he snorted and disappeared into the darkness not making another sound. Lilly's hair stood up a low growl building inside her, now something was definitely wrong.

Suddenly all of the surrounding lights went black, my instincts kicked in and I went back to back with Lilly, "Vat is going on here?!"

A hackle went around the room, followed by a deep mans' chuckle, I froze, 'no, not him, he has to be dead!?'

"Foolish girl. Thinking you could trick me." My breathing hitched, my body felt like I could be attack by any side, my eyes desperately searched the darken almost black room, trying with all the hope that I could muster to confirm that my fears weren't real.

"That little box you have does not hold anything, does it?" I tried to point out where his voice was coming from but I just couldn't, I was too scared!

Was this a test? I had to try, "I vas told to bring it here! I do not know vat is in it?!"

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk." The voice sighed, I shuddered and jerk away from the harsh voice. "Drop the accent Serina Rose Lane."

Lilly snarled behind me and by her now taller form I could tell she was in silver mode. "My what a temper your companion has, maybe I should take care of her."

"You leave her alone you Scrap yard!" I yelled out defiant but shaking to my toes.

I almost covered my ears as his horrible laughter rang through out the room, "I love that one, you will make this new. . . position very interesting Rina." I froze, "Oh looks like I struck a cord!" He sang out, "Is that what your friends call you? No, not just friends maybe a certain reptile boyfriend of yours."

I boiled over, "Don't you dare call me that, You piece of----"

"Ahhh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Swears are really unbecoming of you Rina, I've heard enough of them from you." I heard him walking around but because of the echo I couldn't really tell where he was, "Besides I would much rather learn more about your friends here, you know specifically why this friend," A light went beside us showing April struggling before being able to rip the cloth off her mouth and spitting, "was trying to scan into this building and then get in? Ha the nerve!" 

April whipped her head around, "Show yourself coward!"

He chuckled happily "Gladly."  I jumped when a pair of lights went off on the other side of the room, barely showing that outline of a man sitting down in a chair. He calmly faced us with his hands resting on his lap, and if I could see him clearly I would say that he was wearing a smirk of accomplishment, which just ticked me off more.

"Well we would've been introduced earlier but," He froze not moving for a few seconds, like he had just cut himself off. What the shell just happened?

Confused I waited for this piece of crap to start talking again, while waiting I signaled Lilly to go to April while I backed her up. His shoulders relaxed after a few minuets, I smiled on the inside relieved that Lilly had almost made it to April, "But there were some complications. . . . " Did he just pick up where he left off? He hummed thoughtfully and continued, "Like the complications you and your friends are going to be in, specifically those two If you know what I am meaning detective?"

What? I jerked around and searched Lilly and April and what I saw made me want to smack my head, a trip wire!! I ran for it thinking that maybe if I got to Lilly we she could avoid it?! Then April screamed, "NO SERINA, WAIT!!!"

"Too Late." I grumbled as Lilly and I stumbled not only over one but three to five different trip wires landing softly on our red head. But we didn't have time to move because as soon as we all touched the ground we were then lifted up into the air a few feet. April was behind me trying unsuccessfully to move away from us and Lilly was slowly being curled into a ball of claws and snarls, I had one arm trapped against me and one arm dangling from the ropes.

I heard clapping and tried  to turn my head as best as I could just in time to see the scumbag stand up and walk towards us, "Now that was too much fun! Don't you think ladies?!" The lights dimmed as he came closer to us making it more difficult to see the man before us, gratefully though I could already tell that it wasn't the Shred-head, just by the way he spoke and looked.

"Let us go you. . . YOU IDIOT!!" April shouted behind me.

I looked over my shoulder hardly making out the red hair as I retorted, "Really 'Idiot', that is the best you can come with?" She huffed.

"I must agree with Rina on this one, I'm not the Idiot in this situation. Although I guess I was a bit premature calling you a detective and all wasn't I, Cop Lane." The man said spitting out the words Cop and Detective now only a few feet away.

My muscles clenched, "Oh! Okay since you know everything, then I guess it wouldn't be much of a surprise to know that you are a butt-head and would be more likeable if that stupid hole in you face wasn't making so much frigging noise!! DO YOU EVER SHUT UP!!"

His stature harden, he breathed out and bent down picking up the brief case, "Just as I thought Light as a feather nothing in here at all."

"I can still hear you, Gosh you're making me feel more stupid, Can you just shut it or is that too hard of a task for you!?"

"Well it wasn't much of a task getting a Cop caught, of course with words and thoughts like those it's no wonder you haven't been promoted. Right Rina."

That Was It!!! Using my one free arm and all of our body weights I jerked us forward and grabbed the case from him. His grip hardened which was what I wanted. I grinned, "Maybe your ears don't work very well. But I told you to stop calling me THAT!!"

He tried jerking the case away but I wasn't done, I was now in his stupid face in front of his stupid grey eyes and I couldn't stop now, "And this brief case does have a use,"

He jerked once more but I held on, "THIS!" Using the rest of my anger I gripped the handle and flung it upwards knocking that hard plastic case in his stupid dumb face!

He stumbled back letting the case slide across the ground. He crouched holding his face with one hand, I felt victorious that is until he looked up again. His eyes which, even in the dark I could tell they were a light grey, were now a murderous red color. He growled harder than any growl I had ever heard come from Lilly.

"You will pay for that!" He Snarled taking step towards us, the air grew hot but as suddenly as it came it left. The man jerked to a stop and cleared his throat, "But another time perhaps." He straightened up and before I knew it he had yanked out my other arm and had tied them both off, "Don't worry, " He said walking away, "The real Foot will be here soon to pick you all up."

And then he was gone just like that?! Nothing not a sound, but a far off door slamming shut, "What. . . The. . . Shell?!" April hollered swinging us again, "You just had to go and do that didn't you?!"

"WHAT?! You're blaming me for this?!" I tried turning around but was reminded that my hands were still tied up in front of me on the outside?!!

"YES! If you had just listened to me, we wouldn't be all caught up! And then none of us would be in this situation?!"

"GREAT, now you're blaming me AND coping him!?"

"Well At Least I Didn't Listen to him! 'Go save your friends! oh and by the way could you just run into my trap while you're AT IT!!"


I was suddenly shoved, the ropes now digging into my face and body now offering now possible way to move even breath, "Both of you cut it out or so help me I will stay in human form until the Foot come!!"

Lilly stayed like that for a few more seconds, "Good now think. How are we going to get out of here?" After a second Lilly whined and shivered back to dog, Me and April groaned out as a hard drowsy sleep hit us, probably from being so close to Lilly when she changed, a thing I was so not doing again.

"Please don't shift around me again L.T? Man that hurt, I'm going to have a headache for a week."

"Not as big as the headache I'll have." I muttered but was silenced by Lilly growling, "Right back to work, anybody have a weapon?"

Silence, I groaned, now I would have to get my knife?!

~~~~~~ about 40 minuets later

"Not to be a bother, " April mumbled.

"But you will!" I huffed once more annoyed at how pushy they were being.

"Well then could you hurry up!" She shrieked struggling even more, hitting me in the back of the head.

"SHHHHH!!! Did you forget where we are!?" I elbowed the red head behind me and got a growl from Lilly. I turned my head as best as I could and realized I had hit her right in the nose, I grimaced, "Sorry."

But seriously I still couldn't believe that I was the only one who thought to defend myself at least a little bit?! And my hands were tied, how did they expect me to get us out with out help?!We had been duped and now our only chance to get out was my small tiny pocket knife that I couldn't get too because twiddle dee and twiddle dum couldn't move or help me to get it!! and my hands were tied did I mention that my hands were tied!? 

I jerked to the side as my side was tickled, "Lilly?!" She grumbled but poked again, I looked down and saw that she was now in the perfect position to get the knife!! I held as still as I could which honestly wasn't very good until she could get it.

She stopped poking me and yipped, I glanced back and saw the knife in her mouth, "Nice one Lilly, hand it to me." April said, she looked over to me and shrugged, "Hey I am closer and can move my hands better."

I didn't argue, and soon we were all free, okay not too soon remember I had a SMALL pocket knife it took us about ten minuets with Lillys' claws and my tiny knife. We dropped down and all of our ninja training kicked in leading us out. Seeing as how we were closer to the roof we went that way instead.

And of course we had only gotten two roof away when something else happened, "I would watch the show if I were you." I jerked to a stop along with the others, we huddled up and searched for him.

My anger boiled as he laughed, "Oh you won't find me girls, but I did think that you might want to see just what you were up against. . . just watch."

Suddenly the air dropped, I looked around but saw nothing until something moved by the bridge, a purple light was slowly surrounding the support beams, snaking it's way up. I froze, it was going to take it out!? It was almost rush hour too!! The cars above had no Idea that they were about to become rubble! April screamed as the light became too intense to watch, the world boomed and the air stilled.

Afraid of what I would find I peaked one eye open, "Huh?" April asked behind me, that was my question too, cause nothing happened. The cars and people were still driving or walking across the bridge. All of the support beams were still there too?!

"Well that was. . . ." April started.

"Unexpected?" I finished. I shook my head and turned to them both, "We should get going," I shook my head and sighed tired as I torn my tight head band away, "I can't even handle this anymore."

They just nodded as we continued home and to the only normal place in New York. Man I needed a Donnie hug, bad.

A/N ~~~~~~~~~~MORE GLITTER!!!!!!!!

YOU GUYS ARE SO COOL!!!!! I just saw (silly me I know) That My last book Had gotten 33.5k Reads?!?! HOLY SHNICKY GUYS THAT IS SO COOL!!!! and 1.2k Votes!!!! Thank you so much for Reading my books!! I am so happy That I was Able to write you all Something that is not only Fun for me to Write but apparently fun for You all too!! Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! you are all so Kind to take Time and write me and Read my books!! thank you for everything!! Hope you Enjoyed this Chappy!! Love you Little Jewels!!

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